Bleedout Duration Customizer
Dragon32 Sep 3, 2017 @ 5:30am
INI values from Melancholia's "BleedOutMod"
Melancholia's said:
No longer active and I don't own WoTC.

I agree with Dragon32. -bg- is a quality modder and I'd suggest you use his Bleedout Duration Customizer if it does indeed work with WoTC.

Here's an edited XComGame.ini with the timeout values from the BleedOutMod:
[BleedoutDurationCustomizer.X2DownloadableContentInfo_BleedoutDurationCustomizer] DLCIdentifier="BleedoutDurationCustomizer" [BleedoutDurationCustomizer.X2Ability_BleedoutListener] ; duplicating values from BleedOut Mod. ;BLEEDOUT_MIN_TURNS=4 BLEEDOUT_MIN_TURNS=3 ;BLEEDOUT_MAX_TURNS=4 BLEEDOUT_MAX_TURNS=5 ;BLEEDOUT_STAYWITHME_ADD_TURNS_MIN=0 BLEEDOUT_STAYWITHME_ADD_TURNS_MIN=1 ;BLEEDOUT_STAYWITHME_ADD_TURNS_MAX=0 BLEEDOUT_STAYWITHME_ADD_TURNS_MAX=1 +SoldierTemplate=Soldier

And XComGameCore.ini
[XComGame.X2StatusEffects] ;These values are lifted directly from the BleedOutMod. Its words: ; Vanilla XCOM Bleedout Chances: ; (without Stay With Me upgrade): ; 50 Will and below: 0% chance to bleed out. ; +1% Bleedout chance per Will above 50. ; 4 turn Bleedout timer. ; (with Stay With Me upgrade): ; 50 Will and below: 0% chance to bleed out. ; +2% Bleedout chance per Will above 50. ; 4 turn Bleedout timer. ; Modified Bleedout Chances: (customisable) ; (without Stay With Me upgrade): ; Bleedout has a base chance of 25%. ; +0.50% Bleedout chance per Will above 0. ; 3-5 turn Bleedout timer. ; (with Stay With Me upgrade): ; Bleedout has a base chance of 33.3%. ; +0.67% Bleedout chance per Will above 0. ; 4-6 turn Bleedout timer. BLEEDOUT_BASE=-50 ;50 ;This amount is subtracted from Will when calculating bleedout chance ;As this is negative 50 it will add 50 instead of subtract. BLEEDOUT_ROLL=200 ;100 ;Bleedout chance is Rand(BLEEDOUT_ROLL) <= Will - BLEEDOUT_BASE ;So you roll a number between 1 and BLEEDOUT_ROLL, and if that number is less than or equal to Will minus BLEEDOUT_BASE the soldier starts bleeding out instead of dying outright BLEEDOUT_BONUS_ROLL=150 ;50 ;If you purchase the Stay With Me upgrade then BLEEDOUT_ROLL will be substituted by this value instead ;So bleedout chance will be Rand(BLEEDOUT_BONUS_ROLL) <= Will - BLEEDOUT_BASE