Brutal Turok
Bug fix patch coming out between 12/25/16 and 12/26/16
The next patch I'll have up here real soon will delete un-used-but-still-readed-at-times scripts and lines of codes and excluded commentary. And in some cases when such scripts are placed within a OnTick context they would be read and unused every second in game . A OnTick script can be thought of as a script that's referenced every second " on tick " in game, for ready stand by use for when triggered, such a script OnTick can cause a stutter or slight loss in video frame rate per second. Such things will be removed, in this patch I'll have up soon I'll remove any unneeded and in used script filling mess ups I made, I'll compact things and make it nice and neat, this will fix a few bugs I'm aware of, not sure if they gone reported by others but still needs ah'fixin ;) another fix will be the main first levels first telepathy sometimes restarts the level back to the hub intro, this will be fixed, and I'll make the ppsh tommy gun its own weapon once again, this will bring back the vanilla ak that was in game wile having the ppbeing it's own add on once again. Another fix will be my ak47su's I added, as you may guess these two guns are part of a aim down sights framework I will be adding. At the moment use of the Aksu will subject you to a game braking bug where you can not switch weapons again or fire the Aks unless you jump into water or a teleport. I do no believe in disabling content so I'll make them usable wile adding a temporary workaround for a fix to take effect.
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Snake Plissken  [δημιουργός] 17 Ιαν 2017, 11:32 
Done right? I'll double check lol, if I did not upload it ill get it up asap. And lock this thread.
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