Mass Effect Theme Pack
VJ  [개발자] 2016년 12월 20일 오전 11시 02분
Community Working Area - Salarian namelist
Hi guys !

In order to improve the Salarian namelist, i'm opening this topic so you can help me with your ideas and research. Thanks for those who might help me ! You will be added to the credits.

I'd like to improve the actual namelist with real ME Salarian names. You can also invent names, but they need to sound salarian of course.

Please, list the names with no comma between them and no feed line, just a space to separate them, so they will be easier to merge into the code.

Here are the differents names categories to improve. Specify the category of your names before listing them in your post please :




4) PLANETS NAMES (do not include Sur'Kesh)
4) a) Generic names (if you don't know the specificity of the planet)
4) b) Desert worlds
4) c) Arid worlds
4) d) Tropical worlds
4) e) Continental worlds
4) f) Gaia worlds
4) g) Ocean worlds
4) h) Tundra worlds
4) h) Artic worlds

5) a) Generic names (if the ship type doesn't matter)
5) b) Corvette
5) c) Constructor
5) d) Colonizer
5) e) Science
5) f) Destroyer
5) g) Cruiser
5) h) Battleship
5) h) Transport


7) a) Defense army
7) b) Assault army
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4개 댓글 중 1-4개 표시
LostInACave 2016년 12월 20일 오후 2시 11분 
The Salarians are lacking a lot of information. Surprising considering their importance over the 3 games, 4 books, and the tens of comics...

1) Morlan Chorban Jondum Mealon Ish Jaroth Ledra Mordin Schells Alud Solik Padok Tazzik Beelo Bel

3) Esheel Solus Valern Tolan Wiks Vass Rentola Saleon Heplorn Linron Ochren Palon Kirrahe Bau Anoleis Gurji Inoste

4) Dagnes Erinle "Gorot II" Haleguse Jaëto Mannovai Nasurn Olor Rannadril Senoquol

EDIT: Further complicates matters when Salarians are named as such: "A full name includes – in order – the name of a salarian's homeworld, nation, city, district, clan name and given name. For example, a salarian named Gorot II Heranon Mal Dinest Got Inoste Ledra would be called either by his clan name, Inoste, or his given name, Ledra."
LostInACave 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2016년 12월 20일 오후 2시 22분
Guriezous 2016년 12월 21일 오전 10시 41분 
1) Inoste Lonar Kendo Ganto Menos Morl Sekat Marab Telon Jiahe Husaru Haruta Jundub Sayn Fargut Chesith Jeirt Sellea Solik Sel Ijib Yalson Renko Narid Hamis Sahyar Urjon Siress Kannik Ammar Jelith Ahz Daroth Shelum Velan Zhanmari Selkeet Erash Senek Kallo

2) Salarian Dalatrass (or whatever is written the plural) have no firstname, only clanname.

3) Ledra Ochren Maerun Holin Imness Vorleon Avot Arlon Jenzin Vaykom Thein Varsinth Milon Stranaka Narra Urc Husaru Sio Kirosa Silon Vass Tar Sao Turwin Jarwinar Kerad Edcronus Taltz Solem Saradril Dragel Sylar Kieron Foris Erinaceus Shiriron Chaleen Jath

4) Aegohr Aganju Aifa Olokun Orumnila Antictra Zanethu Aigela Uruz Kenaz Hagalaz Wenrum Thurisaz Alingon Nephros Thengan Synalus Tunfigel Isa Quarem Daratar Ansuz Trigestis Lattesh Sarapai Pahhur Ishassara Talat

5) (surveyor ship as a colonizer/science ship) d/e) Kalanhai
e) Veshok

fleet_names = {
random_names = {

sequential_name = "%O% Fleet"

gene_warrior_army = {
sequential_name = "%O% Special Tasks Group"
Guriezous 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 1월 12일 오후 6시 56분
Hull Sofia 2017년 2월 26일 오전 12시 09분 

Ledra Bel Mordin Tazzik Ish Maelon Marab Telon Jaroth Morl Schells Padok Jondum Kendo Chorban Sekat Ganto Menos Ochren Morlan Beelo Solik Kallo Inoste Haruta Jundub Ijib Renko Narid Shayar Urjon Lonar


Palon Anoleis Solus Heplorn Vorleon Wiks Kirrahe Bau Tolan Holen Imness Avot Saleon Rentola Linron Valern Esheel Gurji Linron Palon Vass Jath Narra Husaru Sio Tar Narra Turwin Jarwinar Edcronus Taltz Maerun Jirin Chorel Hishau Shenok


Dagnes Erinle “Gorot II” Haleguese Jaeto Mannovai Nasum Olor Rannadril Senoquol
Cymindis 2017년 4월 11일 오전 8시 00분 
Garhol Zustall Arsow Hiwik Furnorm Segal Udar Febum Tosart Hurorth Jidon Caetaw Daekant Paerkant Jaborm Regann Irin Ermok Yirlort Ciwarf Vahorth Nustik Zostann Jestorm Aesok
Vaerloln Adaw Zerstaw Naersaf Pegow Dirlow Gaerdirn Wirstall Borkarp Wegirn Soban Yedan Etar Rinal Daenarth
Weralan Bazik Maezu Dizom Helan Yazik Aeja Jezz Ix Iraji Zedrile Fiue Ossi Parala Taemini Peheo Malorni Rulsi Cizena Tolorna Arlana Alorn
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