Instant Avenger Menus
Nemo Jr. 4 jun, 2021 @ 11:17
[Bug] AvatarPauseMultiplier=0.0 breaks the game
; Multiply the pauses during Avatar Project alerts by this much. Setting it to 0.0 removes the pauses altogether,
; setting it to 1.0 restores the vanilla XCOM 2 timings

Despite this comment in the config file, AvatarPauseMultiplier=0.0 will cause the game to freeze in the Hologlobe / Geoscape screen, with no way to recover / proceed, whenever Avatar progress decreases (and possibly when it increases).

Setting it to 0.1 works without problems, and thankfully it works even if you change it mid-campaign (if only I had known...).

It cost me quite some time, 3 mission and 1 campaign restarts, and the few strands of hair I had left on my head (I pulled them out, you see) to find the culprit. I had done a lot of .ini tweaking myself, so at first I was sure I messed something up. Nope, this was it.

This is for the base game, of course. Haven't tested the WotC version.