Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Daylight Classic
Having multiple issues
I'm kinda at a loss here. For some reason the graphics are pretty messed up, some weird stuff happening and I think this mod is causing it.

The colours are suddenly slightly off, a more blue-ish tint. Overhead cables of railways also turned blue. For some reason the cubemap also reverted to the vanilla one with the ugly clouds, and it also stays exactly the same, even at night time I have a day-time cubemap with clouds. At first I thought it was because of your new cubemap mod as I tried that, but I get the same issue with the mod disabled and loading saves before I tried that mod.

Also your Clouds & Fog Toggler mod no longer seems to work for me in combination with this. Sometimes I get a normal edge fog, other times I get no edge fog but most of the times the edge fog is twice as much as the regular one. Enabling or disabling the edge fog through your mod doesn't do a thing. I also checked if that mod is causing all of it by disabling it but it didn't make a difference.

Toggling the advanced features (classic fog) of this mod doesn't do anything anymore either.

The only thing that gets rid of all these issues is disabling this very mod, which ofcourse leaves me with the horrible settings CO implemented with the new DLC's. this only affects saves after the new DLC, so when I load an old save everything is fine but as soon as I save it again that save has these issues as well.

I know it's lot to blame on this mod (which might be unfounded ofcourse) but I did not discover anything else that might be causing it, so this seemed the most logical place to address it. I Hope you (or anyone else) have any idea what the cause is and how to fix it. If you need any other information from me just let me know what.
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Having similar problems, particularly with the cubemap being daytime all the time. I posted in the main thread before I saw this.
I am having the same issues. Did anything change within the 3 months that have passed since your first message?
No, as far as I can tell the problem still persists. I've actually stopped playing Cities until BP releases a fix. It's sad that a game is so dependent on modders to fix the mistakes of developers that a game is virtually unplayable until private unpaid people fix broken game features. BP is a legend, so I figure he will produce a fix or update at some point.
Well i decided to continue without this mod. Luckily the Relight mod helps me fight the vanilla lighting
I'm unfamiliar with the relight mod, I'll have to look it up.
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