Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

tzahranul May 5, 2016 @ 8:29am
Some Feedback
I posted this as a comment first, but seeing how it is filled with spambots advertising for whatever gambling site, I come here to post my feedback. Hope it helps! :D
So, I love the map adaptation of the Prypiat region in CS. I would love to provide some feedback. Or even join you in future mapping projects. But one feedback I feel I must post is related to the narative the map tells. There are regions that can't really make me understand why I can't go there (no visible fence blocking, or other things like big potholes and such). Also, some assets seem like they were recycled from HL2 (washing machine, and such). Another aspect is related to all the items one can crouch on. Way too many. Also camp spots. This deffinitive aspect makes this map more of a fun map and less of a competitive map. Good luck in your future projects! :beatmeat:
Last edited by tzahranul; May 5, 2016 @ 8:29am