Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
ughgh  [developer] Jan 13, 2016 @ 10:37pm
1.174 Updates
Current test version is here[] (May 2019), please compile from source code (build_module_lav.bat) and leave feedback below.
New stuff being worked on:
  • Disguise system smuggling penalties
  • Request peace while vassal
  • Request faction policy change while vassal
  • Delegate delivery quests
Fixes, tweaks:
  • Autoloot (and auto-sell) improvements and new settings, now outputs result to the menu
  • Horse Archer (Khergits) now gets reassigned as archers or infantry in siege defense based on what weapon they spawned with (instead of being clumped as cavalry)
  • Fixed some gender strings (might break translations) and made some grammatical adjustments
  • Changed the variety of tournament participants, and added relationship changes for surviving a round/knocking heroes out of tournaments.
  • Player party companion size now affected by previous NPC-only bonus such as monarch 100), marshal (+20), owning castles (x20 each), and faction policy.
  • Fixed dialog after helping friendly patrol and other non-combatant parties
  • Fixed encounter not ending after converting an enemy lord
  • Guildmaster dialogue tree recognize player status when asked about war and policies
  • Drunks and assassins in taverns will drop swords they're actually using
  • Buying drinks from tavernkeeper will be rejected if relationships are too low
  • Bards and such wear their lute/lyre inside taverns (no music/animation added)
  • Aesthetic changes to presentations and background/tableau for menus
  • Some messages are now color coded where relevant by faction or positive/negative changes.
  • Fixes for some patrol behaviour and inconsistent naming
  • Additional flavor text for hiring/firing employees - employees will no longer grumble "surrender or die"
  • Patrols now retain prisoners and drop them off when near centers, and won't immediately disband if the player changes faction
  • Bandits now infest centers based on faction/terrain (with a chance of deserter troops)
  • Fix for lords never offering bandit at village quests, some tweaks to duration
  • Domestic policy displayed on faction report among other presentation adjustments
  • Being knocked out while disguised will have a high chance of being recognized and imprisoned
  • While sneaked into town player's inventory tableau shows disguise (eventually the player should get a new inventory altogether) as well as in talk to guildmaster dialogues
  • Chamberlain in villages is accessible when you talk to the elder if you're too lazy to walk
  • Native "Voulge" (there were two items with the same reference id) reassigned to troops
  • Fixed an issue with castle storage chests being shared
  • Updated certain conversation encounters to take place within castle/town courts
  • Renown loss for losing encounters such as bandit in towns or village raids
  • Some fixes to village razing loot pool, it no longer has a divide by zero error and the base denars are now based on the village elder's wealth
  • Factionalized messenger troops are now used instead of the generic diplomacy messenger where relevant, and they can now target lords that have not spawned
  • Sending messengers now shows current target location and a better choice of targets
  • Asking villagers about their center now shows some missing trade good string
  • Time it takes for emissaries to complete their mission depend on proximity to target faction
  • Bonus Chest in Rivacheg now refilled, the other chest now contain other stuff but aren't accessible without scene edits
  • Changes to morale of kingdom troops are now displayed where appropriate (in addition to being displayed on the info pages)
  • Routed warriors will now have a white flag and join the garrison/dungeon once at its destination
  • Faction marshals are no longer identified as just "a vassal"
  • Petitioner lords can be ordered by messengers to join you and can now chill at neutral towns instead of getting stuck under it
  • The collect taxes quest will no longer be offered for nearby centers that are raided or under siege, aborting automatically when it changes owners
  • The capture prisoner quest now takes into account the quest giver's number of prisoners and gives the player alternative ways of acquiring those troops
  • The raise troops quest gives initial compensation cost equal to the upgrade cost of the batch of recruits and not a fixed amount of 100
  • The lend companion/surgeon quests gives different base reward based on the skill of companion you lend out and gives different relation boosts on completion
  • The kidnapped girl quest now properly allows you to recovers the ransom paid to bandits if you change your mind about the peaceful resolution.
  • Hiring prisoners incur a faction troop morale malus
  • Wife as travelling companion will have different options depending on personality and always stay with the main party when defeated
  • Village raids stop if the raiding party is under-strength
  • The deliver wine/ale quest has been extended to other perishable food items
  • Toggleable option to determine whether lords can respawn even if their faction has no centers
  • When upgrading equipment NPC lords will now also change their troop type to match
  • When joining encounters with allies your renown and faction standing determines whether you can command them
  • Encounters will now play the appropriate bandit sounds and weapons will be drawn when fights are imminent
  • Spars in training grounds (if player completes training) and arenas (if player has high relation or belongs to faction) will always choose a weapon the player is proficient with, this also applies to tournaments
  • Nicer presentation to deposit cash into the treasury (go next to the chests and follow popup)
  • Banner selection reverted to replacing another lord's banner if the player chooses it and enabled the banner to be restored it if the player changes after
  • Description for various Diplomacy options has been put in-game under the info pages with the current settings visible alongside the player character's background
  • Mercantilism slider for factions will now be properly randomized on new game start
  • The villager training quest will no longer deplete village elder's inventory after the raid
  • Centers lose some relation when plundered (blame can be shared with vassals)
  • Faction relationship description normalized to use the same scale as inter-personal
  • Guildmaster economic descriptions no longer compares town to 0 other centers
  • Tax inefficiency fief limit +1 by having a spouse or have dedicated a capital
  • You can now view faction's policies by talking to chancellor or guildmasters
  • Lords that can't find a better faction now mope around your court when rejected instead of the round-about method of defecting to yours
  • Fixed a bug where raiding villages gave your same-faction troops positive morale as if you were fighting bandits
  • Fixed the longstanding loot village bug where you always get 30 tubs of butter
  • Player prisoner management lower chance of lords escaping from your party (was 50%)

New-ish features
  • Diplomacy Preferences rolled into new presentation based on Jartleon's work
  • Deathcam (two new camera modes), follower mode and free mouse cam
  • Horse scattering/culling in field battles
  • Lords will upgrading equipment quality, hire mercenaries from towns, and upgrade centers (on medium change mode)
  • Tavern NPCs have preference in destination and most can't move freely during sieges
  • Travellers will have more accurate information regarding fellow tavern NPCs
  • Companions can accrue renown from battles, diplomatic missions, and upon completion of tasks where they have the highest skill within the party (building siege tower for example) and 10 per week while serving as minister
  • Upon becoming enfeoffed, companions won't ditch their existing equipment (unless they suck, in which case they'll receive a standard set of lance/horse/heraldic armor & shield)
  • Cattle can be set to accompany the player party (if there are less cattle than members), and buying them contributes the gold to the village elder
  • Option to ransom lord instead of going through buggy rescue (or send your companion to do the dirty work), see additional dialog options to read about alternatives {in progress}
  • Alternative options to complete the fugitive hunt quest
  • Food now has a chance to not rot immediately based on amount consumed and player's inventory management
  • Additional morality objections from companions for flavor
  • Cost for buying relation from tavernkeeper adjusted to account for faction standing
  • Lords that hate the player can sequester enterprises in their towns and appropriate any profit
  • Sell prisoners in the garrison directly (from the Constable)
  • Ability to hire better trainers from the Constable (based on faction's quality policy) to train troops of level 6/9/11/13/15 (up from 6/10 before). Proximity to training grounds will also yield more troops being trained.
  • Training peasants will add recruits to the village garrison upon completion
  • Allows hiring deserter parties (at the expense of renown)
  • Center reinforcements can now spawn from its villages instead of being added directly to garrison
  • Some tweaks to starting merchant quest (not worth starting a new game for)
  • Allows cancellation of improvements in centers at expense of relations
  • Notification and logging of construction projects in center notes
  • Option to name your court as the capital from the minister, resulting in RTR (and signficant penalty if the court is lost)
  • Option to rename parties and companions
  • Kingdom colour (and heraldic banner background) can be adjusted from a presentation
  • Diplomacy policy sliders have been adjusted to affect the cost of new features
  • Additional morality objections from companions for flavour
  • Presentation to export/import companions and reselect banners and view background info
  • Option to enslave villagers as prisoner instead of plundering/razing villages to the ground
  • Raiding villages will cause quests given by the elder to be aborted
  • Recent village raiding parties will be reported by the village elder
  • Finishing sieges and recovering villages will spawn looters, some fixes/culls for looters
  • Village improvements give additional garrison troops (watch tower and messenger post)
  • Villager farmers and kingdom caravans drop off prisoners in towns at high gold change
  • Villager farmers sell off items in the elder's inventory at towns at medium gold change
  • Re-enabled some character starting options
  • Can now arrange to talk to merchants instead of directly selling (doesn't do anything extra for Native), useful for other mods
  • Recruiters can be ordered to head back and drop off troops or hand them directly to you when talked to
  • Members of your court can be filtered by asking the guards at the door
  • New gender option (menu or startup) allows regular troop genders to be randomized and a custom M/F ratio to be set via the constable (as co/ruler).
  • A bunch of debug/cheat options, don't be surprised if it breaks your game. In some menus these can be activated by holding shift before clicking on options.

Taking reasonable suggestions, post them here and I'll see what I can do. I do not plan on adding new items or troops.
Last edited by ughgh; May 26, 2019 @ 12:58am
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Showing 1-15 of 495 comments
nukeblitz Jan 17, 2016 @ 9:23am 
Hmm, how do I get the update for testing?
buz Jan 20, 2016 @ 9:50am 
Maybe you should add an option to enable/disable auto-sell/buy menus at villages and towns.
ughgh  [developer] Jan 20, 2016 @ 2:20pm 
Those are supplemental features, nothing's stopping you from selling directly to merchants.
buz Jan 21, 2016 @ 8:37am 
Yes it's true, so be it. :/

Another suggestion: What about companions' vassal banners problem? The first one always get Ragnar's banner. May be you know that already:,136832.0.html
PaabzyKLL Jan 21, 2016 @ 2:04pm 
when will you upload this update?
great work
ughgh  [developer] Jan 22, 2016 @ 8:08pm 
The companion banner thing has been noted, I'll also throw together a presentation to change their banners if the random one proves unsatisfactory.
It'll be ready when it's ready.
nukeblitz Feb 2, 2016 @ 9:30am 

If I understand correctly, the Diplomacy mod has a "feature" where you take permanent stat loss after ~750 days if you fall in battle or get captured, based on your luck which goes down steadily as you age.

I'd like an option to turn this off if you surrender. I tend to screw around and this is annoying as hell.

PS. Sorry if this native and not Diplomacy but it's pretty hard to find info about this
Last edited by nukeblitz; Feb 2, 2016 @ 9:44am
SirJustin90 Feb 2, 2016 @ 7:27pm 
Originally posted by nukeblitz:

If I understand correctly, the Diplomacy mod has a "feature" where you take permanent stat loss after ~750 days if you fall in battle or get captured, based on your luck which goes down steadily as you age.

I'd like an option to turn this off if you surrender. I tend to screw around and this is annoying as hell.

PS. Sorry if this native and not Diplomacy but it's pretty hard to find info about this

From what I've read it's native. That and I've found the code lines in the native menus.txt. So this is a vanilla (native) feature.

Edit: There are fixes on the net to remove the stat loss if it is wanted. It's as simple as finding the code string and changing -1 to 0.
Last edited by SirJustin90; Feb 2, 2016 @ 7:28pm
ughgh  [developer] Feb 2, 2016 @ 7:40pm 
This is already the case.
(try_begin), (neq, "$g_player_surrenders", 1), (store_random_in_range, ":random_no", 0, 100), (ge, ":random_no", "$g_player_luck"), (jump_to_menu, "mnu_permanent_damage"),
SirJustin90 Feb 2, 2016 @ 8:00pm 
Originally posted by SirJustin:
Originally posted by nukeblitz:

If I understand correctly, the Diplomacy mod has a "feature" where you take permanent stat loss after ~750 days if you fall in battle or get captured, based on your luck which goes down steadily as you age.

I'd like an option to turn this off if you surrender. I tend to screw around and this is annoying as hell.

PS. Sorry if this native and not Diplomacy but it's pretty hard to find info about this

From what I've read it's native. That and I've found the code lines in the native menus.txt. So this is a vanilla (native) feature.

Edit: There are fixes on the net to remove the stat loss if it is wanted. It's as simple as finding the code string and changing -1 to 0.

The fix:

((TheMageLord) on forums taleworlds com)

"Open up menus.txt and find

1520 3 360287970189639680 1224979098644774914 -1

That will be where it reduces your stat by 1. Change the -1 to a 0 and you'll effectively take the bite out of stat loss. It will still tell you that you lost a stat, but it won't change. "
Flynnquid Feb 8, 2016 @ 1:30pm 
The update might not be ready yet, but my body is.
buz Feb 8, 2016 @ 2:09pm 
Me too.
Last edited by buz; Feb 8, 2016 @ 2:09pm
ughgh  [developer] Feb 8, 2016 @ 2:25pm 
Added a test version at the top of the post, I've tested most of the features individually but haven't tried to break anything. Test with both a new game and a copy of an older savegame (making sure the savegame detection loads the new slots).
Flynnquid Feb 8, 2016 @ 2:33pm 
Oh, cool. I'll check it out soon.
Flynnquid Feb 8, 2016 @ 11:43pm 
I figured that I should write this here, though I don't know if it's caused by Diplomacy and this update or not.

Warband froze after I got a quest from a lord to follow a spy; I pressed tab after having left the conversation, it went straight back to the world map, and froze right there. When I try to load the autosave (I was playing on the "realistic saving" setting, so no manual saving), it freezes at that same world map view.

I don't remember ever having the game freeze like that before, so I supposed that it might be important to mention in case something needs fixing.

Additionally, pressing the "Enable cheat mode" option in the Diplomacy preferences menu doesn't seem to actually enable cheat mode. I imagine that it's meant to be like other mods, where it doesn't matter whether cheats are enabled in the launcher or not.

Anyway, I've been having fun, and I haven't noticed any other problems with this update. I've just been playing on a new save; though, I guess I'll have to make another one.
Last edited by Flynnquid; Feb 9, 2016 @ 12:15am
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