Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Half-Life 2 Campaign
TigraveN 2014년 9월 23일 오후 4시 30분
Adding some awesomeness to this gamemode by adding some customization options.
I think this gamemode needs function like custom weapons setup. Maybe there is way to get custom weapons on spawn, but i don't know it. So maybe you will add some kind of admin menu wich can start different maps, some settings, like post-processing and sh!t, maybe some custom weapons loadout, some settings for custom ammo, converting default ammo in ammo for sweps from add-ons. Combines use default rifles, but they drop custom weapons from mods, or something. Just some customization options. This may sound a little hard, but i think it's real. You can just make normal pickups (9mm ammo for example) despawn, and spawn x. Where X is custom type of ammo. Same sh!t you can do with weapons: get their pos, and spawn there something else.
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Jai "Choccy" Fox  [개발자] 2014년 9월 24일 오전 12시 49분 
There is a way to get custom weapons to spawn, heck, even custom entities. Go to the GitHub page and find the map you want to edit. EG, maps/d1_canals_08, in there you can set what the players start with on spawn. Spawns new entities like Combine with custom weapons is a little harder.

Also, a custom map lua file like d1_canals_08.lua can be placed in the directory "lua/hl2c_custom/maps/.." and it will override the gamemodes normal map lua file.

I'm currently thinking of post-process actions too, but I've currently been limited to an mp3 crash which makes it harder for testing.
TigraveN 2014년 9월 24일 오전 5시 33분 
Thanks for the info. I am pretty advanced user, so i can make sh!t, but not all the ppl are so advanced, then you better think about the hl2campaign menu with stuff like i said. If you ever need the translation of this addon to Russian from English, you can ask me, if needed.
TigraveN 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 9월 24일 오전 5시 47분
Zara Nerd 2014년 10월 5일 오전 10시 59분 
Can you possibly make any half life 2 maps because I don't know how to get them on garrys mod. plus it would be more easy.
Jai "Choccy" Fox  [개발자] 2014년 10월 13일 오전 9시 18분 
You need to buy HL2 for the maps. The gamemode doesn't simply give them to you.
obso1337 2014년 11월 28일 오후 5시 07분 
Or just edit it and add the spawnmenu resources from base gamemode like i did to have moar fun. The only point of this whole gamemode is to allow us to do custom things during hl2, if we wanted to do hl2 multiplayer, we could use the dreaded synergy.
Jai "Choccy" Fox  [개발자] 2014년 11월 29일 오전 1시 22분 
Synergy is great, just is lacks great amounts of players(Unless it's Rebel Rush). This gamemode serves its purpose to go over 64 players in a HL2 campaign, might be impossible for the server to run it though. Also, Spawnmenu will have an appearence soon. I've got to test d2_lostcoast and and few other extra features.

Including a small shop system where you can buy abilities like invisibility, invincibility and possibly more.
TigraveN 2014년 11월 29일 오전 2시 17분 
DΛЦПKПӨЩПMΛП2010님이 먼저 게시:
Synergy is great, just is lacks great amounts of players(Unless it's Rebel Rush). This gamemode serves its purpose to go over 64 players in a HL2 campaign, might be impossible for the server to run it though. Also, Spawnmenu will have an appearence soon. I've got to test d2_lostcoast and and few other extra features.

Including a small shop system where you can buy abilities like invisibility, invincibility and possibly more.

But remember, this need to be optional, like just for lulz. Shop must be optional, and this option must be separate from the Spawnmenu option. Allow admins enable noclip and teleport players to get out of some hl2 map glitches.
Jai "Choccy" Fox  [개발자] 2014년 11월 29일 오전 4시 24분 
Yeah, the shop is optional. When I do update the gamemode with it, the default the cvar will be on is 0. I'm also adding a concommand for the time being until the hl2c_admin_noclip becomes fully shared and working.

EDIT: The shop isn't part of the spawnmenu. It's in concommand form(For now). Example: "hl2c_buy_blahblahblah"
Jai "Choccy" Fox 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 11월 29일 오전 4시 25분
TigraveN 2014년 11월 29일 오전 4시 36분 
DΛЦПKПӨЩПMΛП2010님이 먼저 게시:
Yeah, the shop is optional. When I do update the gamemode with it, the default the cvar will be on is 0. I'm also adding a concommand for the time being until the hl2c_admin_noclip becomes fully shared and working.

EDIT: The shop isn't part of the spawnmenu. It's in concommand form(For now). Example: "hl2c_buy_blahblahblah"

Ok then.
Ian 2016년 7월 29일 오후 1시 50분 
Hey uhh, i modified nearly ALL lua files of the maps to give certain weapons to my loadout (some pretty fancy ones, in this case are the FA:S 2 Sweps), and everything sems to work nicely, but the only problem is that there isn't any gun in sight (no model or error sign, the weapon is just invisible).

Sounds and ammo and ♥♥♥♥ works perfectly, it's just the models that are missing.

Any LUA file or something that can allow to load materials and models from other sweps?
TFRCTora the Himbo Horse 2016년 10월 13일 오후 3시 48분 

I play this game mode a lot and I will give all of you my guide to the Gmod Half Life 2 experience, addons and the most realistic you can possibly get in the campaign.

Ahem...Mentle Gen. The list of addons for realism start here.

1. Bullet Snapping. (why not make it sound like Arma 3 when bullets crack and snap.)

2. Half Life 2 difficulty. (remember to put it on the hardest difficulty, head crabs and ant lions kill you in one hit while at full health! without suit armor of course, suit armor acts as extra health so it makes it more of a necessity, combine are much more deadly and accurate, killing you quicker if you don’t engage then make a plan and dispatch of them in quick succession, combine shot gunners being the worst and scariest to encounter in tight CQB areas when they can blow you away as quick as a pro CS:GO player.)

3. Half Life 2 EP 1 & 2. content (why not play Half Life 2 episode 1 and 2. just remember to have it installed and plugged in you special snowflakes.)

4. Player Expressions. (add a little more expression to your character by screaming in your friends ears on how frequently you reload, it adds quotes from citizens/rebels like your classic "sometimes I dream about cheese" and so on.)

5. BFBC2 Explosions. (bringing back the nostalgia with Battle Field Bad Company 2 Michael Bay's explosions)

6. Improved Footsteps. (why not listen to your own unique footsteps when you run away from head humpers, ant lions and combine shot gunners that pursue you.)

7. Improved Stealth Mod. (The stealth add on, this can be your best friend that ♥♥♥♥♥ with you a lot, it adds a sense of realism, hiding in the dark, making it feel like payday, just remember to turn the music and alert sounds in the prep stage in sandbox mode. link for optimal and most realistic stealth settings here >>> )

8. Improved Impact Effects. (a neat little handy dandy mod that is self explanatory. for the people who are trying to get every drop of realism into Gmod.)

9. Weapon S.T.A.R. (this mod...ahem...if you make your classes beforehand on sandbox, will be great to use to smuggle any weapon swep from the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ M9K to CW 2.0 and so on.)

10. Spark sound replacement. (a neat add on for more detail to the sounds of sparks while you drown in the electrified water, getting murdered by head crabs, before your lifeless body is being consumed by the nearest barnacle.)

11. New Flashlight Texture. (its nice to see until your battery runs out in a dark steam tunnel full of fast head crabs.)

12. Manual Weapon Pickup. (this amazing add on prevents you from picking Half Life 2 weapons when using your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ M9K sweps and or CW 2.0 weapons)

13. Health Regen. (you need this...No really you do, when surviving a conflict with combine in the hardest difficulty, it is important to keep your health up before getting instantly head shot by a metro cop with a handgun or getting a pie sized hole in your chest with a scary encounter with a combine shot gunner who plays a lot of CS:GO)

14. Enhanced view. (optional add on for you to compare ♥♥♥♥ sizes with your friends and to see your own body.)

15. Enhanced bullet wounds. (laugh at your friends as they get turned to Swiss cheese when you push your best bud in a room full of A. Combine elites. B. Combine snipers. C. Multiple Combine shot gunners. D. Combine MG nest. E. Hunter Choppers, gunships, striders, Hunters. So many ways to die.)

16. New Body sounds. (have you ever wanted to push your best friend down into the head crab infested sewers of City 17. if yes this is the add on for you, you will hear their legs smash and then the pitter-patter of eager head humper’s to get to their new host faster than a combine shot gunner turning you into red mist.)

17. NPC health regen. (as useless as a team of silvers in CS:GO they too will get one shot by head crabs and blown away by combines, but when they do survive, you need them at pristine health as they are lemmings with guns at the highest difficulty, but they do prove to handle themselves at times.)

18. Pain sounds. (a nice touch of screaming when you get shot by your favorite Combine)

19. P2P hero (for you hard headed friends that don’t want to download this and sit there for an hour watching the loading bar. Or when you are hosting a server, it correctly downloads the mods for use as soon as you join in.)

20. CW 2.0 weapons. ((i will only post the best in my opinion) Mmmm....*squirts lotion on hand* this is my ♥♥♥♥ and I’ll tell you why, this weapon mod/pack is great to use for the campaign as i mop the floors with these weapons (if you are precise and accurate) now what makes this better then FA:S 2.0 is that there is a bullet mod called Physical Bullets for these weapons, making sniping fun at long ranges (with bullet drop and different accuracy with different weapons), leading targets, and watching the tracers fly at your enemies like flinging hornets at your friends during middle school. ghetto fireworks with shotguns. BUT NEVER FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST SHOOT THE WATER! DO NOT! IT WILL RENDER YOUR WEAPONS USELESS UNTIL A.) MAP CHANGE. B.) THE MAP RELOADS BECAUSE YOU GOT SLAUGHTERED BY HEADCRABS, ANTLIONS, COMBINE AFTER YOUR WEAPONS ARE RENDERED USELESS.)

CW 2.0 Bullets Physics. (the holy grail of realism, DO NOT SHOOT ANYTHING THAT IS LIQUID/WATER) (CW 2.0 base. YOU NEED THIS FOR THE WEAPONS TO WORK) (Extra CW 2.0. YOU NEED THE WEAPONS) (UECW. Wait..this is the attachments pack, a majority of these weapons are weird and have something broken, these are mostly for the attachments and i recommend trying these weapons out before using them.) (Khris Heavy) (Khris long range) (Khris SMG's) (Khris Rifles) (Khris Shotguns) (Khris Revolvers) (Khris shared content) (Khris Pistols) (War face secondary’s. only for the Luger, the power of Germany in its glory days, now in my hand, ♥♥♥♥ yea.) (War face Engineer. SMG's ah yes, best friends with shotguns, the SMG’s can be great at CQB, efficiently killing the metro cops, combine and headcrabs) (War face Rifleman, great for ranging the enemy at medium distance, and monsters of CQB almost on par with the SMG's) (War face Rifleman pack 2. Ah! more rifles, more medium engagement that you may win.) (War face sniper pack. there is never anything more satisfying then nailing a combine in the head with a 7.62x54mmR with your Mosin Nagant at long range and just watching him drop like pushing your friend down into the head crab infested sewer of City 17, you feel that now you are the sniper from 'Enemy at the gates' and then you watch his friends scatter and ♥♥♥♥ their pants as they assess the situation and plan to kill you, if they can find you in time. The best thing to do is to have engaged from far ranges as their weapons are focused for more CQB action, the range advantage is the most precious thing you have, make your shots count and don’t miss it just gives the combine the opportunity to kill you as you may be the only hope to ending this and saving the resistance.

Attachments and ♥♥♥♥. (War face rifle pt.2 attachment pack.) (War face attachments.)

CW 2.0 M79 Grenade launcher. (why not have a friend play the role of a grenadier, besides its better if you have a squad of friends in different rolls in what they excel at. CQB (SMG's, Shotguns). Rifleman’s (Rifles). Support/Automatic rifleman’s (M60, PKM. any medium/light machine guns). Marksman (DMR's). Snipers, etc, etc.

21. Life Mod
(Life mod, you can use this to OPTIMIZE THE PERFORMANCE OF GMOD for the people who need it, it adds in more HDR type ♥♥♥♥ and makes it more pretty, depending on what you enable and disable, this add on is great for those friends with decently ♥♥♥♥♥♥ PC's and it offers so much more, just look in and read the description for Life Mod.)

REMEMBER TO SET EVERYTHING UP IN SANDBOX BEFORE ENTERING STRAIGHT INTO THE CAMPAIGN, REMEMBER TO OPTIMIZE YOUR STEALTH SETTINGS, TURN OFF THE DUMB MUSIC AND ALERT SOUNDS THAT COMES WITH "IMPROVED STEALTH MOD" (link will be above and below for the blind people) SET UP YOUR CLASSES WITH WEAPON S.T.A.R. ON SANDBOX BEFORE ENTERING, AND REMEMBER TO BIND IT TO X IN CONSOLE (it will show you how). Remember to bring a squad with you if you can, one person more focused for a different situation that the campaign will throw at you. For Ex. CQB, Rifleman, Marksman, Sniper, SUPPORT/AUTOMATIC RIFLEMAN. OH AND PLEASE HAVE SOMEONE WITH A HALF LIFE 2 RPG, I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH, THOSE PESKY GUNSHIPS NEED TO BE DISPOSED OF TO CONTINUE THROUGH THE CAMPAINGN, the gravity gun is also very very important for getting through parts of the campaign (like nova prospect), you can live without the crowbar but I always keep one on me just in case there are breakable props in the way.
AND REMEMBER TO PLAY THIS ON THE HARDEST DIFFICULTY using the Half life 2 settings, it will be the best experience, as YOU AND THE COMBINE WILL BE EQUALLY OP and that’s why I recommend the hardest difficulty, and remember to not shoot the water with the Physical bullet ♥♥♥♥ that goes with CW 2.0
If any of you have questions, I will answer as quickly as I can c:
Link for Stealth mod settings are here in this link>>>
The Void Machine 2017년 3월 25일 오후 3시 08분 
D4UNKN0WNM4N2010님이 먼저 게시:
You need to buy HL2 for the maps. The gamemode doesn't simply give them to you.
So you can't find the map on Garry's Mod, and you need to buy it yourself? Crap. I have no money lol
TigraveN 2017년 3월 26일 오전 2시 55분 
Speedbreaker님이 먼저 게시:
D4UNKN0WNM4N2010님이 먼저 게시:
You need to buy HL2 for the maps. The gamemode doesn't simply give them to you.
So you can't find the map on Garry's Mod, and you need to buy it yourself? Crap. I have no money lol
There are still some servers hosting gamemode.
AtomicChronic 2017년 9월 6일 오후 9시 08분 
honestly i didnt know that half-lilfe 2 was playable in co-op until now.....
TFRCTora the Himbo Horse 2017년 9월 6일 오후 9시 27분 
@AtomicChronic you want to play?
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