Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

de_delivery (CSGO)
Small changes (if feel like needed)
Some suggestions in the map incase you felt like its needed .
Suggestion 1

Here I'd say the CT's don't really have much cover to defend the bombsite from. It's just the pillars there so I think that can be worked upon more. Give the CTs more room to work with.

Suggestion 2

It might be a me thing but I really think that vent would be annoying and I think we're better off not having that. It's not even wall bangable.

Suggestion 3

Here you can see those little cubby areas near the offices are kind of worthless imo. I think you're better off removing them . No one will have any reason to go in those places in any point of the game imo so i think better to remove .

This last piece of advice is probably gonna sound repetitive and similar to #1 but I'll say it still.
I think the CTs don't have much area to work with and set up defense around it. The Ts can probably smoke the entry to bombsite under the site and just smoke the connector ish region on the right side of the Tspawn area to enter the bombsite , and just plant without the CTs actually being able to contest it imo.

I hope these actually helped .