Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

CSL Music Mod Station Editor
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ExoFury  [Entwickler] 21. März 2022 um 12:26
Conflict with Loading Order Mod / Errors building assembly for {modname}.dll
Newly created user radio stations will not have their main .dll file generated if you are subscribed to the following mod

Loading Order Mod somehow prevents the creation of the mod (your music pack) main .dll file, so my solutions, after I tested several options, are these:

1. Either give up on Loading Order Mod completely

2. If that is not an option for you, then you can unsubscribe from it then run the game with the music pack installed. The game will create the .dll file, it only has to do it once. After that you can exit and re-subscribe to the Loading Order Mod. You will still get the errors (as CSL Music Mod tries to create those .dll files each time it runs) but you can ignore them and the radio stations should appear in the content manager and work in game. Tested.

3. If you want, you can also take it up to that mod's developer and ask him about why his mod does not let CSL Music Mod to create .dll files for music packs.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ExoFury; 24. März 2022 um 12:03
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Thanks Exo, I'll subscribe to this thread just in case I can help out at any point too. :D:

I did that too. Isn't that right?
ExoFury  [Entwickler] 22. März 2022 um 11:42 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von dariogualtieri:

I did that too. Isn't that right?

Can you back up a bit and do a print screen of the "CSLMusicMod_Music" folder too? And the parent "Piano_Music" folder..
Because the folder with the songs looks fine, there is nothing wrong with that one. The problem must be with a bad file exported or not exported by the Station Editor.
ExoFury  [Entwickler] 22. März 2022 um 21:18 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von dariogualtieri:

Not that one.. I mean these two folders:
The folders are in that directory where you see them. I do not know what you mean
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ExoFury  [Entwickler] 23. März 2022 um 9:03 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von dariogualtieri:
The folders are in that directory where you see them. I do not know what you mean

I want to see what they contain, if they have the proper files for the music pack to load correctly...
Is not ok that link? Otherwise i can't understand what do you mean
ExoFury  [Entwickler] 23. März 2022 um 9:39 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von dariogualtieri:
Is not ok that link? Otherwise i can't understand what do you mean

Which link?
I think that one is being held for review? Maybe try sending it again?
ExoFury  [Entwickler] 23. März 2022 um 10:37 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von OGCombatMedic02:
I think that one is being held for review? Maybe try sending it again?

Oh... I wondered what that is... tho it says that post has been flagged by an user ^^
ok, so what do i need to screen cap to know whats up?\
ExoFury  [Entwickler] 23. März 2022 um 12:37 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von damjammer410:
ok, so what do i need to screen cap to know whats up?\

The music pack folder that you created using the Station Editor. I need to see its contents, also the contents of the "CSLMusicMod_Music" sub-folder.
The folder should be in C:\Users\{your_username}\AppData\Local\Colossal Order\Cities_Skylines\Addons\Mods\
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ExoFury; 23. März 2022 um 12:40
im gonna send all the caps through a zip on drive cause i cant figure out how to upload images in here
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