Arma 3
Hate's Electronic Warfare
hateandcaffeine  [developer] Jul 31, 2021 @ 2:04pm
"Hate EW - Collection Platform"

Sync this module to any unit, vehicle, or object you want to use to search for other devices.

Actively tracks pre-defined objects. Will place a circle on your map with a search area to find the object. The circle will dissappear if the collection platform becomes out of range of the tracked object. Reccommend utilizing multiple modules for different vehicle types to simulate different capabilities for each platform.

You can sync as many objects you like to this module but must place multiple modules if you want want different parameters. For example, if you want vehicle search areas to be blue and rpa search areas to appear yellow you will need to have multiple modules to sync.

Range- How far away you can track a device that you define

Interval- How often, in seconds, the tracked device location is updated if in range

Devices- Enter the classname of the devices you want to search for. Highly reccommend you do not remove anything from this section and just add additional devices to search for.

Size- The radius, in meters, of the search area. Smaller numbers are more accurate.

Error Size- How far off the center of the search area will be from the actual target. Smaller numbers are more accurate. If the Error Size is higher than the radius Size defined above the search area will not be very accurate. For best results make this number 1/2 of the radius size defined earlier. If you make this number 0 the search area will be 100% accurate and the target is at the center search area.

Color- This defines the color of the search area using Red, Blue, Green, Alpha scale. For example: If you want a blue search area you would enter a value of "[0,0,1,0.5]". Alpha determines the opacity of the search area. 0.5 means the search area will be 50% see through.

Altitude- Defines what altitude an aircraft must attain before it starts searching for devices.

Static Object- Enable this setting if you sync the module to a static object. For instance, if you sync the module to a radio tower and enable this setting you can use that as the tracking device.


High Value Target Faction- Place one of these units and customize to your hearts content. They are will be tracked automatically whether placed before mission start or spawned using zeus. The only caveat is the HVT classnames must be defined in the "Devices" string of the Collection Platform module. This is already pre-defined. As long as you don't erase it things will happen automatically.



If you do not want to use a unit from the High Value Target Faction you must sync this module to the unit in order to track it once it gets into a vehicle. You must also put that unit's classname in the "Devices" string of the Collection Platform module. It's easiest just to use the HVT units provided by the mod.
Last edited by hateandcaffeine; Aug 2, 2021 @ 6:22pm