

Call of Cthulhu - Cosmic Horrors (Continued)
asft118 Nov 28, 2020 @ 4:49am
Sorry for coming in here and asking for such a big request! I dont know if its the right place and already left a message on your discord so mb if this is excessive.

That being said, I have a request I'd love to see come to life using this and the cults mod.

My idea was, if possible, could a spell be implemented that could turn colonists into controllable deep ones or greater deep ones?

This would include all consequences related to this, i.e. no use of equipment, weapons, loss of intellectual skills and probably giving sanity loss to others.

Obviously with this drawbacks would come the advantage of having inhuman colonists and all that good stuff. I just find that it would be fitting to the whole lovecraft/innsmouth theme and would probably be a hell of a lot of fun.

I've given it a shot trying to use Pawnmorphers code but most of this stuff is beyond me as the most I've played around with has been basic editing stuff.

Anyways as I said, I'm not holding much hope but if it can happen or if it can even be commissioned I'd be more than willing.

Thanks a ton!