Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Veterancy and more - Version 29.1
 Тази тема е прикачена, така че сигурно е важна
Example rules
This thread will contain a list of examples to show you what you can do with the rules system.

Disabling settings by using none.
[AudioVisual] HeliReloadSound=none

Want to see a units reload status? The following will add a progress bar to Nod's Rocket Launcher. Units Reload setting must be set, it doesn't work with weapons ROF but I could add that if requested.
[MLRS] PipScale=Reload

Adding a gunner to vehicles, Light tank in this example.
[LTNK] Passengers=1 PipScale=Passengers OpenTopped=yes

Veterancy abilities.
Grenadier will now gain the ability to destroy buildings with C4 when he reached the Legend rank.
[E2] LegendAbilities=+C4

In the next example the Grenadier won't get the movement speed and range ability at Legend rank.
[E2] LegendAbilities=-FASTER,RANGE

Note you can't mix the add and remove feature. If you want to add and remove abilities at the same time you have to replace the original setting.
[E2] LegendAbilities=STRONGER,ARMOR,C4,SELF_HEAL_100_2

Adding Veterancy to buildings. The Guard Tower can now gain veterancy ranks.
[GTWR] Trainable=yes

It is also possible to add occupants to buildings and let them shoot out.
[GTWR] MaxNumberOccupants=2 CanOccupyFire=yes PipScale=Passengers

Capturable oil pumps along with cash supply.
[OilDerrickCashSupply] Cash=50 Interval=450 ; 30 seconds Anim=DOLLAR Report=none Powered=no [V19] Capturable=yes CashSupply=OilDerrickCashSupply

Example for adding new units -> click
Последно редактиран от DontCryJustDie; 30 май 2022 в 2:49
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Hi there,

please, in which .ini file I have to add this to make oil derricks capturabe?

Capturable oil pumps along with cash supply.
Interval=450 ; 30 seconds

It depends on when you want the setting to be active.
  • rules_mod.ini - if you want it active on all game modes.
  • campaign_mod.ini - if you want it only active during campaign.
  • skirmish_mod.ini - if you only want it active during skirmish.
  • modern_mod.ini - if you only want it active during skirmish with modern balance setting active.

So if you want it generally active then put it into rules_mod.ini and you are done.

Edit: To test it start Nod mission 3 A, there are 2 oil derricks south west of the starting point.
Последно редактиран от DontCryJustDie; 21 февр. 2022 в 2:35
Hmm, thanks very much but on that mission, there are no oil derricks there, could it be caused by the mod itself?
In Nod mission 3 A are 2 oil pumps and in 3 B are 5.
Yes, I know but they dissapeared, I am completely confused...

EDIT: Okay, got it, I have accidentally deleted it from art.ini...thanks for everything, now it is working!!
Последно редактиран от VenomSK; 21 февр. 2022 в 5:24
Since Beta 16 you can now mix and match unit bodies and turrets.

Examples from picture from left to right:
[MY_TNK1] Image=ETNK Shape=MTNK Turret=yes TurretImage=JEEP TurretOffset1=0,-4 TurretSize=24,24 PrimaryFireFLH=48,0,48
[MY_TNK2] Image=HTNK Shape=MTNK Turret=yes TurretImage=MTNK TurretOffset1=0,-5 TurretSize=32,32 PrimaryFireFLH=192,0,48
[MY_TNK3] Image=MHQ Turret=yes TurretImage=JEEP TurretOffset1=0,-4 TurretSize=24,24 PrimaryFireFLH=48,0,48
Последно редактиран от DontCryJustDie; 10 апр. 2022 в 2:17
Please DontCry, if you could kindly direct me on how to do it, I'd like to add a functional secondary M60 machine gun to both the Medium Tank and Light Tank to make them more effective against enemy infantry, particularly flame and chem equipped infantry. How can I make this desired change work?

I've tried and experimented with adding a few different lines of code/changes, based on looking at the rules.ini file for the units that use the M60 as their primary weapon, and also looked at the code change examples you have given in your instructions above for things like adding a gunner to a unit, but nothing has worked for me so far. I found that the code adding a gunner, or in fact 2 gunners even, worked as you indicated it would, but then found that on the missions where the hovercraft LST/LCACs deliver Medium Tanks to the shore it causes the Medium Tanks to completely fail to be delivered, which makes them look almost like they don't exist, even though I can safely build them at the Weapons Factory/Airfield.

That unfortunately makes that change in the code something that I have to revert if I want to play those particular missions properly from the start, limited as those changes are, and particularly on hard difficulty, which definitely defeats the purpose of making that change if I have to revert it specifically for those missions to be playable, and especially so if I want to play them on the hard difficulty setting.

Also, any ideas how can I make the APC turreted without it getting that annoying white square surrounding it? I can add the turret code to the APC but it causes that particular graphical glitch, which defeats the purpose for me because it makes for a hideous sight even if the turret does actually appear to work correctly.
Right now only homing weapons work as Secondary weapons, similar to the Mammoth tank.
I need to add weapon selection methods which is on my list.

Can you tell me a mission where a hovercraft delivers a Medium Tank so I can look at that problem?

The APC doesn't have separate turret graphics, that is why Turret=yes will not work. If you add turret graphic with the code I postet in my last post then you'll see 2 turrets and it will mess up the door animations because the door animations are where otherwise the turret shapes are. Some things just can't be combined.
Thanks for the reply, it's good to know that you are going to allow that weapon selection option in a future mod update. I look forward to being able to use it!

For the Medium Tanks not being spawned and delivered if they have been modded to have gunners, the GDI missions where the unmodded Medium Tanks normally get delivered by the hovercraft are GDI campaign missions 7A and 15B.

As for the APC, that's fine, though frustrating that it's virtually impossible to give it a functional turret without causing those other problems. It's always bugged me that it doesn't have a turret when the Hum-Vee and Buggy do have one for the exact same mounted MG weapon, but if it is going to cause far more errors than is necessary to give it a turret then it's simply not worth it. The beauty of your code allowing APC passengers to fire out of it though is that it gives it a kind of turret anyway.

Also, I forgot to ask in my previous post: is there any way in your mod's rules to change the capacity or value of a harvester load of Tiberium?
And also to make a Tiberium Refinery either built by myself or the AI to spawn 2 harvesters, instead of only 1?
Both of those changes can be done in the rules INI for the NCO mod, so I know it is doable coding wise for customising in a rules INI file, but when I tried to copy those rules entries across to this mod from NCO neither of those changes had any effect, as I was expecting would be the case.
Последно редактиран от cobber51; 16 апр. 2022 в 19:57
I have a screenshot for you of the missing Medium Tanks, uploading it to the bug reports discussion in a sec...
Последно редактиран от cobber51; 17 апр. 2022 в 1:22
I hope you don't mind me asking this Don'tCry: I'm curious to know what parts of the game's source code did you edit to allow for tanks and other vehicles to have the ability to load infantry and then have them fire out as if they are gunners? I tried finding the TD Enhanced Tanks mod's source code to look at, because that particular mod had done this sort of thing too, but it's GitHub repository no longer exists so that idea was thwarted.

I'm trying to learn how to make these sorts of edits for another mod I'm using to practice learning C&C Remastered coding, which I can use for this purpose because it's author has uploaded it's source code to GitHub, but because you haven't released the source code specifically for this mod I can't look at it to do a comparison with the code changes made in that other mod.

This request is strictly for my own personal learning and personal use, I guarantee that I will NOT redistribute or upload anything I do to GitHub or the Steam Workshop, mostly because I cannot be bothered learning how to do that sort of thing on top of learning how to C&C Remastered coding too.
You have to understand the original code to implement new features. If you are bothered with that then just stick with ini editing.
Fair enough, thanks for the reply :steamthumbsup:
On the note of ini files, could you in your next version of this mod implement an option in the ini file, toggled off by default for those that won't want to use it, to increase/decrease the load, or its value, of Tiberium harvesters? And also an option (again, default off) to allow for 2 harvesters to be spawned from a refinery when it is built, by either a human player or the AI?

I'd love to be able to increase or decrease the load of my harvesters, or its value, when using this mod, in keeping with the increased or decreased regrowth rate of Tiberium that I elect to use for my own personal preferences, as well as have 2 spawn whenever I build a refinery (and the AI too, for that matter), but at present neither of those ideas are able to be done through the ini file, and obviously I haven't got access to your mod's source code to implement them for myself, so that option is obviously not available to me anyway.
You will be able to change harvesters storage with the next update. Multiple free units are currently not on my list of planned things.
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