Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Veterancy and more - Version 29.1
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Bug report - Veterancy and more
Please post your reports in this thread. Please make sure this is really related to this mod and is not standard behavior. Also include informations where that bug happened, during a Skirmish or Campaign mission, did you load an old savegame or started a fresh game. What were the difficult setting? Did you used a custom map and if so does the bug also happen on vanilla maps?
Ultima modifica da DontCryJustDie; 31 mar, ore 10:42
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legendary flame tanks wont attack anything that is directly adjacent to them, you have to have a 1 cell gap between the legendary flame tank and the object you want it to attack.

edit 1: heroic changed to legendary.

edit 2: Adv guard towers can randomly fire when in low power.

edit 3: got some gripes about the AI editing. Tried to see what the Easy AI was like for a laugh, and oh boy. All the Easy AI does is spam build tanks, won't build infantry, they don't attack, and if you destroy harvesters, the Easy AI won't rebuild harvesters.
Ultima modifica da Cosmic_Hellstorm; 7 lug 2020, ore 18:32
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 8 lug 2020, ore 0:00 
Thanks I'll look into it.
Orca´s dont land from time to time on the helipad when he out of ammo.
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 8 lug 2020, ore 4:22 
What was your Orca helipad ratio? When you build more Orcas than helipads then this may happen which is vanilla game behaviour.
There seems to be an issue that enemies can't be targeted: I had some enemy minigunners attacking me and I had to force-fire on them. Will keep an eye out as to what might cause it
Ultima modifica da Nexus6; 8 lug 2020, ore 5:13
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 8 lug 2020, ore 5:33 
Ok since I had to rewrite many lines to add Legendary weapons there might be a line I forgot to change that cause the targeting problem, I'll have a look again.
I have 3 orcas and 3 helipads und from time to time some of him dont land on the helipad.
Dunno if glitch from base game, sudden mistake or mod, but in nod mission where you have to capture orca helipad, it doesn't let you.
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 9 lug 2020, ore 23:01 
Just a quick update. From all reported bugs I could only replicate the problem with the Legend Flame tank (but only when attacking from the north) which should be corrected with the next update.

@Cosmic_Hellstorm The AI bugs out when they have a blocked factory this is also in the base game I hope to fix that in the future.
@Nexus6 The only targeting problem I found was with the Legend Flame tank when attacking a very close unit from the north.
@spetznas Could not replicate, my Orcas always land on the helipad if I have a 1:1 Orca:Helipad ratio.
@Blaze I haven't unlocked that mission so I couldn't test yet.

While testing for bugs I found one from the base game which ignores your difficulty settings you made when setting up a skirmish. It seems that the game always applies ''Normal' difficulty regardless what you have selected.
Ultima modifica da DontCryJustDie; 9 lug 2020, ore 23:09
When capturing a Nod faction as GDI and building their buildings and when you build
and then place the Nod Temple the game crashes. Also, would you be able to move the upgrades to the super weapons tab?
Ultima modifica da Sephiroth; 10 lug 2020, ore 14:39
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 11 lug 2020, ore 9:29 
Sorry wasn't able to test the capturing problem yet. Regarding upgrade inside super weapons tab: may be it is possible but it isn't a priority right now.
when i attack trees, crash occurred. i think this crash caused by trees dosen't have any reward characteristic. or missing combat exp base or something else. Rules.ini of NCO mode, there are many reward point of each unit & building. Thanks
Ultima modifica da killokill; 12 lug 2020, ore 1:40
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 12 lug 2020, ore 2:12 
I can attack trees without any problems. Please provide more informations. Which unit caused the crash, was the unit Legend (because many use different weapons then), which map did you use?

Also not sure what you mean by Rules.ini of NCO mod. You can only use one ddl mod and if you use this mod then the Rules.ini of NCO mod isn't loaded.
DontCryJustDie  [sviluppatore] 12 lug 2020, ore 2:34 
Messaggio originale di Sephiroth:
When capturing a Nod faction as GDI and building their buildings and when you build and then place the Nod Temple the game crashes...
Ok I just captured a Nod construction yard and build and placed the Nod Temple without any crash. I was also able to build Nod units and also launched their Nuke Super Weapon. I tested this during a Skirmish game with me being GDI.
Messaggio originale di DontCryJustDie:
I can attack trees without any problems. Please provide more informations. Which unit caused the crash, was the unit Legend (because many use different weapons then), which map did you use?

Also not sure what you mean by Rules.ini of NCO mod. You can only use one ddl mod and if you use this mod then the Rules.ini of NCO mod isn't loaded.

Beta 2. funpark mission 3. after huntng few dinos, Trees are too annoying to maneuver my troop. so I forced attack trees with my Grenadiers and than crash. But in beta 3 there are no problems~ thanks.
Ultima modifica da killokill; 12 lug 2020, ore 5:51
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