Universal Wasteland Expansion
TreadLightly77  [developer] Feb 4, 2021 @ 6:53pm
UWE Created Gambling Games
(11 games to gamble on in total) and implemented them in the corresponding towns:

Find the Lady (Thieves Guild Towers) (Bars Throughout Map)

"The object of the game is to pick the correct spot(left, center, or right) for the "lady" card... that's all there is to it..."

Roulette (Blackshifters Casino)

"You pick a number, a set of numbers, a color or such and then a thimblerig is tossed into the roulette wheel and spins around until it finally rests on a certain number. Bets are then assessed and payouts are rendered based on performance..."

Cho-Han (Blackshifters Casino)

"Cho-Han is roughly translated to "Even-Odd." The player can bet on either an even number or an odd number outcome. In addition, the player can also bet on 'Double," which rewards the player handsomely on any pair of numbers rolled, or "Lucky 8," which rewards the player handsomely on any "8" rolled on the dice."

Janken (Thieves Guild) (Bars Throughout Map)

"The player either chooses Rock, Paper, or Scissors and then chooses how many games they will bet on in the current series... the winner is determined and the payout is dealt out based upon performance..."

Kitsune Bakuchi (Blackshifters Casino)

"This is a "large stakes" game, meaning that the chances of winning are lower than an average game, but the rewards are much more lucrative. The player chooses a number to be rolled 3-of-a-kind, and then the dice are rolled. Afterwards, the payouts are rendered based upon performance."

Gutter Bonedog (Thieves Guild) (Blackshifters Casino)

"The player bets on whether the hand designated as "Gutter" or "Bonedog" will draw the higher card. The player can also bet on a "tie" with excellent payouts, should a tie occur."

Over-Under 7 (Blackshifters Casino)

"The player can bet on either "Over" or "Under". An "Over" bet is a bet that the two dice will add up to greater than 7. An "Under" bet is a bet that the two dice will add up to lower than 7. The player can also bet on the number "7" itself for incredible payouts, should it be rolled."

Heads or Tails (Thieves Guild) (Bars Throughout Map)

"The player chooses either "heads" or "tails" and for how many flips in a row... Payouts are rendered based upon performance..."

Craps (Blackshifters Casino)

"Players place a bet on either "Pass Line Bet" or "Don't Pass Line Bet", both with even odds...

Pass line bettors win if the roll is a 7 or 11 and lose if the roll is a 2,3, or 12. Any other number becomes the "point"... Don't pass line bettors are the exact opposite, winning on a roll of 2,3, or 12 and losing on a roll of 7 or 11.

If the shooter rolls a "point" number on the comeout(first roll), they keep rolling until either they roll the same number again to win an even-money payoff, or roll a 7 to lose. If the "Don't Pass Line Bet" was placed, the bettor would lose upon rolling the same number again on the "point" number... and win on a roll of 7."

Higher Lower (Blackshifters Casino)

"The game is played by having the dealer draw one card and then having the player choose either "Higher" or "Lower"

After choosing to bet on either "Higher" or "Lower", the final card is drawn and payouts are then rendered. Payouts differ based on each bet's chance of occurring. For instance, a "Higher" bet on a "J" pays off much better(~11-1) than a "Higher" bet on a "2"(~1.1-1)..."

Swamp Raptor Race Betting (Swampers’ Run Racetrack)

"The player can place a bet on any Swamp Raptor to "win" the race...

To "win" a Swamp Raptor must finish in 1st..."

Bets can also be placed on the outcome of Swamp Raptor(Shark) and Bonedog(Clownsteady/Drifter's Last) races.
Last edited by TreadLightly77; Jul 27, 2021 @ 11:16am