Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Easter Egg Text Guide
1 - Turn On Power

This will require you to find the power handle and build it. The power handle will be glowing and is hard to miss. It can be at the top of the ladder in middle stair case, in the back of the room full of pipes on the 5th floor, or just after walking through the air ducts on floor 4.

2 - Flip 4 Red Trap Levers

For this step you will need to learn what order to flip the red levers in as it changes every game. The way to test them is after flipping a red lever once, try to flip it again. If it doesnt move, it is correct. Go find the next one. You have to do this with each lever. If a lever can be flipped twice, you must start over from the first one. Levers locations: Near the helicopter pad, in the middle stair case next to a perk, on the top floor in between two cabinets, and on the 5th floor in between the office and the middle stair case next to a perk.

3 - Enter Symbols In Power Room Computer

After step 2 is done correctly the computer in the power room will become interact-able. For now, you'll have to guess symbols until you get them correct. We have a hunch that there are a few possible correct combinations that change each game. Otherwise we dont know how to know the combo for sure. One of them is Square, Z, Triangle. Another is blank, blank, blank. If these combos dont work you will have to guess until you get a green border around the symbols showing that you have gotten it correct. It is possible to have a blank screen as one of the entries.

4 - Simon Says

There will be 3 computer locations around the map that you will have to play simon says at. One is on the way to the crane at the 6th floor. One is near a large hole in the floor on the 7th floor just across from the first location mentioned. The final one is on the 5th floor on the right side of the room with all the pipes. You should listen for a beep and watch for a colored light. This will indicate which panel to press. Note panels are on opposite sides so sometimes you have to rely on sound alone.

5 - Open 4 Blue Crates To Collect Bandages

This is the most complicated step. After playing simon says, there will be a computer screen lit up nearby with a grid pattern and a square on it. This will be at all 3 simon says locations. The square on the grid indicates a number that has to be inputted into the blue crates in order to get them to open. Three dots on the left = 4. Three dots in the middle = 2. Three dots on the right = 1. Once you have all 3 numbers from the grids input them into all of the blue crates by pressing use and pausing after completing one number input. Example 4-1-2 = Beep beep beep beep............beep...............beep beep

6 - Obtain 4 Bandages

Pick up the 4 bandages you receive from opening the blue crates. 4th floor near spawn. 5th floor just outside the office. On the crane. Near the helicopter pad.

7 - Place the bandages at the 4 "X" locations Around The Map

Press use to place the bandages at the x's on the floor. 4th floor in front of a perk. 5th floor in the office. 6th floor inside the building that leads to the 7th floor. 6th floor inside a computer room near the ladder.

8 - Fill Souls At The 4 Locations

After placing the bandages a pentagram will appear with candles. Take damage inside the rings to activate them. The candles will light up. Kill zombies and the circle will begin collecting souls.

9 - Do All Dead Man Trials (5) (This Can Be Done Anytime During The Playthrough)

You will now need to click use on 5 bodies around the map that will present you with a challenge to complete. Each challenge has 3 levels of difficulty and each one must be done. Body 1: Underneath a cubicle in the office area. Body 2: Hanging in a window on the 5th floor in the room with all the pipes. Body 3: On the 6th floor near the helicopter pad on the ground. Body 4: On the 6th floor inside the middle building next to a white board, and a perk. Body 5: On the 4th floor near a flare just after passing the path to the air ducts.

10 - Flood The Map

A fireball will appear at each soul box when completed. You will need to flood the map to put out the fireballs. This ties into the trials easter egg. After completing all trials, activate the final trial on the 7th floor in the middle at the captain's control room. It is recommended to make your way to the crane so you do not drown. The water will get very high. After getting the required kills, the water should go down, and this will open pack a punch as well as leave you with an elemental bow at the captain for a reward, as well as put out the fires at the soul boxes.

11 - Find The Black Hole/ Void

One of the 4 soul box locations will now have a black hole on it. Find it. Have a zombie hit you inside the ring. This will activate the boss fight.

12 - Boss Fight

Fill 3 soul collectors. Make sure to take damage on top of the soul collector to activate it. Then it will begin filling. After this, the boss's shell will burst and you must damage him. Repeat this step 3 times until you defeat the boss fight. Note - barriers will come down in between the areas that you will have to deconstruct to gain access again. Beware of the boss's charge attack.

Congratulations! You Win!
Senast ändrad av Ascended Zombie; 3 jul, 2020 @ 11:43
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Chrome 29 jun, 2020 @ 0:43 
I rage quit before boss-fight cause me and my friend could not activate the portal after 20 minutes of spamming F.
itsCorona29 29 jun, 2020 @ 1:47 
The Dead Man Trials can be done at any time, not only towards the end of the EE. Me and my friends did them as early as possible to finish them as easily as we could.

For step 10, you don't have to go to the crane. You can just stay near the Captain's chair where that perk location is and the flood won't reach you.

For the Black Hole/Void, get hit while on it 2-3 times. I recommend doing it at the end of a round to minimize the risk of getting downed while doing it, and make sure you also have ammo because it'll be a little bit before you're able to get a max ammo

For the boss fight, it has to be done 4-5 times. I don't remember exactly how many times we did it, but it was more than 3
Where are all of the red levers in step two located? Please be as articulate as possible!!
I have edited in the lever locations on step 2. I hope this helps
Senast ändrad av Ascended Zombie; 2 jul, 2020 @ 21:06
@Chrome - Apologies just now have discovered that you must take damage at the black hole to activate the boss fight
GunGoose22 9 jul, 2020 @ 15:17 
A note for the levers: The order to switch them can be partially found on the white board in the power room and above the red lever on the seventh floor. The numbers correspond with the floor they are on.

The symbols for step 3 can be found on the white board beside the captain's body, though you'll still have to guess a bit cause theirs for some reason two sets of them.
Senast ändrad av GunGoose22; 9 jul, 2020 @ 15:19
The boss fight seems to be going on forever. Filled the soul collectors more than 3x each.
The Batman 13 sep, 2020 @ 10:26 
For step 3, the code to be entered relates to the male voice that plays just after completing step 2. It will say 3 words, corresponding to the NATO phonetic alphabet. Each letter represents a symbol.

Tango = Blank

Papa = Circle

November = Square

Echo = Z

Uniform = Triangle

So for example, November, Echo, Uniform would correspond to the code Square, Z, Triangle.

You need to pay attention, as the voice only says the code twice.
KillerMemestar 27 okt, 2020 @ 23:33 
WORST ZOMBIES EXPERIENCE OF MY LIFE. This map was done very well up until the boss fight where i spent an hour doing the same ♥♥♥♥ over. Slow zombies spawns, a boss with too much health, this map ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks. I've never been in physical pain over a map until now. I got to the very end before our game crashed an i couldnt even complete the boss fight. please fix the map
ImLit_ 5 jan, 2022 @ 12:35 
late but, can someone explain the code for the blue crates in a different way pls

o--[_]--o <--- this is 4 and 1 or 4+1 or just 4 just 1 ?
OndarkFR 28 apr, 2022 @ 4:55 
For step 5 : all simon's monitors display one green square on a column if it is on the left = 4, if on the middle = 2, if on right = 1, put the three numbers together and unlock boxes
What does the button that reads "not available" do in the portside midship area of the boss fight arena? I assume it is a buyable ending for an alternate cutscene different than the one displayed after defeating the boss. However I have been to the bossfight twice and it seems at no point throughout does the button ever become available to interact with.
Senast ändrad av KettlebellKing23; 6 sep, 2022 @ 21:16
Grimly 11 dec, 2022 @ 13:35 
Dead Man's Trials in order of game progression-
All dead man's bodies are marked by a red flare nearby (although a red flare doesn't necessarily mean there is one nearby)

Crew includes zombies and crawlers. Killing zombies here (that count towards the goal) will give you extra time. Also the timer is stopped during special rounds but kills still count and the timer will still gain extra time during that round.

1- " the 4th floor near a flare just after passing the path to the air ducts."
60 seconds to kill 1, 2, and finally 3 crew with grenades

2- "Hanging in a window on the 5th floor in the room with all the pipes." Opposite side to the perk.
30 seconds to headshot 4, 8, and finally 12 crew

3- "Underneath a cubicle in the office area." On the way to opening power for the first time, in the room indicated by the power arrow on blue wood. Turn left and destroy the glass.
Stand still for 20, 30, 40 seconds. Try to do this challenge when there's a time warp or instakill, minigun, and half crawler.

4-"On the 6th floor inside the middle building next to a white board, and a perk." The building with the remington.
60 seconds to "eliminate 8, 14, and 20 crew from afar", afar being a short sprint away. just sprint away from the horde and shoot. it doesn't have to be cross map, just check if the bar is progressing when you kill zombies.

5- On the 6th floor near the helicopter pad on the ground. Near the red barriers across the Ak-47 wall buy, its the half chopped skeleton. Eliminate 4, 5 and 6 crew by melee.
Slav-Galactic 17 mar, 2023 @ 9:56 
this map is genuinely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. the cryptic easter egg guide is retarded and having pap locked behind 2 hours of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to ensure that no ♥♥♥♥ can even get it is brilliant. please don't make maps again save everyone the pain of downloading ♥♥♥♥♥
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