Console Commands (Modding Tool)
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prop joe  [developer] Jan 29, 2021 @ 1:51pm
More commands
shroud2 - switches the fog of war on the whole map to the "second stage" where you can see city ownership but cannot see armies, I think it looks a lot nicer, BUT YOU CAN ONLY TURN IT OFF by loading a save before this command

kill2 - like kill but doesn't kill the army so the army gets a new commander
killc - like kill but kills the character permanently
killc2 - like killc but doesn't kill the army

agent agent_type agent_subtype - spawns an agent near selected character or settlement, you can't spawn legendary heroes with this, agent_subtype is optional, e.g. "agent dignitary", "agent champion wh2_main_hef_noble"

bb building_key - builds this building in the selected settlement, you need an empty building slot, for horde buildings use bbf

bbf building_key - builds this building in the selected horde

prg - combines the commands: primary, region and give gold because I use them a lot together

ancies - gives your faction a bunch of High Elf ancillaries, I needed this when testing something, only works for High Elves

aa ancillary_key - adds an ancillary to selected character (short for add ancillary)

reset skills - resets skill points of selected character so you can respec him

remove skill skill_key - unallocates a single skill point from character skills only (no innate skills like Knowledgeable, Disciplined)

export map - will create a map_out.json file in your WH2 Steam folder, you can import that into tww-interactive-map
show mp - shows the "Load map.json" button that is in my Map Painter mod, it's usually hidden past turn 1
show css - shows the "Change Starting Settlement" button that is in my Change Starting Settlement mod, it's usually hidden past turn 1

under slot_set - add a foreign slot set (undercity) to the selected region
runder - remove undercities from selected region, removes them all, I can't target a specific undercity

eb eb_key, reb eb_key - to add and remove effect bundles from a region or a character, depending on what's selected ingame

feb eb_key, rfeb eb_key - to add and remove a faction effect bundle, to the player faction if a region isn't selected or to the owner of the selected region

ingred ingredient_key - unlock a cooking ingredient for the player faction or the faction that owns the currently selected settlement

cinv, cinv2 - starts the mid-game or end-game chaos invasion

unlock boris - unlocks boris when playing as a kislev faction

legend agent_key - spawn a legendary hero for the player faction, or if a region is selected for the faction that owns that region, use spawn command instead for legendary lords

killf - destroys the faction that owns the currently selected region or character

diplo - reveal all the other factions for diplomacy to the player faction

loyalty number - changes lord loyalty of a selected lord by a number

techall - unlocks all techs for selected char or faction, or player faction if nothing is selected

healg amount - heal garrison by amount, between 0-100

local rec duration - change local recruitment time by duration turns
Last edited by prop joe; Feb 25, 2023 @ 4:57am