

Interplanetary Agriculture [3.5 -- NO LONGER UPDATED]
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 25.9.2019 klo 4.11
Bugs and other oddities.
This is the bug report thread - "bugs" in that case mostly involving a botched script line on my end, I assume. Oddities (like the AI using these buildings, or techs never showing) should be reported here as well.
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Balto 28.9.2019 klo 10.26 
The algae building upgrade doesn't seem to provide an additional job, at least for hive minds.
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 28.9.2019 klo 10.48 
Thanks for the report. There was a typo in the modifier section. It's going to be fixed in the next update and the upgraded version will correctly give two jobs instead of one.

EDIT : fixed.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Isilanka; 29.9.2019 klo 0.29
Line 43 - Excess " in end line
Line 56 - tech_exotic_crops_lavender2:0 "Advanced Xenoagriculture : Tea" - Replace Tea to Lavander
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Natsu_Zirok; 21.10.2019 klo 14.20
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 20.10.2019 klo 23.41 
I assume it's from the error log? Are you experiencing an error/oddity/bug ingame with this specific tech?
Isilanka lähetti viestin:
I assume it's from the error log? Are you experiencing an error/oddity/bug ingame with this specific tech?
Nope, it's localization file =D I make russian localization and find this

Line 164 - Excess " in start line

Line 23, 63, 67 - ": 0" - Space hit me =)
The only place in game I've been able to find out what planetary gardens do is in their decision tooltips, locked behind the 200 influence cost Planetary Garden Planning decision.

I'm not sure this counts as a bug, but 200 influence (and maybe another 50 to remove the stability debuff) seems like a steep price just to get enough information to make a decision.

I eventually looked in the mod's files to see what they do, but I had to go out of my way to do that, and that is its own kind of out-of-game price.
Line 29 - building_spices_advanced_desc - replace "advanced" on "ultimate"
From error.log

Job silence_flower_bot is missing texture gfx/interface/icons/jobs/
in archive placed job_silence_flower_bot -

Building building_spices_base has upgrades loop, building_spices_ultimate visited twice.

file "spices_and_tea.txt"
dell from "building_spices_ultimate" upgrade "building_spices_ultimate". It's create loop

Missing modifier icon "gfx/interface/icons/modifiers/"
Missing modifier icon "gfx/interface/icons/modifiers/"
Missing modifier icon "gfx/interface/icons/modifiers/"
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Natsu_Zirok; 21.10.2019 klo 21.30
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 21.10.2019 klo 23.14 
@Talya : thanks for the localisation errors, I'll check them (it's easy to have typos there, heck even Paradox does it). Regarding the error log : yeah, these modifier icons are missing because I'm not using them in the mod atm. The upgrade loop has been fixed, thanks for reporting.

@crystalanthelemums : yeah, I get your problem. The idea of the initial decision was to prevent decision clutter, but I can see the issue. Implementing a tooltip at the initial decision doesn't seem like a good idea to me so I'll probably lower or nullify the initial decision cost.
Caswell 17.11.2019 klo 20.53 
For some reason the advanced version of the spice farm doesn't seem to be creating a corresponding increase in production per job.
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 24.11.2019 klo 0.08 
Bug reported by users : the newest update (Safran) seems to be breaking existing savegames that use the mod. Mods works correctly in saved games upon checking the mod in launcher and reloading a save, but techs have to be re-researched and buildings rebuilt. Issue impossible to reproduce with a local copy of the mod which leads me to believe this is a launcher/update issue.

Current suspected cause would be an issue with the launcher unchecking the updated mod at launch because it is stored in a different format, messing up savegames in the process when they are reloaded before the mod is reactivated.

New games do not appear to be affected.

Viimeisin muokkaaja on Isilanka; 24.11.2019 klo 0.12
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 24.11.2019 klo 7.38 
Bug reported by users : machine empires get the Red Flowers building when they shouldn't. When they build one, they don't get any new jobs but one algae drone job. This is due to two fairly basic typos and should be fixed shortly. In the meantime, machine empires can safely ignore Red Flowers and anything having to do with them.

FIXED through update.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Isilanka; 26.11.2019 klo 0.27
None of the things in the mod have a proper description. I don't know if it's a conflict with other mods, but I only get things like "civic_XXX_desc" and such things, with no explanation.
Isilanka  [kehittäjä] 27.11.2019 klo 22.45 
That is weird. I'm investigating it.
EDIT : Everything works correctly on my end. It looks a lot like a conflict of some kind to me, though I have no idea what might be causing it. You might try the following things :

- Check the mod files to see if they contain a proper localization file for the mod. It's called base_traits_l_english.yml and is located in localisation\english within the mod folder. It should be encoded in UTF-8 BOM and can be opened with notepad ++.
- If you're on 2.3, use the 2.3 version (link in the description).
- Check for incompatibility with other mods using a mod manager like Paradoxos.
- You may try to unsubscribe and subscribe again to the mod. It is possible the mod may have not been downloaded properly, though it should not work at all if it was the case.

This is weird, especially if ALL descriptions are missing, and again I think it's a conflict.

Are buildings, civics and tech names missing as well, or is it limited to descriptions? And is the mod working correctly gameplay-wise, or not?
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Isilanka; 27.11.2019 klo 23.50
The Pale garden seems to not be working unfortunately :(
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