Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Radious AI Mod - Patch 17 Only!
Very little faction having 3 full stack armies
HEy, i wondered how many one-city-factions can manage to have so many units ?! the relations goes up too ... for example a faction with one big city and 2 little ones carries 5 full stack armies around .... i have conquered complete britain and have good economy .. but i couldnt have about 6 full stack armies WTF?! whats wrong here?!
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15 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Agreed, Im suffering from the same problem
It's probably the AI buffs what difficulty are you on?
you can fight and win 2~3 AI army with 1 good army.
i started at hard but set it to normal after i recognized these armies ...
but still going on ... :/

of course u can fight them and probably win ... but seriously ... this is not realistic and in addition very distubing to the atmosphere if tere are thousands ofarmies on the map .... like hundreds of thousands soldiers but only one city with 50k citizens .... this sucks!

instead of this the battle AI shouldbe improoved .... remmeber total war 1 ? in ROME 2 not a single unit can hold their ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ line! its just a bunsh of people stabbing each other randomly .... 1 enemy rounded by 5 of mine .... just standing and fighting against one ....
to the fights itself ... they really ont look that great either .... maybe nice animations ... but the flickering and glitching of the units couses the animations mostly to end up in the air .... and srsly ... im not sitting there half an hour and WHOAAAA nice fights in there! but oh i lost the battle because i dindt do anything -.-

an other point is ... u cant see the diffrences between ur army and the enemys army ... just sitting there repeatly hitting the "show own units" button to have the battle under control because u cant identify where ur units are ... for example 3 enemy units crushing one of yours ... u just see it randomly or because sittiung there hitting this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ button .... or u see hmm great bunsh of people there .... cant be only my units

next: units has order to fight an other unit .... ok reat ... going in great bunsh of soldiers ... one unit wins ... and what is? oh lets stand there spread over the half of the map and do NOTHING ... just getitn killed -.- if they just would reform themself to a UNIT that woul be nice indeed ....

Rome 1 made this a whole lot bette .... more easy but it ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ worked an it was easy to control ....

not to speak about the campaign built menu ,,....or even the character system .... omfg ... going backt to ROME 1 !! was hard enough sometimes there on hard or very hard ....
En son Static tarafından düzenlendi; 7 Kas 2013 @ 15:12
it is a problem if u wanna fix it dont use the campain part of the mod just the unit and AI and battle changes
depends on the quallity of the units these AI are moving around...typically are the lowest quality so of course they have more than you do.

just finished a game in legendary....never saw even one AI stack full of elite troops..
Is it just me or does the ai get a massive boost to their economy if they're only down to one settlement? I captured a settlement that had a thousand income per turn but when I captured it it went back down to 400 income. That might explain why the ai is able to produce such large armies off of one settlement. Does that have to do with the mod or just the way the game is designed?
3 Full Stacks is not a big Problem, you can win it easy with a good Army and a good strategy. Last Fight i have to defend a City (with Walls) i had one 20 Stack army and the Attacker over 8000 Men. And it was an easy win with only ~450 vs 5500 death Soldiers.

Second i have seen three 20 Stack ARmys in one Country in Vanilla too.
This is something I find dissapointing about this mod. Although the other various A.I. improvements are solid, I find it annoying when A.I with one territory is able to maintain 3 or even 4 fully stacked units on higher difficulties. Vanilla A.I isn't this buffed on harder difficulties.
It's been said that the A.I are granted with lump-sum boosts at the start of the game. But I still experience this behaviour at 150 turns into the game, which leads me to believe that the A.I is severely over-generating resources to maintain such an army.
I wish there is a mod with some middle ground, for me at least. Radious Medium A.I. is too easy, but although Radious Hard A.I. is not easy, it is blatantly unrealistic. If I revert to vanilla A.I, they become so stupid (Medium and Hard) that I have to play on Very Hard, which is very unpredictable and have ridiculous amounts of buffs and debuffs (for the human).
thats also in vanilla, example:quidri.
seriously, those noble sword spam armies.
@Arroz Fritos
Thats because they have one city, and its all their faction. For example if you start with sparta or Arverni, they have one city too. But you see you gain about 2k denaries per turn because of main income. Main income was 3k denaries i think. So thats why.
hello radius your mod is gorgeous but I wish I could change the maintenance cost of Units in difficult level, you know where I can go to edit the file?

please improve radious AI mod .....
For example, Radious mod improves some gameplay, but the difference between medium (too easy) and hard levels are too important, even if you play in coop mod with good faction like Athens and Sparta.
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