Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Ivan The Inedible
Should this really be heavy only?
I mean- I see the affiliation with heavy, but still
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1-15 / 18 のコメントを表示
Gooles 2013年10月21日 15時17分 
Agreed. I think this would be better as an All Class Misc.
MOO 2013年10月21日 15時39分 
i think it would be good as only heavy medic, it kinda suits it
I agree, it should be all class.
I think it should be Scout, Heavy , and Medic only
Heavy DUH
Heavy heals the Medic with Sandvich
Scout steals sandvich from Heavy and eats it
piggs 2013年10月21日 18時27分 
Nah, I don't think it fits any of the other classes.
Oriax 2013年10月21日 19時14分 
I would just put it as the heavy myself.
i think it should be all class because all classes eat sandviches (heavy throws it at them and they eat it)
Maybe Scout and Heavy?
rolf 2013年10月22日 13時08分 
Lunar Pronix™ の投稿を引用:
I think it should be Scout, Heavy , and Medic only
Heavy DUH
Heavy heals the Medic with Sandvich
Scout steals sandvich from Heavy and eats it
Yeah, should me heavy only. Meaby medic.
Imagine a ghost sandvich following you in TF2 while your playing, that would be creepy and sets the theme for halloween, should be all class
please, all cosmetics should all class
Kraizzie 2013年10月23日 16時06分 
it shouldnt be for all the clases remember theres only one big guy that eats a sandwich during a game and its a heavy
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