Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Atmos - Day / Night and Weather Modification
Black sky issue on server.
I have an issue with this mod. I tried using it on the dark rp server I am creating and it worked just fine for a while but recently the sky on the map has just been all black upon spawning in (when it should be day time as this is just after restarting the server). I determined that your mod is responsible as once I uninstalled it from the server the sky came back. When the issue occured I would get this message in console.

Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedrt)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedlf)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedbk)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedft)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedup)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/painteddn)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedrt)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedlf)
Requesting texture value from var "$startexture" which is not a texture value (material: skybox/paintedbk)

Please do help as I really love this mod and want it to be on the server for the great realism and immersion it creates.
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1-15 van 18 reacties weergegeven
looter  [ontwikkelaar] 11 jul 2016 om 20:44 
I think those errors mean the materials themselves are missing, the only things I could find online about it mentioned having to reinstall the game.
Well that is poop :(
looter  [ontwikkelaar] 11 jul 2016 om 23:41 
Try verifying your game cache first, and if that doesn't work reinstalling. Do other clients see the same thing?
This is happening on my server aswell, I really enjoy this addon and hope there's a fix besides game file validation.
I have tried to validate already
looter  [ontwikkelaar] 13 jul 2016 om 0:32 
Does it affect everyone in the server, or just you?
From what i've experienced it affects everyone on the server.
looter  [ontwikkelaar] 13 jul 2016 om 19:18 
Please set atmos_log 1 in the servers console, and changelevel/restart, and post the server log here as a pastebin link.
Do you happen to have an addon called acecool in your server? I removed mine and it seems to have fixed the issue.
I do not have any addon by that name
As for the issue it seems to be working fine now, so this leads me to believe the glitch happens at random and doesn't have any noteable cause.
im having the same problem but in single player...
I have a messed up sky... i need help...
i have an issue with this aswell anytime its dark outside the ground becomes black.............why?
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