Arma 3
Stratis Fallout Survival SP V1.4.2
Walt Aug 21, 2013 @ 1:07pm
What I'd like to see added/taken away.
I'm currently enjoying playing this however I have some constructive crtisism for the team:

1. Cut the amount of ammo available - There are mags and weapons and first aid kits everywhere. It's literally hardly been a struggle at all. From the get go I want to think, "If I miss these shots, I'm dead." I just walked in to Rogain and I was locked and loaded for the rest of the game!

2. If there is going to be a few big bases of enemies (AKA Rogain) make it so I look at it and think, I really want to avoid that place. Have patrols, have sentries, have a decent sized force of troops that have clearly regrouped in preperation of what has happened. I want to see enemies in guard towers, not just dudes looking at the floor.

3. Air Station Mike - I felt that this place should have been a focus of forces, it's big and defendable and has a radar tower albeit a bit damaged. Who wouldn't want that?!

4. Have more civilian vehicles on the roads instead of military trucks, especially when those military trucks are still working.

5. Lose the NV's from the start, infact, lose a lot of the attachments lying around. I want to be blundering about with a flashlight and iron sights, not a full kitted MX with silencer, laser sight, flash light, ARCO and GL with a laser designator. I think even binoculars would be too generous.

6. Less frag grenades, infact less off all types of grenades. I want to hold on to them until a deadly scenario arises, not throw them will-nilly!

7. Let me pick up enemy clothing. <<<----- big one for me.

8. Minefields.

9. Have the friendlies at the southern location have much less of everything. They had so much ammo and gear it was laughable when they asked for more. Also, add in some kind of medic. I burned myself early on and for the rest of the game my guy was moaning and groaning.

10. Camp Maxwell should be heavily defended, like Rogain. I assume Kamino will also be poorly defended. They should be heavily fortified!

11. I enjoyed the start with the Orca scouting around but it would have been nice to see it return to base when it had scouted the wreckage for survivors.

12. Destroyed and still-working military checkpoints.

13. I liked the fact I started defenceless.

14. I like the Orca scouting things out.

15. I like the fog and fires.

16. I think the Guerillas should be much more active than the Red-For. In a time like this, I would have thought that they would have taken control.

17. Atleast have a few friendly locations that are still being held.

That's all I can think of for what I think should be added and what I liked. You guys are doing an excellent job. Keep up the good work. Well done. :)
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Showing 1-15 of 19 comments
Brown  [developer] Aug 21, 2013 @ 1:19pm 
Hey man first of all thankyou very very much for your feedback! I see what you are saying and I am considering implementing a lot of this in V1.3.3. Please remember that this is till a work in progress and the future of how it will turn out is down to people like you. Camp Maxwell has had a lot of AI added to it now as it is part of a mission. The reason I didn't want to make bigger bases have more AI was because at first I wanted it to seem like the player was the only one left until he gets "The message" The Ai generally have custom built bases at smaller location e.g LZ Connor and "Jay Cove". I wanted most of the millitary bases to be like ruins with lots of dead and wrecks. I guess that over time they would have been re-inhabited but the mission is supposed to take place only a few hours after the nuclear fallout. I think you are 100% correct about having more civillian car on roads and i'm doing that now! I'll also get rid of the NV's. I hadn't thought of doing minefields until now but I know how to do them and i'll start them right away! A reason the friendlies had lots of ammo was because if I didn;t give them full ammo they'd run around looking for ammo and it would mess up the triggers. Some checkpoints are active and some are ruined e.g the "Old Outpost". Anyway thankyou very much for your feedback i've taken it all on board and im working on it as we speak!

- Brown [Main Editor and Creator]
- [Fallout Survival Devlopment team]

By the way what do you think of the idea of radiation which i'm adding?
Walt Aug 21, 2013 @ 2:31pm 
Awesome stuff dude! Keep up the incredible work! I'm sure a lot of people are looking at this mission. The radiation is a great idea. I will try it out again and let you know what I think in a few hours. :)
Ferret Leader Aug 21, 2013 @ 4:06pm 
I disagree with number one. I think the way it is is closer to actual Fallout.
is there a way this will be/ is available as a co-op mission? i´m still waiting for such a setting as co-op,since i play sometimes with a friend and both like those survival/ sandbox type of scenarios
Walt Aug 21, 2013 @ 4:35pm 
I agree with rockh34d_69. Co-op would be a nice addition. If you'd like to pander to the people who like a high amount of ammunition etc to those who don't, you could have a risk-reward system in that heavily defended areas and bases have high ammunition whereas everywhere else and random corpses wouldn't.
Brown  [developer] Aug 22, 2013 @ 12:55am 
There's a multiplayer version thats been out for a while ill send you a link!
Last edited by Brown; Aug 22, 2013 @ 1:12am
ZachS45 Aug 24, 2013 @ 2:29pm 
I think the best part of this survival would be if you had to eat and drink like wasteland. It would also be alot better if you coud move and build bases because unlike wasteland you can save and continue. and tow... im sure you get where im going with this. Other than that i absolutely love this. Keep up the good work man. :)
Last edited by ZachS45; Aug 24, 2013 @ 2:30pm
kosnack007 Aug 24, 2013 @ 9:31pm 
hey brown please go easy on taking some of the ammo/guns/equipment out of the game. It will be impossible to play on harder levels of play. you will see when four guys are alternating mag changes and delivering accurate fire on your location and you have 30 rounds of ammo. Im a big fallout fan but not as much as arma and the two together is bliss. Even in fallout you got some of the best equipment by buying it or getting it off a dead guy you just killed. If you can include a medic with a med kit or the player being able to use one would be cool also. for some help wasteland has a player menu that has water, food and some have kits no matter if you are a medic or a demo expert. it would be nice to repair your vehicle you worked so hard for and keep it running and fill it with gas. (steal maybe?) it would be a little like fallout and still have a survival aspect to it. rewarding the player as he/she plays longer they establish themselfs. even in survival situations very few people will still have the better guns/equip/ammo and so on. (only if you pry it from there dead hands!) thanks for the great game mode!!!! :)
quasimod Aug 26, 2013 @ 10:31pm 
First, let me say this mod is a lot of fun! Great work, I hope you can keep wokring on it, polishing things up. My one problem, is that there seems to be only one user save, or am I missing something? I just got killed on mission 2, and I don't want to start all over from the beginning, you know? Thanks for putting this together!
StarCopper Aug 27, 2013 @ 11:40pm 
Awesome mission! One thing I would add was a option to tow cars to other cars. With the first mission, if the hunter gets caught by a stray bullet to the engine block, you basicly can't complete the mission. Other then that, lots of fun!
quasimod Aug 30, 2013 @ 3:59pm 
Minor problem with the AI: the "friendly survivors" do not react if you run one over with a vehicle to get their gear (big backpack, etc.) They only react hostile if you shoot them. It's handy, but it shouldn't work that way :D
Brown  [developer] Aug 31, 2013 @ 7:00am 
Hi everyone subscribe to this to get the Altis version as soon as its released!
Blacksh33p Sep 2, 2013 @ 5:57am 
i couldnt drive more then 5 meters without being blown up by a heli
Brown  [developer] Oct 8, 2013 @ 9:08am 
@broclive, are you sure it was a heli, it may have been a minefield?
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