Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Loreknight Jul 10, 2015 @ 2:46pm
My stats
this medigun could have unlimited range, yet have to have the heal target always in the fov of the medic.

+medic and heal target cannot be hit multiple times by weapons such as the pomson 6000 and rightous bison
+100% heal rate
-10% uber rate
-negative 100% overheal build rate

the uber charge granted by this medigun is normally made to be able to uber the large size of the giant mvm robots, but in this case, the medic had the engineer tweak it, to grant the uber to teammates in a close range, but the engineer wasnt able to make it perfect, as the uber makes all teammates only take 75% less damage for 8 seconds, but not invulnerability.

MVM specific stats
The medigun can be targeted onto the robots, but it does the reverse by taking away their health, and can be upgraded to give portions of the taken health back to the medic, while another mvm upgrade is to add 5% extra damage resistance up to 5 times to gain full invulnerability in mvm