Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

Full Invasion Osiris
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
[FI3] Maroon  [developer] Oct 15, 2018 @ 12:25am
Steps to Prevent Runtime Errors & Crashes
With the introduction of Osiris the amount of crashes in Full Invasion 2 have increased again. This is because the amount of content in Full Invasion 2 has now crossed the boundary of what Warband's engine can consistently handle.
We've had reports of players with all kinds of computers having crashes, and some people with higher end machines are experiencing more crashes than people with lower end machines, or vice versa.

In this thread we'll list several setting changes that might help prevent the crashes, or at least reduce their frequency. The list will be ordered by the impact the change will have on how Warband looks or runs (so the first option will be barely noticable, while the last will significantly reduce your graphical fidelity).

After each of these steps we encourage you to test and see if you're still getting a lot of crashes. I personally only have followed the first two steps, and I almost never have crashes anymore.

If you're experiencing runtime crashes while in game, use the following steps to reduce the frequency of crashes:
  1. Enable "Load Textures On Demand" and "Use Pixel Shaders". Both these options can be found in Warband's launcher. Enabling these options do more to help the game load in the first place than help prevent Runtime crashes, but they're still important.
    Visual guide.[]
  2. Disable "Enable Sound Variation". This option is also found in the launcher, this time under the audio tab. Sound Variation is an option that slightly changes the pitch of each sound played, to make sure the same sound effect doesn't sound identical. Testing has shown that this effect isn't very noticable, but can have a major impact on the frequency of Runtime crashes.
    Visual guide.[]
  3. Disable the new UI features. Full Invasion has introduced several new UI elements, including healthbars and a minimap. Disabling these features in the options menu can help prevent crashes.
    Visual guide.[]
  4. Lower your graphical settings. Lowering your graphical settings can have a large impact on performance and crash frequency in Osiris. Especially the settings "Number of Corpses", "Number of Rag Dolls", "Character Shadows" and "HDR Mode" have a large influence. Settings these options as low as possible can help prevent Runtime crashes.
  5. Enable the "Disable Music" option. Disabling music altogether can only be done in the launcher. Disabling music allows the game to focus on rendering the game while not having to bother with music at the same time. The drawback in this case is obvious.
    Visual guide.[]
  6. DRASTIC: Enable the "Disable Sound" option. From our experience, completely disabling sound removes any chance of the Runtime error to occur. The impact of this option is severe, as you can imagine, so we do not advise this option unless all of the methods above prove to be fruitless.
    Visual guide.[]

We hope that this list will help people who experience frequent crashes. If you have found a different method to help prevent these crashes, please let us know in a comment.
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
WhyTestify Oct 15, 2018 @ 11:35am 
Tried all of these, and they dont work, also never had the problem with amber either, almost every map change, seems to happen more often with higher player counts.
Elandil Aurelius Oct 17, 2018 @ 3:52am 
I crash when there is a certain enemy faction on. Don't know which because I crash without ever seeing it.
Wehrwolf Oct 18, 2018 @ 11:07pm 
that doesn't work
Pandchos Oct 29, 2018 @ 9:27am 
None of these help, the starting loading screen crashes, i get an error message, which says "Shader has not been found: plain_man".
[FI3] Maroon  [developer] Oct 29, 2018 @ 10:26am 
Switch to DirectX 9 to prevent that crash, Electric.
MisterEmu Nov 2, 2018 @ 5:09pm 
launches fine but does not go past laoding screen, ever. i tried everything listed and switching to directx9
Stalin Jan 5, 2019 @ 5:09am 
it not work when i start game something intializing then its freeze and come back on desktop no error nothing
FeistyOneYouAre Jan 26, 2019 @ 5:18pm 
When ever I even try to launch the module it says "Module Files can't be found."
Originally posted by FI2 Maroon:

Hey dude.

I left you an apology.
Camel Jan 31, 2020 @ 6:40pm 
Originally posted by Farko:
it not work when i start game something intializing then its freeze and come back on desktop no error nothing
me too
Genepy Sep 14, 2020 @ 8:06am 
i have see the Maroon post, and i can give some tips.
Personnally, i've try all, and i have less crashes & errors !
but if you have a "poor wooden PC" me,
and select all good options for don't have errors & crashes...

-For Loading game freeze & crashes : when you launch the mod,
you have at the left bottom of screen "Setting the maximum FPS to 999 in the launcher will significally dicrease the loading times !" that !
(M&Blade launcher : Configure>Video>Max Frame Rate : 999)

-desactivate Health bars + minimap (Escape : mods options)
but if you need rapidly the map in game, press F8 (activate/desactivate)

-multiple maps change during a game (game over or polls)
you can have an error after this maybe... SO : don't pool every time !!

-Don't press ALT+Tab in FULL SCREEN MOD : you can have an error after !
(if you are a "professional alt+tab'er : play in windowed mod-that work !)

-in Video Options : check your "Estimate Performance" at right of the screen.
if you have 30-40%... not good ;)
Screen resolution : i have the best performance with "Use Desktop Resolution"
DirectX option in the launcher : test DX7 and DX9, DirectX9 is better with the mod normally.

-When you are dead or in Spectator, don't fallow an allies, put your camera
in a corner of a batiment and press Tab sometimes for see the numbers of ennemy bots
(or F8 activate/descative map, for see numbers of red points !).

-if you see red message during game in chat, it's maybe a "texture missing problem"
but you can continue to play...just you see some dudes bots in black texture :)

-"connection to server is lost" - it's a problem with the server- (tab: check your ping in game)
after : it's maybe you have a problem with your connection

-if you quit a game (a server) and go in menu "host a game - rejoin a game" with your character on the left - you can have an error too (pretty similar as "multiple maps change" error) you are blocked on the "loading data..." screen.
for deblock, maintain alt+tab and close the window "RGL FACTIONS.txt error missing"or a name like that ! and ... relaunch the game

-during a game you can try : Escape > refresh character (between waves) that not just for refill or repair, but that can destuck you and put you with the "original textures" of your character (without blood or otherthings) and not with "an arrow in the head" !!!

-you can try : "L" on your keyboard-it's for chat history, but i use that like a "refresh" for the screen-game too ( / ! \ : don't use that when you have many ennemies : you can crash !)

- you need your money + stats on your last server (game) after an "error"?
press : Escape > Server Rules - a window is open with your money + stats ;)

-if you have like 30 players in game, and you have a "little computer" :
don't take risk...stay away ! wait the middle of waves for play in melee or ranged
(30 players+all the bots maybe "freeze" and slowdown your screen...and crash come !)
better to do that on a cav. wave & boss wave (some boss wave with special texture can give more "textures error" like ghosts from LOTR)

-Too many errors : check on your PC if you have a security for "don't make unauthorized writes on your computer disks"....for me it's in win 10 : Parameters>update&security>ransomware protection
it's that, an antivirus or an app of the Pc constructor....check an see what ;)

-maybe your error come from M&B, not from the mod, so :
verify the integrity of the files game (in steam parameters) + update your game (from steam too) - after : reinstall the mod (M&B Workshop + check fallow "Full invasion 2"
with that, your mod is automatically updated :D
(so if you use M&Blade Steam install : more safe to take Full invasion from the workshop and not from Modb or other website !)

-if you have a good connection, and suddently a bad connection,
you have maybe a downloading on your computer (join a game>and see the pings of servers : 160-200 and more for all's maybe that !)
an update of win10, of a steam game...or an update of the Steam app !!
for Steam relaunch the app, and see if it's that !

-and finally :
-CRASHES are maybe more a problem with the config of the PC.
so : check the parameters of your Graphic card, and, if you have a laptop with an HDMI port,check if you have x2 graphic cards and select the more powerful for M&B.
you can do that in Win 10 : Parameters>Display Settings>Graphic parameters
add M&Blade and select "hight performances"
(you can go in the Display Settings menu with : right click on Desktop too !)
check too : if in right click on Desktop, you have a parameters for your "HD" graphic card, like the Nvidia Menu)
better to be sure to have Finvasion 2 on an HDcard than your intel card :D
-(Tip info : i turn actualy on my main graphic card- because use x2 graphic cards
in same time demand lot of energy -power- and that can cause lags, due to the
heat caused by the X2 cards. SO : use this TIP if you have a good PC or Laptop and a good sytem of cooling ;)

-Trick of virtual memory (for guys who have knowledges in informatic... and have 8go of ram or less ): if your sytem is install on SSD, you can try to create a
partition for the virtual memory (on the same SSD slot of the system) and move the "virtual memory" on ! i have don't try this...but that can help !
just found a tuts. on a good technical website ;)

Maybe that can help you... Good Luck !
Genepy- French baguette player of M&B Full invasion 2 : errors & crashes :D
Last edited by Genepy; Dec 3, 2021 @ 4:38pm
CptZhu Jun 29, 2023 @ 12:25pm 
buggy mess
Frsotika Dec 31, 2023 @ 6:14am 
Get WSE2 (Script Extender), it will solve any issue 99%.
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