Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition

CalFree in Chains
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
cirion  [developer] Apr 28, 2020 @ 5:16pm
Bugs Bugs Bugs
Reporting Bugs

This is where bugs go! I appreciate any and all bugs, no matter how trivial they might seem. My goal is to end up with a campaign that seems as polished as the ones release by HBS, so if anything strikes you as wrong, I want to fix it.

For typos, please give me the complete sentence if possible, otherwise as much information as you can remember.

For graphical glitches (clipped objects, ugly lighting, etc.), screenshots are really helpful. You can capture a screenshot in Steam (default key F12), upload it, and then paste the link into a comment or tell me to check your gallery. Or, just describe where you noticed the problem and what you saw.

Finally, for actual functional bugs (game freezes, looping dialogue, missing rewards, anything else that impacts gameplay), the single most helpful thing for me is steps to reproduce. Try to explain where you where, what you were doing, what problem you noticed, and and anything else that seems relevant.

If a bug isn’t blocking your progress, feel free to keep on playing. Otherwise, you can wait for a fix. Most fixes will require you to restart the scene in which the bug occurred.

Thanks again for taking the time to report bugs! Running into bugs is a hassle, but your contributions help to create a better game for future players.

Known Issues


Playing with cheats enabled can break the campaign. Giving yourself extra nuyen or karma is safe, but other cheats like Warp, God Mode and Kill can break triggers and make it impossible to progress. Sometimes it won't be obvious until much later that the game is broken. If you are playing with cheats and encounter a bug, please disable cheats, restart the current scene or rewind to an earlier one, and play through normally.

Slow performance / stuttering

A few people have reported slow framerates on certain missions. If this happens to you, please open the Options from your in-game PDA menu and disable the "HD Textures" option. You might need to restart the game and/or restart the scene for the change to take effect. This should only have a small impact on the game's graphics, but can dramatically improve performance.

Old Bugs

The first and second bug threads are still available in read-only mode. If you previously reported an issue there and are still seeing it in the latest version, please create a new post in this thread.
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
C4-621 May 5, 2020 @ 6:02pm 
After doing the Mojave desert mission and talking to Aleria afterwards (Didn't bring her), I'm unable to start any missions. The marker for the door is still there, but it's just plain yellow and can't be interacted with.
cirion  [developer] May 5, 2020 @ 7:43pm 
@The Intercep-DUH-r: Thanks for the report! If this is the scene I'm thinking of, then Arelia should be standing in front of the door. You may need to move in front of it to see her. Click on her for a second conversation, then the exit should be enabled once it finishes.

If you're still seeing the problem, please let me know the following:
1. Did you have the argument conversation with Arelia?
2. At the end, did you choose to follow her or let her go?
That should help me reproduce the problem. Thanks!
C4-621 May 6, 2020 @ 4:14am 
1. Yes, this is immediately after the argument conversation with her.
2. Let her go.
3. She's not in front of the door, only the guard.
EDIT: Do note that the sudden kiss scene was before the previous mission, I wasn't even able to bring her to the Mojave mission.
Last edited by C4-621; May 6, 2020 @ 4:27am
cirion  [developer] May 6, 2020 @ 12:27pm 
@The Intercep-DUH-r: Thank you for the details, that was very helpful! I was able to reproduce the bug you encountered and have released an update in version 1.0.2 that should fix it. After getting the update you will need to restart the scene in order to apply the fix. Please let me know if you still see the issue. Cheers!
cityofgolem May 18, 2020 @ 2:47pm 
Started the game, completed the initial quest, chose to go after the dwarf mayor, then got to the library for the first time, talked to everyone there, got the transponder quest, flirted a bit with Valiri, bought equipment, and headed out for first quest selected from the library. Picked the one to get fake Protectorate IDs, which took me to Forged In Battle. Team consists of Valiri, Desorn, and Kora (selected in that order). Met the dog, followed it, got it following me. Triggered an interaction with team members that's different on each reload. Just past where the dog and that team-interaction trigger were, I came across a guy on the ground, bound and held at gunpoint, and a crowd around him, one of whom makes a comment that "this doesn't concern you", which it apparently doesn't, because I'm not able to intervene or interact with that scene in any way (none of the characters are interactive, nothing interactive nearby, and nothing happens no matter how much I run about amongst them), but I can't just ignore it and move on, because the way forward is blocked by a gate (also non-interactive). How do I trigger whatever's supposed to move the plot forward from here?
cityofgolem May 18, 2020 @ 2:55pm 
Update: I did one last pass through the entire area before reloading to continue with a different quest selection, and found a group of guys who were just standing around as apparent decoration near the entrance, were now interactive. Saved them from the Protectorate there, and now there's a yellow diamond around the group near the gate that I had trouble with before, and approaching them triggers the plot to move forward. So, I'm now able to continue, but might still want to figure out what went wrong here, so the next person who's just slightly less persistent than I was doesn't have the same problem and end up giving up.
cityofgolem May 19, 2020 @ 9:22pm 
Got to the underwater prison, got to the bit where the mage CEO lady comes out of her room to fight us, then drops dead. Kora gave me her little pep talk, the dialog window closes, I get the "flee the prison" quest update... and it never frees up to allow me to move around. The scenery animations are still going, so the application's not just frozen/crashed, so probably an infinite loop. I've repeatedly reloaded a save and had this happen every time, and one time around, I left it sitting for a few hours, so it's not just lagging in loading the next bit.
cityofgolem May 19, 2020 @ 9:28pm 
When it stalls out, I can still scroll the view around the map (though only those two rooms are visible), and can still bring up the PDA, further establishing the application didn't just crash. Quick save doesn't work (no new save appears, and no "game saved" notification), and going to the floppy-disk tab, the Save button is greyed out (like it would be during an enemy's turn, or while my character is still walking), but the Reload Level, Load Game and Exit to Main Menu buttons still work.
Corlain Jul 12, 2020 @ 4:46am 
Yeah I have the same issue in the underwater facility, the game freezes at that point and it happens every time even after reloading a save and doing the entire scene again.
Invisible_person Jul 23, 2020 @ 3:59pm 
so, i'm at NIKE, completed the mission and i'm walking around looking for the transponder site, when above ground, i'm hearing two pings that never change, one so quiet i almost can't hear it, and a loud one that's impossible to miss. in the bunker i hear no beeps at all, i've seen the bug report in the old thread, and can't seem to find the location from it's reply.
cirion  [developer] Jul 23, 2020 @ 7:34pm 
@Invisible_person: The transponder is inside the bunker, in the northeast, to the right of the ladder where you enter and to the left of the vent. If you hug the wall along the north you should find it. Good luck!

@cityofgolem and @Corlain: Sorry for the delayed response! First, can you please confirm that you aren't using any cheats? If you are, please disable them and restart the mission; cheats can break a lot of the scripting and lead to the game getting stuck like this. If it's still happening, can you please let me know your player character's archetype, and how you handled the fight right before it froze? Thanks!
cityofgolem Jul 24, 2020 @ 9:08pm 
@cirion I'm a troll, mostly samurai (hand razors as primary weapon), focused on durability and regeneration (following a narrative theme based on me being used to trolls being regenerators), with a bit of spellcasting (just enough for Heal Wound 1, currently my only equipped spell) and chi casting (at this point, my only chi spell was Magic Resistance). I also have a single point in Drone Control, and a doberman, mostly just to unlock doors and such (he's irrelevant in a fight, and I don't usually activate him during fights), though the doberman was destroyed much earlier, I think in the very first fight of the level (sometimes the enemies focus on the drone, active or not, but at least it's a couple shots that don't hit the rest of the team, I wasn't doing much with that weapon slot anyway, and it's only a single point of karma)

Exact build, as of the save I made mid-fight, right before the bug-triggering event:
Body 5, Cyberware Affinity 3
Strength 5, Close Combat 4
Quickness 3, Dodge 3
Intelligence 2, Biotech 2, Drone Control 1
Willpower 6, Spellcasting 2, Chi Casting 3
Charisma 1
3 Karma left unspent
Gear: Secure Clothing, Doberman, Cursed Knuckles, homemade medkit x3, Magic Resistance, Heal Wound 1
Cyber: Gills, Datajack, JoltAlert (R. arm), Ares Hand Razors, Cross Dermal Sheath
1042 cash on hand
currently at 42/50 hp

Most of that's probably irrelevant, but listing it all because I don't know which bits to safely leave out.

cityofgolem Jul 24, 2020 @ 9:15pm 
@cirion It's been too long to remember for sure if I used any debug codes on that run, but I don't think I did. At any rate, the only ones I ever use in any campaign are +Karma, +AP, +Nuyen, and +HP, none of which are particularly likely ones to cause problems. I do, however, have access to the debug console, including the logs and analytics and such, and a save made right before the bug. Thus, while there's too much info there to dump it all here, if there's a specific variable from that save that would be useful to you, I can probably find it.
Last edited by cityofgolem; Jul 24, 2020 @ 9:15pm
luxebo Dec 16, 2020 @ 1:46am 
Ran into a bug in "Forged In Battle" (I think this is Isol's mission from what I saw in the editor). Infinite loading screen with "E PLYR ERROR Can't find tile to create player SeatleCore/TrollMale", no idea how to fix this since content pack is read only. Also seems to be similar to issues I had with the bonus campaign which I have yet to fix (replace TrollMale with Krait, Spider Tank, or Grenade Turret). I have no idea what to do here, bit unfortunate that I cannot play past this point due to this error; thoroughly enjoyed the previous two campaigns.

Edit: Resolved, copy AI files in hk_coda (bonus campaign) into shadowrun_core AI folder.
Last edited by luxebo; Dec 16, 2020 @ 1:04pm
nebulus Mar 31, 2021 @ 11:35am 
After the mission in the Mojave Desert, I didn't get the option to get my share of the PU donations from Kora. If it was intended: nbd.
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