[B18] Psychology
Mayoral Election Results?
Are you supposed to get a message when a mayor is chosen? because i get an election is happening notification every fall and it says everyone will make their choice once they know both candidates better, but I never find out who was chosen as mayor? The message on the bottom right just goes away after a week or so without any input
Отредактировано Jet; 13 мар. 2018 г. в 16:24
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Автор сообщения: Jet
Are you supposed to get a message when a mayor is chosen? because i get an election is happening notification every fall and it says everyone will make their choice once they know both candidates better, but I never find out who was chosen as mayor? The message on the bottom right just goes away after a week or so without any input
same. Now the elections are starting but never finish.
also the end-table that gives bonuses to your beds are no longer movable. if you do that they just dissapear. Just try it. Also end-tables have the "Mayor Office" thing to it too. Like was this update even tested before?
All the mod is broken now, because for some reason dev HAD to do unnecessary update to it.
Отредактировано Bepiss; 14 мар. 2018 г. в 5:38
The author seems to have acknowledged the mayor office glitch. Please let him know in the comments about the non existing elections
I had the same problem, but assumed it was due to my mods interference.
had? did you fix it?
Nothing happening for election here as well? Is something happening here or is the mod being given up?
Any updates on the situation?
Well even though i've only started using this mod yesterday, on an ongoing savegame, i got elections straight away by mid-fall with the "election event" taking place for 7 days, but ending up with an elected mayor Pop-up announcement.
i got the first election event when installing the mod to a ongoing game.
But there were no candidates or elections ever and never heard of the elections again for 2 ingame years now.

Has anyone figured this out? I get elections, candidates, but they never make a voting place? The election status just goes away and a mayor is not selected, no message in the top left either.
election not working for me either :(
Yup. months later IRL and years later in game still no fix
I had these problems on one save and I think I found a fix: make sure your pawn schedules overlap. On the save I had a problem with, I had a day and a night shift each 12 hours apart from the other, and I think what happened is that not enough pawns got to know each candidate enough to vote. There's a hint in the election popup iirc which says the pawns have to know all the candidates, and my schedule was preventing them from getting to know everyone. Switching to a system where the night shift overlapped the day shift for 3-4 hours fixed it.
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