Playable XCOM 2 Aliens
Playable XCOM 2 Aliens Bug List
If you may, RealityMachina, you may tag this thread to become a soley for Bug reports only. (up to you). On to topic, I found a few bugs with the mod, so far.

NOTE: I only play-tested it shortly, by rushing all starter missions and gianing the new "faction", I have not gained the other aliens of yet, only the Secotid, but due to the nature of the old mod, I can safely assume, it will fit all aliens. (As there is only 3).

Photobooth Bug: All Aliens (Someone else reported the viper too) are unable to strike "nomralized" poses, inside the photobooth, in both missions and on the ship, they smipley bug out, as their bones are not rigged. (Image/Proof: https://imgur.com/a/h5SGA )

How To See/Use Bug: Place any alien into the Photobooth

Alien Weapons, Can NOT Be Colored: While this, comes as no srupise, we still have the "UI" that appers, that we can, but any colors or patten, does not show up. (Image/Proof: https://imgur.com/a/aN5kf )

How To See/Use Bug: Go into the nomral "Pick Name/Weapon Color meun" and see.

When I go into the Character Pool and attempt to create any alien charaters, all that happens is the weapon changes but not the model.



Skyranger & Hacking has been fixed:

Update: 6 Dec, 2017 @ 1:15am
Aliens now use humanoid animations for skyranger and hacking.This may not work out as well as I hope it does.

(Need someone to confrim this ^)

Última edição por Circle of Psi; 29/jan./2018 às 2:06
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A kobold 4/dez./2017 às 12:39 
please put a space after the link it puts the ) in it bugging the link out.
Gixcaririxen 5/dez./2017 às 5:17 
Escrito originalmente por Circle of Psi:

Skyranger/Dropzone/Mission Start Bugs: None of the aliens, move or do anything, while they paly out, unlike nomral soliders, this was apppernt, in the other mod too. (Image/Proof: https://imgur.com/a/H7Hnj ) (https://imgur.com/q0Xkjnu ) (https://imgur.com/YzUzAdz ) (https://imgur.com/nmF7eWb )

How To Use/See Bug: Pick an alien, onto your team.

Aliens Can't Use Hacking System: It bugs out, no screen comes, the screen just freezes, you can exit the "hacking" by pressing ESC, but all aliens can't hack.
(Image/Proof: https://imgur.com/a/hSBHe ) (https://imgur.com/DJurUeN ) (https://imgur.com/UpfWQPj )

this two bug is happen to the original mod too that are old thing (maybe the devs wanted that happen)
Amori 9/dez./2017 às 6:54 
pls fix this bug with tap on the back of the snake

Soeren 16/dez./2017 às 11:47 
I noticed that the Muton is missing the icon that indicates he has the ability to counter melee-attacks. So far he never countered a melee-attack against him, but that might just be my luck.
Also, the Muton is unable to execute stunned enemies right next to him, even with the appropriate skill. The execute-ability doesn't show up. Or does this only work on unconscious enemies?
What I wanted to say: Could you please fix this?
Última edição por Soeren; 16/dez./2017 às 11:57
Gixcaririxen 5/jan./2018 às 7:51 
Escrito originalmente por Alius die morietur:
pls fix this bug with tap on the back of the snake
is the same but that I have too
irishmafia2020 19/jan./2018 às 21:41 
Ok - this is likely an issue of this mod being in conflict with another, but in the council mission in which I retrieve the alien (a muton) he can't move... it just says "out of actions" after I move him out of the truck. In other words, after that first turn he just sits in one spot, and while he is listed in the squad, he can't be used. Awesome mod though - I hope I can figure out what is causing it, because it adds a really cool twist to the game!
Paradox Law 28/jan./2018 às 14:13 
When I go into the Character Pool and attempt to create any alien charaters, all that happens is the weapon changes but not the model.

Meph 23/fev./2018 às 16:59 
When I play the first mission in which you get Mox, my sectoid doesn't count as one of the 3 people I need to get in the evac zone so the mission won't end unless I allow the sectoid to die
Cleb 27/mar./2018 às 0:39 
Missing jpeg in the weapons list. narrowed it down to this mod.
Pencilartguy 5/abr./2018 às 13:30 
I think I found a bug. When I use a Viper to bind an advent soldier, she doesn't have the "Release Bind" ability. It seems to be gone. Is there a way to fix this?

EDIT: I tested out the vanilla vipers using console commands. They did have the ability to release the bind but the viper from my barracks couldn't. Is anyone else having this problem?
Última edição por Pencilartguy; 5/abr./2018 às 16:41
hiphop4eva 14/abr./2018 às 12:29 
I have the same problem as irishmafia2020, every single time I play a VIP mission inluding the ones in this mod it just says "out of actions" for the rest of the game after I use both of their actions. It's starting to get really annoying because I keep losing missions because of this thing.
hiphop4eva 14/abr./2018 às 13:23 
Yeah, I used console commands just so I could evac the alien and when I did it didn't even process it. I still lost the mission. This mod is way too unstable to play at the moment.
suicune_dude 5/jul./2018 às 4:28 
I don't know if this is checked too much but I just had a fringe case I didn't see described.

I went through a hell of a mission to rescue an andromedon and he ended up getting knocked unconscious by a muton (Not dead). So, even after carrying it back to the evac it counted as a failure, and I didn't get the unit either.

Update: Reloaded my evac turn and passed the andromedon to someone else and the mission succeeded. Not sure why, but maybe it helps
Última edição por suicune_dude; 6/jul./2018 às 3:24
Ericpar 6/jul./2018 às 19:29 
Andromedon breaks concealment with first movement. Might be due to "Wall Smash" ability.
Attacan Nykos 19/ago./2018 às 12:48 
Dont know why, but my sectoid is causing the evac zones to move whenever i try to evac him. central says something along the lines of "the evac zone has been compromised, hold position while we move to a new lz".
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