Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Russian Roulette V2
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Showing 1-15 of 30 comments
PhoLinks Nov 28, 2014 @ 1:58pm 
100per more damage 50per chance to not fire 25per less ammo
so 100+damage 50% to not fire 25%less ammo
Czekola Nov 29, 2014 @ 7:20am 
1/6 chance for crit, -20% fire ratio
LZRBrick Nov 29, 2014 @ 7:26am 
well i wish THAT THIS WAS A MOD!
Haldarth Nov 29, 2014 @ 10:38am 
I would say a 1/6 chance of shooting yourself my mistake could be could, plus a 10% damage increase in general. Seems like a cool idea.
CaptainCollimar Nov 29, 2014 @ 4:05pm 
Maybe a 1/6 chance of a critical hit, -50% damage.
should have slug shots
JackieTheBigGuy Nov 30, 2014 @ 9:27am 
waw this gun look asOME
Enter the Domain Nov 30, 2014 @ 1:45pm 
+50% faster reload.
+20% fire rate
-25% damage
-No critical hits
Alexco Dec 1, 2014 @ 12:29pm 
Wow everyone, or most of the people put the stat that I did in the version 1...
Okay here are my ideas:

+50% damage

-A chance of the gun not firing a bullet, and you have to reload the clip, it doesn't matter how many bullets you have left.
Salty Twat Dec 2, 2014 @ 9:54am 
My idea:

+75% damage

-25% shooting rate

-and 1 bullet in the gun will randomly do damage to you
Techno Brownie Dec 2, 2014 @ 10:00am 
Wow... Everybody loves giveing this a gambleing gimic. I rather not have my fights based on luck so hows this:
(Note: I know not what % = what so I wont even bother doing them)

+Base Damage (About the same as Spys Embasdr revolver? I dont know the power of heavy shotgun so this value is in the air)
-6 round clip
=Takes longer to reload, however you reload all your shots at once
=No/Little spread
-Only one "Slug" shot

If your all intent in haveing a gableing gimic then I present to you: TAUNTS!
First idea is: heavy spins gun, Points gun ganster sideways infront of him, Says something in russian ("Do you feal lucky little man?") Then pulls trigger. 1/3 chance a insa kill shot will be fired. This taunt is as fast as Snipers Huntsman taunt.

Second idea is a Co-Op taunt: Heavy holds gun infront with hilt/handle pointing forward, Heavy says "You wish to test luck agenst Heavy?", When Co-Op is acepeted Other pulls trigger at Heavy 1/6 chance Heavy dies (If heavy dies Other auto taunts), If Heavy dosent die he snaches gun from Other and points at Others head then pulls trigger 1/5 chance Other dies (If other dies Heavy does normal shotgun taunt), If no one is dead at this point Heavy slaps Other (No damage) and gameplay resumes.

Third and last taunt Idea is: Heavy spins gun, Points it at his head, shouts "Heavy is luckest of them all!!", Pulls trigger 1/6 chance Heavy dies.

If you all are intent on haveing some gambit based combat then:
>everything from my first sugestion
+Better chance for crits (1/6 rate)
+Crit damage (80-150 damage)
-Less base damage, around 10 damage (Ingnore the first +damage)
Last edited by Techno Brownie; Dec 2, 2014 @ 10:17am
el glumo Dec 3, 2014 @ 10:08am 
+Crit headshot
-50per less ammo
-1 bullet per 1 shot
Pages Dec 3, 2014 @ 1:34pm 
Here's an idea!
On kill: 8 seconds of guaranteed Minicrits
-9 bullets per shot
On fire: -5 health

Here I incorporate the fact that the Russian Roulette was a dangerous game, and the fact that this is a single bullet revolver. Also, the reload could be the heavy inserting every bullet into the barrel, like the Magnum revolver.
Last edited by Pages; Dec 3, 2014 @ 1:36pm
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