Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

72 个评价
University Fine Arts Building
3.295 MB
2015 年 11 月 28 日 上午 11:29
1 项改动说明 ( 查看 )

University Fine Arts Building

在 Bfb Da Packman 的 1 个合集中
Better Schools
13 件物品
2,288 Tris / 3.1 MB - Based on original 3D Model: Music Conservatory by Quezovercoatl

The Fine Arts Building is very expensive to build and maintain on per-student basis since there aren't many classrooms in the building. However, its a great addition to any university.

It has a built in bike trail at the front of the building that can be connected to other building in this collection. There is also a built in walk path at the rear of the building.

Source Collection:
Better Schools

The statistics are generated from a Google Docs Spreadsheet[] which contains various properties of the asset. This will result in a more realistic and challenging simulation. To get the full effect, you should subscribe to more than just this one building from the Better Schools Collection.
  • Triangles/LOD Triangles - 2,288 / 218
  • Type of School - University
  • Milestone Available - 9
  • Education Quality - High
  • Student Capacity - 250
  • Plot Size - 10x12
  • Electricity - 500 KW
  • Construction Cost - $56,000 ($224/student)
  • Maintenance Cost - $240/week ($0.96/Student/week)
  • Fire Hazard - 1
  • Fire Tolerance - 20
  • Garbage Accumulation -5
  • Sewage Accumulation - 400 m^3/week
  • Water Consumption - 480 m^3/week
  • Workers U/E/W/H - 8/8/0/0
  • Education Accumulation - 150
  • Education Radius - 23 tiles

Props Required
Many of the props used with this asset are from the default library of props. However, I am also using props from the Common Props and Trees Collection and it is recommended that you subscribe to all the props in this collection. If you don't subscribe to this collection, it will still work, but there will be a few props/trees missing.

Check out the More Better Buildings Collection collection for more assets such as this.
8 条留言
LIDL 2016 年 6 月 6 日 下午 3:05 
Amazon thank u thumps up:steamhappy:
Finwickle 2016 年 4 月 26 日 上午 8:03 
This asset seems to use a fountain from the pre-order bonus items (botanical garden), which means the fountain is missing for me. Would it be possible for you to replace that fountain by a freely available one?
Bfb Da Packman  [作者] 2015 年 12 月 3 日 上午 7:51 
Every education building serves the entire city so there is no need to spread the buildings around. A university building with radius of 0 will get the same number of students as a building with radius of 1,000.

The accumulation and radius affect only how much educational happiness is given to the nearby residential buildings. In other words, a building within the radius will level up more than a building outside the radius. However, citizens from both buildings will still attend the university. One will just have to travel farther.

The only reason to spread the buildings around would be if you want all your buildings to have the same educational happiness. However, this isn't very realistic. In reality, everyone goes to school, but some areas are better than others, which is what I'm trying to simulate. A low quality school will still get students, but the neighorhood land values will be lower than if it was a high quality school.

Hope that makes sense.
Spec. Tater 2015 年 12 月 3 日 上午 2:43 
Thx again. I like your re-work of the assets, although some seem a little OP - like, to the point that when faced with a choice I always pick the same one because it's so good.

Have you considered upping the radius and lowering the accumulation/number of students? Especially for universities, I'd like to bulid one large complex of bulidings to mimic a real school, but then the radius is too small, so I end up with lots of separate buildings for coverage. I'd rather have each building be worth less (15? 30 tops?), but with a much larger radius, like 500. That way even a large city would only need two or three clusters of University buidlings. Just something to consider.
Bfb Da Packman  [作者] 2015 年 12 月 2 日 上午 7:32 
They should all be in squares/tiles.
Spec. Tater 2015 年 12 月 1 日 下午 11:49 
Thx. One of your other assets lists a radius of 291 or somthing. Does that mean 290 squares or 290m (i.e., 35 sq?)
Bfb Da Packman  [作者] 2015 年 12 月 1 日 下午 2:07 
The radius is a function of the educational level of the specific building in the collection. English, Math, and Engineering buildings have much larger radius than dormitory and fine arts building.

Also, I report radius in squares. Most everyone else reports it as the value entered in to the Asset Editor, which is 8X the radius in squares. So the radius entered in to the asset editor is more like 190.
Spec. Tater 2015 年 12 月 1 日 下午 12:03 
is it just me or is the radius on these VERY small? 23 squares?