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GoT Map
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TYPE: Extension
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19 Kas 2015 @ 8:56
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GoT Map

Some tests with the map importer.
62 Yorum
ShadowZ 8 Haz 2016 @ 12:31 
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
GameClientState_LaunchGame.GameService_CreateGameComplete (System.Object sender, Amplitude.Unity.Game.CreateGameCompleteEventArgs e)
Amplitude.Unity.Game.GameManager.OnCreateGameComplete (Amplitude.Unity.Game.CreateGameCompleteEventArgs e)
Amplitude.Unity.Game.GameManager.CreateGameAsync_CoroutineExceptionHandler (System.Object sender, Amplitude.CoroutineExceptionEventArgs args)
Amplitude.Coroutine+<EnumerableRun>c__IteratorA4.MoveNext ()

V1.4.4 S3 (64-bit)
ShadowZ 8 Haz 2016 @ 12:31 
NotImplementedException: The game creation process has failed.
Amplitude.Unity.Game.GameException: The game creation has failed. ---> WorldGeneratorTmxImportException: The world generator process has encountered error(s) while importing tmx file

at WorldGenerator+<StartProcess>c__Iterator279.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Amplitude.Coroutine.Run () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at Amplitude.Coroutine+<EnumerableRun>c__IteratorA4.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
yig 5 Şub 2016 @ 17:47 
Please make Essos more that one continent and add anomilies to the whole map. This map is very unbalanced without anomilies. Also this is pretty out of porportion and I would like to see more terrain.
Nebulon-B FTW 20 Oca 2016 @ 0:26 
Oh, nevermind on that exception, I didn't understand the thing with spawn locations.

Anyways, regions are still pretty ridiculous, Winterfell ends up being huge...
Nebulon-B FTW 19 Oca 2016 @ 23:44 
I messed around with this a bit using TILED. The problems are:
1-Essos: simply had to cut the whole thing or else the map is impossible to balance.
2-Region size: even with removing several small regions, start locations for six players end up only having one region as a buffer. Some regions end up being nothing but coast while most have to end up as big rectangles.
3-Ruin/village placement: there's lots of really thin coast, and having villages or ruins on it makes movement difficult.
4-Terrain resources: Westeros just isn't very good terrain-wise, have to sprinkle anomolies everywhere even after redoing half the tiles.
5-Rivers: the map was missing a lot of river and it seems the rivers can't be done properly since confluences break river flow rendering.

Also, I'm getting NotImplementedExceptions when I try to start with 5 or more players, but I think that's just a bug in WINE.
Leon Mercury 8 Oca 2016 @ 21:11 
Excellent importation, but it's virtually unplayable at the moment. The only things around are the very rare occurence of minor factions, there are absolutely no resources... As soon as these problems are fixed, I'll start recommending it, but for now it's very primitive.
Bohan 23 Ara 2015 @ 23:52 
Cohort™(No Sound) 19 Ara 2015 @ 15:36 
Bland map, only 2 players, trash.
Pope The Majestic 9 Ara 2015 @ 16:29 
Where is the map located at i can't find it.
Falconhoof 4 Ara 2015 @ 2:24 
Shotgun Essos