Arma 3
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Data Type: Mod
Mod Type: Structure
3.192 GB
18. sep. 2015 kl. 17:54
23. sep. 2022 kl. 22:03
26 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade

Jbad is an addon created by Smokedog and M1lkman for Arma 3 which currently includes many structures and objects upgraded from Arma 2.

Eventually it will include our own Jalalabad terrain as well.

This is a very early alpha release. We are just uploading here on steam because of popular demand. There is lots of tweaking still needed. Please read the readme and log all errors on our github page which is included in the readme.

Discord server -



If you enjoy the mod please consider donating :)
Paypal address -
Populære diskussioner Vis alle (1)
7. juni 2020 kl. 0:42
Addon reupload
381 kommentarer
Hannibal 30. apr. kl. 12:19 
Yeah this broke a lot of stuff. Regretfully I have to unsubscribe from it.
Rickoshay 17. apr. kl. 21:35 
@CL rautamiekka - the reason for stripping basic bldg functionality in Jbad makes no sense - all it does is cripple many maps that make use of these objects. Lithium being a good example. And as illustrated by BIS below there's little perf benefit. Jbad is a great mod apart from this.
[+| CL rautamiekka 14. mar. kl. 11:09 

Normally I'd be all for simple or super-simple if the measurable perf diff ain't 0 and there ain't a reason to not, but buildings (houses, for ex) must be destroyable under most circumstances.
Rickoshay 12. mar. kl. 20:29 
As the Biki shows - converting class houses to simple or super simple objects has no noticable performance benefit at all:
Rickoshay 12. mar. kl. 7:26 
Why cant I retrieve door positions with Jbad buildings : using "Door_%1_trigger" and getting the pos via bldg selectionposition selection name. Retrieving doorpos via "Door_%1_trigger" works on all other building classes - but not Jbad bldgs / configs - from what I can see. Scripted opening of doors based on unit proximity is essential for some mods/scripts - and for this I need door positions.
deathmaker 31. dec. 2023 kl. 4:14 
a shed prop exploded from 2-3 gunshots and kill 5-6 players of us
Ghostlyshell617 11. maj 2023 kl. 15:29 
Tried to run a custom scenario with this map on a dedicated server, does not work and gives error
"bin/config.bin/CfgWorlds.Sangin_Distirict_Helmand_Province" . Tried updating the map on the server, made sure jbad was loaded, nothing worked. I have a similar issue on Tanoa and i think the issue has something to do with the Apex dlc.
Bad_Dad 9. feb. 2023 kl. 14:23 
for the peeps looking on how to open and close the jbad bunker doors....

this animateSource ["Door_1",1]; closes door
this animateSource ["Door_1",0]; opens door
warflak 28. dec. 2022 kl. 13:37 
Are you still planning on making a jalalabad terrain?
Maestroshake 13. dec. 2022 kl. 20:29 
i will give it another go, its entirely likely my scripting is just utter trash