Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

118 ratings
Ethosaurs Half-Life 2 Maps/Mods
A full collection of all my Half-Life 2 maps and mods I have ever made, now easily accessible with a single click of a button!

Follow me on my community discord server: https://discord.gg/DcWMjp8QJM

All of these maps were made by me, most of them were either made for Garrysmod originally or Run Think Shoot Live mods/map campaigns back in 2014-2016.
Items (26)
Tele Aqua
Created by Ethosaur
You have washed up on a shore near a combine base built into the ocean Infiltrate the base and shut down the water siphon portal! A short half-life 2 map (15-25 minutes long) made originally by me for... Sadly I happened to be the only entrant to this whol...
Trek To Borealis
Created by Ethosaur
Trek to Borealis was originally made, as a short Half-life 2 ep2 map created for a competition, done in under 50 Hours by me. The theme was to create a short Half-life 3 inspired level. I decided to choose a part from the illusive "borealis" known in half-...
Manor Of PTSD
Created by Ethosaur
Take a short visit into the insane mind of Ethosaur as you explore some of the rooms of "PTSD Manor" Strange things to see, and some silly puzzles to solve. Originally made by me long ago for https://www.runthinkshootlive.com/posts/cromulentville/ Please e...
Created by Ethosaur
Nosocomephobia is a short horror map set in an old asylum, supposidly built on top of an even older underground hospital... Out of curiosity you jump in through a crack in the ceiling windows to have a peek... Things are definitely not right here. About 30...
HDTF: 24 Hours
Created by Ethosaur
HUNT DOWN THE FREEMAN: 24 HOURS Hunt down the freeman: 24 hours aimed to remake everything from the Hunt Down The Freeman gameplay trailer as fast as possible before it released, (which was within 24 hours while the mod started development) FIND THE FREEMA...
PTCS: "A Post Traumatic Christmas Special" Deluxe
Created by Ethosaur
Boxandrocks is about to ruin the holidays by stealing all the gifts in the world! Find him and stop him so you can finally finish old punt and get all the gifts back!... A very late short story addition to the PTSD series! This was originally meant to be u...
ASTM: A Stroll Through Minetown
Created by Ethosaur
ASTMT is a VERY short level for Half-Life 2 I made a little while ago for an "eyecandy" competition, this was a bonus entry for it so its very simple and short. Tried just making a pretty little minetown environment Features a seaside/shore built mining to...
Smog City
Created by Ethosaur
In a bad turn of events, the combine have managed to take over the world, and started building mega structures underground, uncontrollably. Some last few pockets of humans have managed to build some shelter, but its now been discovered by the combine. Snea...
Necrophobia: Episode 1
Created by Ethosaur
Your van has busted down next to a big mansion, everyone in the neighborhood seems to be gone. You check the mansion to see if you can find help, but only to find quite the opposite... Fight through hordes of necrotic zombie monsters, solve some puzzles an...
Necrophobia: Episode 2
Created by Ethosaur
After the horrible events experienced in the mansion earlier, you decide to drive as far away as possible from that horrible town... Yet it seems you are still being followed. You rent a hotel room for the night to rest. But there is not much resting to be...
The Test
Created by Ethosaur
The Test is a short map set in the style of Nova Prospekt, with a few experimental test chambers that that attempt to make new mechanics with old weapons, turning them from killing machines to new tools to assist in puzzle solving! Similar to Portal and th...
Hells Mines
Created by Ethosaur
Due to loss of interest for this series I will most likely not finish part 2, sorry. After a whole week of no communication between a mining group out in a mining operation, you have been tasked to go deep into the mine to do some inspections on whats goin...
Arctic Rumble
Created by Ethosaur
Arctic Rumble was another short map I made shortly after making Trek To Borealis, which features more arctic environments and combat. Gordon has been tasked to infiltrate a combine outpost built on a snowy cliffside using some new citizen tech which lets y...
Created by Ethosaur
Barney has been notified that there is a camp of Vortigaunts being used by the combine to power generators, you have been tasked to find them and free them! Find the camp and power up the teleporter so they can escape! Vortessence is a short map I made lon...
Necrophobia: The Prequel
Created by Ethosaur
Necrophobia sequel takes place sometime before Necrophobia 1 You have been dared by friends to explore a small abandoned mining town, which has been rumored to have "ghosts", the only way in seems to be through some mine. As you venture into the mine, you ...
Slime Dump
Created by Ethosaur
You have been tasked to infiltrate a combine plant underground, which is pumping sludge into the water, causing burns and rot around the whole lake! Sneak in by the cliffside, find the airboat and get in to the caves below to shut it all down from within! ...
ASTT: "A Stroll Through Themes"
Created by Ethosaur
A very short "Stroll through themes" A small warehouse with a big tower full of zombies... I made this map originally for Map Labs Test Tube as a bonus map as a little "eyecandy" bonus. There is very little gameplay here it was just made for fun. Get the f...
Created by Ethosaur
Its time for your usual doctors checkup... Its always the same every time, except this time... Maybe not... A very short map I originally made for BacktrackVille, unfortunately I was not well at the time of making it, and wasnt able to create much for it, ...
Sludge Hole
Created by Ethosaur
A watering hole has been filled with lots of toxic waste from the combine (AGAIN) Gordon has been tasked to travel up and shut it all down! A short campaign where you infiltrate a small mine containing a combine machine that is pumping waste into the water...
Castle Defender
Created by Ethosaur
Find the king, free him and defend an old castle built on top of a cliffside from a combine and zombie attack at all costs! Features some secret stashes that need keys to open, and optional "stealth" mechanics and other little gimmicks like gate health Thi...
The PTSD Mod: Deluxe
Created by Ethosaur
Disclaimer: The PTSD mod 2 and 1 is not linked to the actual disorder and does not aim to make fun of it either, the only similarity it shares is the name. Play PTSD 2 mod here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3368651714&tscn=1732475...
Created by Ethosaur
Father Grigori has finally gone completely insane, and managed to captured you, to complete his "trials" in his monastery he discovered, built on an ocean cliffside, hes filled it with many traps and tests in each chamber Survive, and find your way through...
Missile Strike Imminent
Created by Ethosaur
This was my first mod ever, made in 2011, It's not very good, but you may find it somewhat enjoyable if you are really craving classic half-life 2 gameplay! The steam version has been updated to include a few fixes, such as improved lighting and shadows, a...
The PTSD mod 2: Deluxe
Created by Ethosaur
Disclaimer: The PTSD mod 2 and 1 is not linked to the actual disorder and does not aim to make fun of it either, the only similarity it shares is the name. Welcome to PTSD 2: Deluxe! While custom code is currently not really possible on the HL2 workshop, I...
Necrophobia: Episode 3
Created by Ethosaur
About a week after the events that happened at the hotel, you get confronted by a group of researchers who capture you and bring you to a underground "supernatural" research facility. Fight through mutated and possessed monsters, solve some puzzles, all wh...
Leechcop Barney
Created by Ethosaur
"Barney, you are an animal! Euughh!" A very silly model replacement mod that replaces his mask and face model with the leeches from water if you go too deep in the ocean in HL2, includes fully animated facial flexes too! Inspired by this one video: https://...