

225 ratings
Planetary Diversity - Ascension Worlds
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607.209 MB
May 6 @ 1:43pm
May 13 @ 10:34pm
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Planetary Diversity - Ascension Worlds

In 1 collection by Gatekeeper
Planetary Diversity - All of Them
9 items

Stellaris: 3.12.*
Not Achievement Friendly
PD Discord Server[]

This mod is 100% stand-alone and will work without Planetary Diversity.

Megaflora Tree of Life (Origin)
This Origin functions as a hybrid between the Tree of Life and Gaia-Seeders. The trees on your planet gradually terraform the land, but fully blooming and unlocking significant bonuses for the planet requires the Bloomed Megaflora Hive Worlds Ascension Perk. Their worlds have unlocked districts like other hive worlds.

Infesting Hive (Civic)
This civic transforms your empire into a hive that colonizes and infests planets like Gaia Seeders. However, the critical difference is that your planets eventually become Hive Worlds. Your homeworld is a Hive world, and your species has the Hive World preference trait.

Shroud Worlds (Transcendance)
Any empire that completes the Transcendence Tradition Tree can create Shroud Worlds. By selecting a planetary decision, you can Shroud-Phase any planet, habitat, or ringworld, granting significant bonuses to Psionic trait pops and imposing large debuffs on non-Psionic pops. Additionally, you can terraform vanilla Shrouded worlds, automatically converting them into Shroud Worlds.

Flooded Worlds (Hydrocentric)
Any empire that completes the Hydrocentric Ascension Perk can create Flooded Worlds. By selecting a planetary decision, you can flood any planet, habitat, or ringworld, granting bonuses to pops with the Aquatic trait. I have also simplified the decision to Expand Planetary Sea, making it a one-time decision that raises the planet's size by a size of three. Also, if you use the Ocean Paradise Origin, your empire will start with the underwater view.

Flooded Shroud Worlds (Hydrocentric + Transcendence)
Planets can simultaneously feature Flooded World and Shroud World modifiers, resulting in a distinct, purply aquatic habitat ideal for your spiritual fish.

More Demos and more details in the descriptions are coming; I have just been busy with work and will update the rest as soon as possible! Thanks for your patience.

Necro Worlds
Necro Shroud Worlds
Lithoid Worlds
Lithoid Shroud Worlds
Wasteland Worlds
Planetary Super-projects (Coretap, Mantle Mine and Agri-World)

Click this link for the PD Discord Server[]. Please go there for FAQs, questions, comments, or bug reports.
I'm no longer allowing comments on this workshop item due to the numerous rude messages and people not reading the mod description. Sorry to anyone who doesn't have access to Discord.