Team Fortress 2
392 оценки
The Minsk Beast
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Solving Labyrinth's only takes a minotaur two.
Артикули (3)
Minsk Beef
Създадена от Nicolas
"I must break you." *Updated* - Removed right-arm band - Optimised texture space - Improved normal map Paintable horns and paintable jiggleboned nose-ring for Heavy. Mod version download -
The Bull Locks
Създадена от Nicolas
Fully flexed and paintable beard/mustache combo for Heavy. Mod version download -
Bone Cut Belt
Създадена от Nicolas
"Whatever he hits, he destroys." *Updated* - Improvements to the texture and lighting - Added normal map detailing on the horns A paintable armoured shoulder and arm piece for Heavy. Mod version download -