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Additional Vanilla Weapons - ASB Patch
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Mar 5 @ 12:00pm
May 7 @ 9:54am
9 Change Notes ( view )

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Additional Vanilla Weapons - ASB Patch

What is this?

"Not so quick" patch to add Chickenhunt's Amazing Space Battles' effects to Additional Vanilla Weapons Revived.


This patch overrides Additional Vanilla Weapons' gfx files with ones containing Amazing Space Battles' effects. Additionally, overrides AVW's Strike Craft templates to adjust stats to ASB values.


Cause it's pretty.

This mod MUST be below Additional Vanilla Weapons, else the changes will be overwritten.

Note: This patch SHOULD work with other versions of Additional Vanilla Weapons. The Mass Accelerators may not change their effects correctly (should default to Kinetic Artillery effects) and Strike Craft will have Revived's stats hardcoded into them, but everything else should be fine.

ASB Ironman "should" be compatible, but you will need to delete a file from this patch to remove the Strike Craft changes. Serendipitously, the same file that breaks achievements! AVW itself will still break those things though.
  • Navigate to ...\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\281990\3173775673
  • Delete the common folder.

This mod makes no changes to vanilla files.
This mod is NOT achievement friendly.

Known Issues
  • Mass Accelerators will not change effects correctly when used with versions of Additional Vanilla Weapons other then Revived. Base files call Artillery effects, Revived changes them to their own calls. This patch assumes that change has been made.
  • Strike Craft have stats from Revived when used with other AVW mods. It's an overwrite thing, but they are pretty close to Sam_'s values anyway. Probably only noticed it due to this note.

Feedback Please!

Effects and colors feel almost perfect. A few concerns:

The Gravitonic Lasers may be a bit much with a full armada firing; tried to balance the flash effect other lasers have with the piercing effect white has. Lower brightness looks flat, higher hurts. Do we stay with the white, go flat, or change to another color?

All Yellow beams feel like they are just shy of greatness. Can't put my finger on what's off though.

Missiles are all the same. Literally. Missiles all call the exact same missile effects, and Swarmers call the same Swarmer effects. This is the way ASB is setup, so we are as well!
Hellshiver  [author] 17 hours ago 
Shouldn't matter, as long as this patch is below them both.
Tim Shady May 12 @ 11:07pm 
@Hellshiver Load order wise: Should AVW be above or below ASB before applying this patch?
Hellshiver  [author] May 12 @ 7:25am 
Just putting a note here, for any concerns.

Checked the mod for the tag issues found in AVCR and AVWR. No changes were required here, as the tag changes were limited to: Titanic weapons, FTL Drives, Reactors, Thrusters, and Computers.
Hellshiver  [author] May 7 @ 4:52am 
The legendary Chickenhunt! Thank you for putting out ASB and keeping it alive!
Chickenhunt May 7 @ 3:45am 
oh shit, I only see this now. Great job!
Hellshiver  [author] Mar 26 @ 4:39pm 
Alert! Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound

Enjoy gifting presents of joy to your detractors in the Senate!
Hellshiver  [author] Mar 26 @ 1:53pm 
Kinetic weapons are up! By DAKKA be purged... or do some purging!

Working on missiles next, we'll see if I can get them out in time for the weekend.
Hellshiver  [author] Mar 23 @ 12:49am 
Wanted to let you all know, I am working on this still. The work is tedious, and very time consuming.

Finished the following so far: Lasers, Plasma, Disruptors, Energy Torpedoes, Energy Lances, Arc Emitters, Matter Disintegrator II, and Phase Lightning.

I'll try to get it packaged up for you all tomorrow morning, so we can all have an energetic weekend!
Hellshiver  [author] Mar 18 @ 12:35pm 
Working on correct color effects.

Seems some of them are already changing color, but I'd rather overwrite AVWR's GFX files than the current "just call ASB variables and leave all this excess data for no reason" version of implementation currently used. Lord, I hope Chickenhunt doesn't overhaul all these again...
Hellshiver  [author] Mar 13 @ 6:22am 
Should be working fine, was made for the 3.11.* patch cycle. Haven't seen any issues using it on my end, but can push an update.