STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

STAR WARS™ Empire at War: Gold Pack

117 人が評価
EAW Campaigns & GC to FOC Conversion (1.5)
Game Type: Campaign, FOC
タグ: Singleplayer
43.557 MB
2023年12月18日 13時33分
2月21日 20時35分
12 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

EAW Campaigns & GC to FOC Conversion (1.5)

A simple conversion to bring Empire at War's Rebel and Empire Campaigns and Galactic Conquest scenarios into Forces of Corruption. Allows players to experience the original campaigns simultaneously with the QOL improvements and units made in FOC, along with related bug fixes. This mod can work as a sub-mod to existing vanilla mods (See relevant section below).

- (1.5) Death Star AI is now fully functional. You can face against the Death Star II, if playing as the Rebels or Consortium, against Empire AI.

- Both Rebellion and Empire campaigns restored to their full functionality, accessible via GC menu.

- All 8 previous Galactic Conquests found in Empire at War base game (Rebels and Empire only scenarios) restored to FOC expansion.

- Slew of bug fixes to the campaigns as in their existing state within FOC they were unplayable.

- Previous Rebel Hero: Red Squadron, restored to EAW conquest maps.

- All expansion QOL features (i.e. Ability autofiring, orbital bombardments, choosing which unit hyperspaces into battle first) fully functional in the campaigns and conquests.

- All expansion units: B-wings, MC30 frigates, TIE Defenders, MDU's, Executor SSD, Gallofree HTT Transports, Juggernauts, Lancet Aerial Artillery (Dark troopers unavailable because they require a special hero unit not found in EAW)... All available in GC and campaigns to build and use.

- Darth Vader is available in two forms within EAW conquest maps: TIE fighter and SSD. Purchasing his SSD variant will remove the TIE fighter variant Vader for the rest of the GC playthrough.

- EAW pre-destruction Alderaan restored for Conquest and Campaigns. (Funnily enough, the land map was already updated in the files for use within FOC, it just never made it into the final game)

- Bespin's land map created in the expansion available within Conquest and Campaigns.

- **Added Darth Vader into the Rebel Campaigns final battle. Yes, this wasn't in the original game, but it only felt right to include him. He accompanies the Death Star fleet with 3 Star Destroyers.

Known bugs (3 as of 3/31/24):
- Rebel campaign mission 2 will report a perception error and freeze the game. To get around this, either play in window mode and click OK on the error message that appears, or minimize the game using Windows key or similar key and do the same thing. Then continue playing as normal.

- A visual glitch occurs with the Empire campaign mission involving General Veers and his AT-AT test drive. When hovering over the right side of the map a large bright texture appears to the left on the screen. This glitch only appears when hovering on the right side: it will disappear when panning anywhere else. The mission will play normally however and the glitch does not seriously hinder the player.
- Galactic Conquest ending cutscenes do not play. This is a larger issue from FOC where Petroglyph removed their chance of playing. The proper ones (i.e. Death Star destroys planet plays cutscene of Death Star) do not play when enabled, only the "generic win" ones listed. Current WIP to fix completely.

(If anyone would be willing to help finding and fixing the bugs, message below!)

General Fixes:
- Restored EAW Alderaan in files. Listed as AlderaanEAW in all files. The destroyed Alderaan still exists as is for the FOC GC's. AlderaanEAW takes its place within EAW campaigns and GC's.
- Added land units to GC's and Story for Bespin, as it used to not have a land map.
- Added traderoutes to connect planets that moved significantly from EAW to FOC (the most egregious being Mon Calamari). This should result in the flow of gameplay being similar to the base game, without changing the planet locations.
- (1.5) Death Star AI did not work due to failed version control from base to expansion (Death_Star_II vs. Death_Star). Now fully functional. Full credit goes to AlyMar1994 and his mod UFoCP for the fix.

Fixes to the EAW Rebel and Empire Campaigns:
- The alarm sfx for RM01 was deprecated in the expansion. Replaced the deprecated called sfx with the one from the expansion, and added a new loop to help it loop properly.
- RM02 landing area was too close to tree line, resulting in units getting stuck if they landed close to the trees. Fixed by adjusting tree line.
- RM02 ending cutscene did not properly account for expansion units (duh), which in this case is the MDU's. It looked strange when they were left behind. Added duplicate scripts in .lua file that handle collecting the MDU's.
- RM03 .lua file was mostly deprecated. Credit to DarthT's fixes in their own mod for getting this to work in mine as well.
- RM03 map passability listed water areas as steep, making it impossible for repulsor vehicles to traverse them when they should in theory. Fixed by changing steep areas to water.
- RM03 could become impossible to complete if R2D2 was brought along and hacks the final AA turrets instead of destroying them. Fixed this by making it impossible via map passability for infantry to get close to the turrets, they can only shoot at them.
- RM09 referenced an ATAT variant that was removed in the expansion. Fixed by adding their main game counterpart.
- Originally in Rebel campaign, the Empire AI could advance their tech to max far before it was scripted to do so. Fixed by removing the ability to construct Research Facilities for the AI opponent.
- Originally in Rebel campaign, the Death Star immediately started attacking the Rebels before the dialogue from the story caught up and gave you the hero necessary to defeat it, resulting in the possibility of planets being destroyed unfairly before the player can defend. Fixed by adding a new function that waits on a story signal from the dialogue to start moving the Death Star from Alderaan's orbit.
- EM06 referenced units that were removed in the expansion. Fixed by adding their main game counterparts.
- EM10 .lua file was mostly deprecated. Credit to DarthT's fixes in their own mod for getting this to work in mine as well.

Fixes to Galactic Conquests from EAW:
- Deprecated tags existed for GC scenario wins and losses. Replaced the tags with the ones from FOC.
- Missing commas in "Empire Surrounded" GC prevented special case wins from occurring.

For those who wish to sub-mod this with their own preferred mods: Check the existing files in this mod and make a list of any of those files you have changed in your own, then PM me on here and I will be willing to guide you on what parts from my files go in your copies.

Hit the subscribe button and choose this mod from the Mods section in-game. To play the OG campaigns, you must open the Galactic Conquest menu, select the appropriate campaign and appropriate faction (i.e. you must be Empire to play the Empire campaign) and click begin. The tactical battle screen will start up, but don't worry, just hit begin and the campaign will continue as you remember it. Then, simply enjoy!

If you want to directly launch into the mod, go to the properties for Empire at War in Steam and paste the following into launch options: STEAMMOD=3117300873

- For their fixed .lua scripts for RM03 and EM10 within their own mod, DarthT's Enhanced Campaign Mod was incredibly helpful after a long period of deadlock trying to get those missions to run. Go check out their mod if you desire more than the vanilla campaign!
- For the fixed Death Star AI behavior, full credit goes to AlyMar1994's mod UFoCP (Unofficial Forces of Corruption Patch). The mod is a great addition to the base game!
人気スレッド 全て表示 (3)
8月7日 12時50分
2023年12月19日 9時49分
FOC planets in the campaign
General Von Haus
2023年12月19日 22時42分
ピン留め: Bug in Rebel Mission 2 (Wayland) and how to bypass it
42 件のコメント
Steerpike 9月21日 21時28分 
Do the ending cutscenes play for the Empire and Rebellion story campaigns? For the Empire: is it just the "standard" cutscene, or does the Death Star ending cutscene also play?
Mr. D 8月10日 16時13分 
ah damm,i guess that bug will never be solved i wish someone out there created some kind of "fake" fullscreen mode so we didnt had to do the work arround,thanks for the reply man.
cha20202  [作成者] 8月7日 12時54分 
@ Mr. D

It is still present, but is easily able to be bypassed. Check the description, or the pinned discussion on the topic.
Mr. D 8月6日 9時45分 
is the wayland bug still present?
VirgoCompany 5月11日 19時40分 
I've also happily made use of FoC units, mostly the MDU things to deploy a shield generator on the X-Wing theft mission to block turbolaser fire for an aggressive crawling turtle strategy and bombing-run them and the power generator, which was nice and clever if I say so myself~ Additionally, I'm encountering actual resistance in the story planets after completing the story missions, so it's not a simple case of just plopping units down post-mission to immediately capture them like in the base EaW game's Rebel campaign. I've also seen and made use of the bunkers in planets like Korriban to make the infantry-focused beginning less strenuous on my limited supply of tanks.

So yeah, so far it's pretty much doing exactly as described: Brings FoC units, mechanics, and planets into the base EaW campaigns.
VirgoCompany 5月11日 19時40分 
Am currently doing a playthrough of the Rebellion in this mod's "campaign", and glad to say that it's functioning alright so far. Encountered the Mission 2 bug and one of my called-in T2-B tanks got stuck in the treeline, only remembered seeing such bugs in the comments but it wasn't a gamebreaker. I already play in windowed mode as I like to tab in/out to other things a lot, so thankfully I was able to NOT crash with the infamous major bug in Mission 2 and just proceed as normal.
Alaric Skywalker 4月24日 11時23分 
If there was something that could take the rebel and imperial campaigns through Endor, and maybe effect the outcome of the Battle of Kuat, that'd be great to see.
Dr. Wind 2月27日 12時18分 
Does this add ground heroes like Yoda, Obi Wan and Luke into the maps just like normal FOC?
Killerkitty641 2月24日 16時49分 
Oh well no worries, thanks anyway
cha20202  [作成者] 2月24日 11時41分 

Unfortunately it wouldn't be possible, AOTR's galactic map is completely different from the base game's, so it would break if it tried to load.