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Deadly Devils
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Jan 14, 2023 @ 10:10am
Feb 11, 2023 @ 6:25am
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Deadly Devils

Adds new unique demons to the pool of generated ones, each with their own gimmick meant to add some spice to the randomized creatures. They are called devils instead of demons to differentiate them from their generated counterparts

The difficulty level of these creatures varies. Some are easier than vanilla generated demons, others can be much harder. That said, they have the same tendency as any other df creature to die during world generation, exacerbated by some of their most dangerous abilities only working in fortress mode. If you want to see them, I recommend playing in a young world where there's less chances for them to be killed by a roc, an elephant, or a giant panda.

The odds of meeting these guys in fortress mode are also somewhat low. They are far easier to meet in adventure mode, but I'm releasing them now anyway. Hope you enjoy them.

You may notice that there's seven of them and the mod is called "Deadly Devils", so you may expect each of them to have a deadly sin associated to them. This was the original plan, but I forgot which was which, and in fact I think I forgot about the theme halfway through making them. So feel free to decide what sin matches what devil.

Here's a sort description for each of them.
  • Dragon devil: Dragons with gold plated heads that spit miasma and rocks. They are actually less dangerous than a fully grown dragon, but they're always that size.
  • Insectoid devil: Big bugs with weakening poisons. Simple but deadly.
  • Molten devil: Humanoids made of near melting steel that sweat fire. Perhaps the most dangerous of the bunch despite their relative simplicity, just because of their material.
  • Weaver devil: Strange looking centaurs with too many legs. They emit sleep inducing webs. They're very good at weaving.
  • Jeweler devil: Weaker than other demons, they compensate by summoning elemental gems to attack their foes. They can also bring back the dead as gem monsters.
  • Frozen devil: Monsters made of ice that can regrow themselves. And if the liquids inside their body hit you, you can easily freeze to death.
  • Proud devil: Large humanoids with ten wings and somewhat excessive magical powers. They can be either male or female so there's a chance two of them meet and have children, making the world a much more dangerous place. They are also made of tough materials, so they may be the mightiest of the bunch.
Ya Boi Sheev  [author] Jul 11, 2023 @ 9:15am 
One of them is Dark Souls inspired and two are based on Digimon, but I've never read Homestuck so they aren't based on that at all.
Myphicbowser Jul 10, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
Now I may be a little crazy but

Some of these remind me of Homestuck, am I right or am I crazy?
Ya Boi Sheev  [author] Jan 15, 2023 @ 11:13am 
@Rougheredge Honestly your ideas are far better than any of my attempts at giving each a sin. The only ones I had clear were Proud, Weaver and Jeweler, and we agree on those.
Ya Boi Sheev  [author] Jan 15, 2023 @ 11:10am 
@Wesar Glad you like my mods! Right now I have two more civ mods that I need to make sprites for and check to see if there's anything broken I need to fix in them before I upload them. After that not sure if I'll make anything else.
Rougheredge Jan 15, 2023 @ 8:49am 
Had to stretch quite a bit for some of them, but that's how I interpret them according to the sins based on their descriptions.

I actually missed the Insectoid ones when I was writing the list, but they're the last ones out so uh, "weakening poisons" are comparable to drugs and insects are driven entirely by instinct and a need to fulfill base desires so they're lust.
Rougheredge Jan 15, 2023 @ 8:48am 
Very interesting, I'd say:

Proud Devil: Pride, obviously. Not to mention the most dangerous and special in several regards.

Weaver: Sloth, cause they can put people to sleep while they themselves sound like they'd in theory be good workers.

Jeweler: I'm inclined to say Greed, given the way they use valuable stones and accumulate followers. (possessions)

Molten: Wrath, cause nothing says rage and violence burning metal and sweating fire

Dragon: I'm actually gonna say envy, they're the only one named after a pre-existing creature and are described based on one. They resemble a dragon at their strongest but don't actually measure up to one that size when all other things are equal.

Frozen: Gluttony, their regeneration ability means they can afford to be wasteful, and by freezing everything with their liquid you could say they're taking that heat for themselves, thus not leaving enough energy for everyone else.
Wesar Jan 14, 2023 @ 7:08pm 
do you intend to add more categories of creatures? your mods are awesome.
BloodW0lf Jan 14, 2023 @ 6:23pm 
love this will use much