Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

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Consistent Camp Skill Icons
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13 AGO 2021 a las 21:32
13 SEP 2021 a las 19:22
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Consistent Camp Skill Icons

En 1 colección creada por Helena Redgrave
Helena's Disappointing Mods
5 artículos
Tired of constantly having to read what each Camp Skill does? Ever wanted the icons to be color coded? Well, you're in luck!

Basically, I recolored most of the icons to make it just a bit easier to tell what they do at a glance. I mostly stuck to the conventions set by Lucci's wonderful Consistent Skill Icons mod, but with a few twists. Don't forget to check out their mod too! These work great together!


Since some Camp Skills have unique attributes that differ from regular buffs, I gave them new colors to match (check out the pictures!). If a skill had more than one effect (e.g. stress heal + stress resist), I had to prioritize one over the other when choosing the color to keep things simple. I decided to leave the Bounty Hunter's "Tracking" skill as the lone Indigo colored icon, as it is the only one that increases/decreases surprise chances and nothing else.

Furthermore, I left some other icons that depict very specific things completely untouched, such as the Jester's "Tiger Eye" or the Shieldbreaker's "Adder's Embrace", because... well, coloring a Tiger or Snake blue just felt weird to me. I might create a patch that changes these too if there's enough interest.

I also created a new icon for the Antiquarian's "Resupply" as it reused the one from the Graverobber's "Pilfer".

Let me know how I did! Feedback to make things even clearer is greatly appreciated.


Check out my other mods!
5 comentarios
Punkachuros 31 OCT 2022 a las 8:48 
This is great :)
BumpingSquid 19 AGO 2022 a las 12:49 
this is amazing thx
CiaphasCain 23 ABR 2022 a las 20:00 
Thank you so much for this!
tarexy 18 AGO 2021 a las 4:19 
great :steamthumbsup:
RustyDios 15 AGO 2021 a las 17:12 
These are really nice. Thanks!