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Consistent Camp Skill Icons
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2021년 8월 13일 오후 9시 32분
2021년 9월 13일 오후 7시 22분
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Consistent Camp Skill Icons

Helena Redgrave님의 1 모음집
Helena's Disappointing Mods
아이템 5개
Tired of constantly having to read what each Camp Skill does? Ever wanted the icons to be color coded? Well, you're in luck!

Basically, I recolored most of the icons to make it just a bit easier to tell what they do at a glance. I mostly stuck to the conventions set by Lucci's wonderful Consistent Skill Icons mod, but with a few twists. Don't forget to check out their mod too! These work great together!


Since some Camp Skills have unique attributes that differ from regular buffs, I gave them new colors to match (check out the pictures!). If a skill had more than one effect (e.g. stress heal + stress resist), I had to prioritize one over the other when choosing the color to keep things simple. I decided to leave the Bounty Hunter's "Tracking" skill as the lone Indigo colored icon, as it is the only one that increases/decreases surprise chances and nothing else.

Furthermore, I left some other icons that depict very specific things completely untouched, such as the Jester's "Tiger Eye" or the Shieldbreaker's "Adder's Embrace", because... well, coloring a Tiger or Snake blue just felt weird to me. I might create a patch that changes these too if there's enough interest.

I also created a new icon for the Antiquarian's "Resupply" as it reused the one from the Graverobber's "Pilfer".

Let me know how I did! Feedback to make things even clearer is greatly appreciated.


Check out my other mods!
댓글 5
Punkachuros 2022년 10월 31일 오전 8시 48분 
This is great :)
BumpingSquid 2022년 8월 19일 오후 12시 49분 
this is amazing thx
CiaphasCain 2022년 4월 23일 오후 8시 00분 
Thank you so much for this!
tarexy 2021년 8월 18일 오전 4시 19분 
great :steamthumbsup:
RustyDios 2021년 8월 15일 오후 5시 12분 
These are really nice. Thanks!