Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

204 평점
Web of Malice - New Enemeies for the Weald
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General: Monsters
태그: Actionjack, weald, Boss
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42.138 MB
2021년 3월 5일 오후 12시 39분
2021년 3월 21일 오전 11시 08분
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Web of Malice - New Enemeies for the Weald

ActionJack님의 1 모음집
AJ's Collection
아이템 29개
Web of Malice - New Enemy for the Weald

Monstrous Tales from the Forbidden Dark - Chapter IV

“As if the stinks of the corrupted fungal are not enough, now sticky webs dotted all over this cursed wood. Spiders... why it got to be spiders!?”


This mod adds several monsters into the Weald dungeon. (few new enemies enemies, one new Boss, and a secret mini boss). They offer differnt encounters, and some require differnt strategies to best them.

This does ramp up the difficulties a bit, and should be only for those who want to further challenge themselves with new encounters. You do get some extra rewards for overcoming those new challenges.

Added now 简体汉化 Simplified Chinese translation by NBB

Monstrous Tales from the Forbidden Dark


--- Tips ---

> Bring more antivenom... you might need it.

> High accuracy heroes would come in handy too, as bunnies and spiders are dodgy

> Careful, some bunny are not like the other...

> You can eat carrots to heal.

> Spiderqueen have abilities that have chance to give it extra turns.


Design Note:

After long years away, finally got back in just to finish up with this, which has been on and off. This should conclude the 4 chapters of the "Monstrous Tales from the Forbidden Dark" dungeon enmeies add on mods.

Special Thanks for Twitch Streamer Baron Von Gosu [www.twitch.tv] for his continous support and encouragment to finish it up. Have a spider on me~

Also thanks to MonteePoke's great guide and script to Animation modding. This helps open a new door for me.

And there are so many great mod out there now. The modding community certainly have bloom. Thank you for testing and playing out this mod.


Moded by: Actionjack

Thank you for your support, and playing.


Baron Von Gosu
Simplified Chinese translation by NBB



<Web of Malice> is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, Darkest Dungeon and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.
댓글 40
ravenz 2024년 5월 13일 오후 10시 01분 
is this mod compatible with levels 2 and 4?
JK 2024년 2월 7일 오전 12시 16분 
Можете подсказать как перевести эту модификацию так, чтобы она считала из файлов .xml перевод?
adan_eslavo 2023년 4월 2일 오후 12시 43분 
Rabbit's Foot is conflicting with the another trinket of the same name from very popular "101 Trinkets" mod. Change of the id helps, but I'm not sure if your trinket shown up in that case.
aLittleFishy 2022년 5월 22일 오후 1시 17분 
Also i know its a big tone shift but the black widow spider could use some help, i have no idea what they do because even at apprentice i either kill them through an aoe or rush them down purely for the sake of action economy; 9 speed at apprentice(scaling up later) or giving them higher dodge (20-30), (both options would probably be too big a buff) would help as right now they end up being free kills given how low their hp is for thematic reasons
aLittleFishy 2022년 5월 22일 오후 1시 17분 
Firstly, i do love most of what this mod has to offer, but the cute bunnies alone are too much at apprentice. 40 dodge for enemies that can show up randomly the first time you are in the weald (and therefore unlikely to have good accuracy trinkets to compensate) turns every character into leper and missing or doing 0 damage with a debuff (say, to lower dodge) resulting in stress not only for the attacking character but the whole party is too much and there is an enemy mash that is 4 of them in a group. 4 stress casting enemies with 40 dodge at apprentice makes me want to remove the mod despite all the other enemies that i like just to avoid having to abandon the run and throw away the party because they are too stressed and too low level to be worth keeping around. 20-25 dodge would be high but tolerable at that level and please, only 2 stress casters per enemy team.
pabloaram2011 2022년 3월 17일 오후 7시 12분 
Nice mod. I fight alredy a few of the new enemies and are pretty balance outside of the debuff dueing for the entire quest. Is posible to edit the debuff to last only 1 entire battle not the full quest????
Knave of Chalices 2021년 12월 2일 오전 9시 51분 
Okay, I've just reinstalled this, and I'd like to report that the Spider Boss replay mission loading screen and hint are both missing, and the King Rabbit's transformation ability is missing a localization name, and doesn't actually transform the rabbit.
Gearhammer 2021년 8월 9일 오후 12시 50분 
Hi there ActionJack i love your classes and wonder will you update them, to refresh them since 2018?
PotaDOH 2021년 7월 27일 오후 3시 56분 
Problem with the spider queen fight, even though her attack missed it still blighted my harlot.
She doesn't have any diseases that would cause this either.
兰小小 2021년 6월 12일 오전 2시 16분 
混沌之源 秩序之源在这个mod里吗