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Mar 5, 2021 @ 10:05am
Mar 16 @ 5:56am
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"It is a time of legend.
Mighty heroes battle for the right to rule the galaxy.
The vast armies of the Emperor of Earth have conquered the galaxy in a Great Crusade - the myriad alien races have been smashed by the Emperor's elite warriors and wiped from the face of history.
The dawn of a new age of supremacy for humanity beckons.
Gleaming citadels of marble and gold celebrate the many victories of the Emperor. Triumphs are raised on a million worlds to record the epic deeds of his most powerful and deadly warriors.
First and foremost amongst these are the primarchs, superheroic beings who have led the Emperor's armies of Space Marines in victory after victory. They are unstoppable and magnificent, the pinnacle of the Emperor's genetic experimentation. The Space Marines are the mightiest human warriors the galaxy has ever known, each capable of besting a hundred normal men or more in combat.
Organised into vast armies of tens of thousands called Legions, the Space Marines and their primarch leaders conquer the galaxy in the name of the Emperor.
Chief amongst the primarchs is Horus, called the Glorious, the Brightest Star, favourite of the Emperor, and like a son unto him.
He is the Warmaster, the commander-in-chief of the Emperor's military might, subjugator of a thousand thousand worlds and conqueror of the galaxy. He is a warrior without peer, a diplomat supreme.
Horus is a star ascendant, but how far can a star rise before it falls?."

— Introduction of the Great Crusade Warhammer Books

This mod adds the Primarchs — the fathers and patrons of the Space Marine legions, children and generals of the Emperor. Each of them has its own unique trait that modifiers the army and fleet that they can command. Yes, yes, they can be appointed both by the commander of the fleet and by the commander of the army.

About the details:

To launch the project, at the end of which the primarchs are created, the technology of "Gene seed purification"is needed. This vanilla technology is available when you activate the genetic ascension traditions. The project starts at the launch of the edict "The Primarch Project". This edict is worth 850 influence.

Although their unique traits are supposedly changed when the Primarchs are assigned to command an army, all modifiers remain from their unique traits.


Этот мод добавляет примархов. Каждый из них имеет свою уникальную черту, которая даёт бонусы к армиям и флотилиям, которыми они могут управлять. Да, да, они могут назначаться командующими и армий, и флотилий!


Для запуска проекта, по завершению которого примархи и будут созданы, необходима технология "Очистка генного материала". Для этой ванильной технологии необходимы традиции генетического вознесения. Проект запуститься при активации указа "Проект «Примарх»". Указ стоит 850 влияния.

Несмотря на то, что уникальные черты примархов якобы изменяются, при назначении их генералами, бонусы остаются от их прежних черт из мода.

12.03.21. Update:

Added events: The Council of Nikaea, the humiliation of Lorgar on Khur, "Prospero Burns", the betrayal of Horus Lupercal. The first of them begins 7 years after the completion of the Primarch Project.
If you choose according to Warhammer's lore, you will be betrayed by the nine Primarchs.
Now you can activate the decisions on planets and call them Legiones Astartes home worlds, this gives you bonuses!

Spoilers:The worlds named Prospero, Barbarus, Caliban, Chemos, Cthonia, Colchis (with planetary decisions) — will be destroyed by the treachery of Horus and Magnus. If Magnus does not betray, then Prospero will not be destroyed.

RU: Добавлены события: Совет Никеи, унижение Лоргара на Кхуре, "Сожжение Просперо", предательство Хоруса Луперкаля. Первое из событий начинается через 7 лет после завершения Проекта "Примарх".
Если вы будете в событиях следовать согласно канону Вархаммера, то вас ждёт предательство девяти примархов.
Теперь вы можете выбирать миры и называть их родными мирами Легионов, это даёт планетам бонусы!

Спойлеры: Миры, названные Просперо, Барбарусом, Калибаном, Кемосом, Хтонией и Колхидой (с помощью планетарных решений) — будут уничтожены при предательстве Хоруса и Магнуса. Если Магнус не предаст, Просперо не будет уничтожено.


Added Chinese translation. Thanks to Sanpo

The Emperor needs you!
Artwork by Stefan Duran
ktor v 2d  [author] Mar 17 @ 5:38am 
Updated to the new game version and was made some edits for the leader classes.
If your primarchs disappeared on the new version of this mod, then you just need type in your console: "event primarchsevent.2" and complete the appeared special project through it too.
ktor v 2d  [author] Mar 15 @ 9:14am 
@卡尔文迪斯梅特 is there any need of it? seems for me that the mod works fine on new version
卡尔文迪斯梅特 Mar 14 @ 3:28am 
Ave Imperator Dec 28, 2023 @ 9:08am 
@ktor v 2d I was highlighting the fact that in the new system, while commanders can be assigned to govern planets they actually decrease specialist and ruler pop output per level up which would make no sense, since in the lore any planet they took control of pretty much flourished in all areas.
ktor v 2d  [author] Dec 26, 2023 @ 9:11pm 
@gpa1090 open the spoiler in description
ktor v 2d  [author] Dec 26, 2023 @ 9:10pm 
@Ave Imperator actually in my new draft version the primarchs are already have the commander classes
Ave Imperator Dec 26, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
A simple way to do this mod would be to simply have the primarchs spawn as commanders and have them spawn with an extra trait along with their specific primarch one that gives the same per level output bonuses as officials and scientists governing a planet like with unifier.
gpa1090 Dec 23, 2023 @ 3:44pm 
Hi, I have reached the event of Council of Nikaea. What would happen if I do not choose according to Warhammer's lore? Thanks.
ktor v 2d  [author] Nov 20, 2023 @ 9:30pm 
I know about this bug, trying to fix it in my free time. There is something that Paradox did with the class system in their updates, gonna figure it out
Mandaloio ඞ Nov 20, 2023 @ 1:31pm 
As warhammer fan I appreciate your work
there is only one bug, I can’t appoint a governor, they are considered as generals