Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

968 人が評価
The Rotting King
General: Monsters
タグ: Miniboss
7.800 MB
2020年10月31日 10時46分
2020年12月29日 10時28分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

The Rotting King

Seal 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Slightly Startled Dungeon
10 アイテム
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The Rotting King is a Darkest (Lv 6.) Bossfight that takes place in the Ruins (Was formerly in the Darkest Dungeon, but this caused game-overs for certain players in Stygian/Bloodmoon). The fight is designed to be a bit difficult, and retreating from it will require sacrificing one of your heroes. This mod was rushed a bit to release, so the balance is not fine tuned currently.

Activating the Rotting King's Quest
Reaching week 40 and having 4 heroes that are Lv. 6 will trigger a town event to occur. This fight is a one-room boss fight, so provisions and shovels are disabled.

Slaying the Rotting King rewards the player with 3 new trinkets that can be used as a set.

The Crown of Corrosion

+50% Max HP
When hero was hit: Self: -3 HP

Necrose Visage

+1 Acc and +2%% Crit Chance per 10%% Missing HP (+10 and +20%% on Death's Door)
-100% Stresshealing done from Crits

Festering Blade

[Leper Only]
+30% Melee Dmg
-12 SPD
On Attack: Self: -3 HP (50% Chance)

Set Bonus:
Ignore Stealth, Guards, and Prot
-25% Healing Recieved

French: D Y N A M I T E
Russian: Magic
S. Chinese: nbb

There shouldn't be any huge issues with compatibility.
If you do encounter issues, try moving it higher in the load order.

Legal Stuff
"The Rotting King" is not an official Red Hook Studios product or product modification, and Red Hook Studios Inc. is not responsible in any way for changes or damages that may result from using the mod. Furthermore, “Darkest Dungeon” and the Darkest Dungeon logo are trademarks of Red Hook Studios Inc. All content in the game is Copyright Red Hook Studios Inc. All rights reserved.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (2)
2023年10月31日 1時07分
ピン留め: Interested in translating this mod?
2023年9月8日 0時43分
Suggestions for the boss
Wilfred Wolf
77 件のコメント
Knave of Chalices 4月25日 14時32分 
Hey, how did you make it so the Rotting trinkets had that sparkle around their edges?
Antoninus Pius 4月11日 2時31分 
When the boss killed both his cultists he just kept passing turns. Is that normal? I feel like I've missed something here.
Steven Legstrong 2023年10月3日 21時31分 
Ok so, this boss is literally a pushover if you have an ability that summons an ally enemy.
For example, any summoning trinket from Spider Nests 2 (Monster Mod) or Magician Class mod's crystal summoning ability.
So, yeah, you can consistently win this fight without taking a single hit of damage
Bryggel 2023年5月3日 15時41分 
I only got 2 trinkets out of the three :(
ΠITΣSHIFTツ 2023年4月5日 22時04分 
So I've had the mod loaded 2nd to the top and I'm far past the required weeks and have way more than 4 lvl 6 hero's
leagueofsam 2023年2月26日 4時48分 
can you turn this boss into a playable class ? not like a leper re-skin , cause the boss look so cool.
Друманин Дрин 2023年1月21日 15時54分 
I really enjoyed the fight xd
Would prefer honestly to see his mini-version as wandering boss somewhere.
Visual is just OUTSTANDING! Cant be used just one time xd
I barely killed him with mage, cainheirst knight, bogatyr and veiled.

He is simple, but strong boss. So much HP and you literally cant stun him. Even healing doesnt help, cause he is overdamaging. So, better to pray for working deaths doors and his rare misses.
Im really not sure if its possible to make him better. Maybe its fair that you cant stun him, but he is vulnerable to the blood at least?
For now I can say it was great fight. Ill try to investigate it more!

+karma for russian translation. Much better to play.
Frooty Gamer 2023年1月18日 17時39分 
My mans thiccer then a bowl of herbs
Werxan 2023年1月11日 19時39分 
Heya, id love to translate this into czech if possible:)
SnakeEater776 2022年12月18日 7時13分 
really cool idea for a boss but with 2 crusaders, a jester and a vestal (thought he would be a front line because leper) i found it a bit to easy to just brute force. i didn't know about the mechanic at first and only when he killed both cultists did i realise what was going to happen, still managed to get out of there with all 4 alive though. although i did get a decent few lucky crits.