Portal 2
New Cave Tests
This is a 15 Part Map-series in Cave Johnson Style I've created with BEE Mod and Stylechanger.
Its all around Gel.
Maybe I'lle remake some of the Maps with hammer, when I find the Time for it. For now this is what you can play^^
I've also added the Map "Fizzler Jump" to this collection wich was planed to be a Part of the last Map, but got released as a stand-alone Map

All maps are tested and work to 100%

Have fun :)
アイテム (16)
New Cave Tests (Part 1) Blue Gel Intro
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
The First map of my new Mappack "New Cave Tests" with Gel-Tests in Cave Johnson style. Ignore the Cave-Lines, they doesn't matter. The Stylechanger mod insert them automatocally and I cant Change/remove them :( This map was tested by Chikorita83 and Rafail...
New Cave Tests (Part 2) The Paintfizzler
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Part 2 Of my new Mappack "New Cave Tests" Intriducing the new Testing-element, the "Paintfizzler" wich fizzlers paint. This map was tested by Chikorita83 and Rafail Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger ...
New Cave Tests (Part 3) Orange Gel
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Part 3 Of my new Mappack "New Cave Tests" First Use of the orange Gel. This map was tested by Chikorita83 and Rafail Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 4) Gelcube
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Part 4 Of my new Mappack "New Cave Tests" you May know it as a Cleanstylemap called Gelcube I released early at the beginnig of PTI. Thi is e better version of it in Cavenstyle. This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 5) Faithbridge
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
The 5. Part of the Mappack New Cavetest, Introducing the "Areal Faiht Gel" and a new gamechanic that wasn't used in the Main-Game This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 6) GelBridge
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
An here it is: Part 6 of the Mappack. Its a little harder than the Tests before. have fun :) This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 7) The White Gel
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Map 7 now available. It introduces the last (really the last ?) Gel, the conversion Gel. Have Fun^^ This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 8) All 3 Gels
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Part 8 of "New Cave Tests", first Test using all 3 Gels This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 9) Gelflo(w)
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Part 9 of "New Cave Test" a Remake of the cleanstylemap "Gelflo", uses all 3 Gels^^ This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 10) Lasers Everywhere
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Based on Chikorita83's "Prison escape" (with his permission) This is a more extendet map of it, featuring lasers^^ This map was tested by Chikorita83 Also some Ideas of Chikorita83 where used Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 11) Pneumatic Tests
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
This map uses the scraped out Pnematic diversity Vent, in combination with Gels^^ This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 12) A new Gel?
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
You thougth you know already all Gels? WRONG! this is the newest invention of Aperture Science innovators, the reflection-gel that changes the path of a Laser. It was scrapped out of the main-game^^ This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Style...
New Cave Test (Part 13) 4 in 1
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
This are 4 small Gel-Based Cave-Johnson Maps in one. Enjoy :) This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 14) Gelfunnel
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
There is a funnel in the middle of thi Testchamber. Use it to get the Gel to its destination! This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
New Cave Tests (Part 15) The huge final Test
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
Finally, the Last map, one of the biggest I ever build. Have fun^^ It is containig all Gel-Types ! This map was tested by Chikorita83 Used Mods: #BEE #Stylechanger...
Fizzler Jump
作成者 Prinzessin Emily
You need Blue Gel behind the fizzler, but the Gel-dropper is in front of the Fizzler. Find a way to get the Gel on its Place. This Map was planed as part of the Final map from my upcomming Mappack "New cave Tests" But then I changed the concept of the map ...