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(OUTDATED 2.5) Zer0's Infinity Stones: Comic version
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2019. júl. 7., 11:18
2019. szept. 29., 12:03
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(OUTDATED 2.5) Zer0's Infinity Stones: Comic version




As soon as I saw the relic system for Stellaris, I knew I had to add the Infinity Stones as relics and here it is, around [insert number of months here] late! I wanted to implement each of the six stones into the game in a way that they still felt like they were from Stellaris, however, were slightly more powerful than the vanilla relics.

What this mod does

Adds eight new relics into the game, with six new star systems to receive seven of the relics in and one new technology. Six of the relics are the Infinity Stones, one is the Infinity Gauntlet, and the last one is a secret. The effects of the stones, where to obtain them and other details about the stones can be found in this document here[]. This document contains spoilers for the mod.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can the AI get the Stones, use the Stones and can you get the Stones from the AI?
A. Yes the AI can get the stones, and they will priorities using the stones over most relics. Any empire with a stone gains a CB against them which allows you to go to war against them for the stone. If an empire is destroyed or vassalised there stones are randomly distributed to another empire.

Q. Can I have a list of commands?
A. Yes[].

Q. Aren't the Stones a bit OP/weak?
A. Most of the Stones effects are similar to the vanilla relics (e.g. The Power Stone and Reality Stones effects are both taken from base game relics) the only difference being they are cheaper to activate and some of the cooldowns are shorter. Currently, as of writing this, the only stones I feel needs a rebalances are the Time Stone as it is considerably weaker than the other stones, and the Space Stone, as Jumping anywhere is a bit OP.


I don't think you need the Ancient relics DLC to use this mod, as the relic system is vanilla, however, I haven't tested it.
You shouldn't need any DLC to play the mod, you just need the latest version.
The colossi from Apocalypse, in theory, could break the mod by destroying a relic site; however, this is your own fault.
Is multiplayer compatible.
Isn't Iron-man Compatible
Not save game compatible (unless you add the relics manually)

Bug Reporting and Feedback

Although English is my first language, I suck at it, so if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes, please inform me and I'll fix them asap.

I don't want to make too many changes to the mod; however, I do want to make sure the stones are balanced, so if you have any suggestions on making sure the mod is perfectly balanced, feel free.

Although you can post bug reports on steam, they aren't very useful most of the time due to the constraints of the workshop, so I'd suggest posting them on my discord if you have an issue.
My Discord[]

If you are going to post a bug report, please give a detailed report of what happened and any other mods you are using at the time.


Thanks to Zhenadii for translating the mod into Russian!

Thanks to INFINI7E for translating the mod into Chinese!
84 megjegyzés
Zer0  [készítő] 2020. márc. 19., 0:10 
Zer0  [készítő] 2020. márc. 17., 1:13 
With the DLC coming out today, i'd just like to tell everyone that once I finish work I will be spending all my efforts on updating and releasing the mod. Please be patient, I want it released as much as you do.
Zer0  [készítő] 2020. febr. 4., 22:28 
Thanks, I'll fix it later
Darmug 2020. febr. 4., 18:19 
On the Reality Stone dig site, I found a grammar mistake were it says "TSend teams to the 9 worlds" I think that's how it said but the TSend needs to get fixed.
Zer0  [készítő] 2019. dec. 23., 23:52 
I'll have a look into it. Thanks.
Gwazi Magnum 2019. dec. 23., 19:13 
I've noticed a bug where the Science Rewards given in the dig sites before finding the infinity stones don't actually apply.
Zer0  [készítő] 2019. okt. 24., 11:57 
And finally finally, thank you all for the amazing support you have given me over the past few months, it means the world to me that so many of you have enjoyed this mod as much as I have.
Zer0  [készítő] 2019. okt. 24., 11:57 
Just a quick update. First of all, the mod works for 2.5, I know the launcher says otherwise, but trust me, it's fine.
Secondly, I am waiting for the next DLC before I officially update the mod to the newest version. I'm working on alot of new features (that can be seen on the document listed above) and I want that update to be the perfect version of the mod. The diplomacy changes in the next update will allow me to finally make the Mind Stone act in a way I am happy with and hopefully there will be some changes to the Relic system in the update that allow the trading of the Stones diplomatically.
Finally, like I said previously, I want this update to be perfect but also the last feature update so if you have any suggestions for features for the mod, your last chance will be between now and the next DLC. Please check the link to make sure your feature isn't already in the works: {HIVATKOZÁS TÖRÖLVE}
MaxTheCatfish 2019. okt. 12., 7:31 
For anyone looking for faction ideas for your Infinity War playthrough, I made a bunch of them here:
Zer0  [készítő] 2019. okt. 11., 13:24 
So i've researched updating mods to 2.4 and the advise i've been given is don't. I've tested all the main features on 2.4 and they work and as not much code was changed it should all be alright any.
When 2.5 or the next DLC roles around I will do a formal update to 2.4 new mod system but until then there is zero need for me to do it.