

(OUTDATED 2.5) Zer0's Infinity Stones: Comic version
Zer0  [author] Mar 19, 2020 @ 12:10am 
Zer0  [author] Mar 17, 2020 @ 1:13am 
With the DLC coming out today, i'd just like to tell everyone that once I finish work I will be spending all my efforts on updating and releasing the mod. Please be patient, I want it released as much as you do.
Zer0  [author] Feb 4, 2020 @ 10:28pm 
Thanks, I'll fix it later
Darmug Feb 4, 2020 @ 6:19pm 
On the Reality Stone dig site, I found a grammar mistake were it says "TSend teams to the 9 worlds" I think that's how it said but the TSend needs to get fixed.
Zer0  [author] Dec 23, 2019 @ 11:52pm 
I'll have a look into it. Thanks.
Gwazi Magnum Dec 23, 2019 @ 7:13pm 
I've noticed a bug where the Science Rewards given in the dig sites before finding the infinity stones don't actually apply.
Zer0  [author] Oct 24, 2019 @ 11:57am 
And finally finally, thank you all for the amazing support you have given me over the past few months, it means the world to me that so many of you have enjoyed this mod as much as I have.
Zer0  [author] Oct 24, 2019 @ 11:57am 
Just a quick update. First of all, the mod works for 2.5, I know the launcher says otherwise, but trust me, it's fine.
Secondly, I am waiting for the next DLC before I officially update the mod to the newest version. I'm working on alot of new features (that can be seen on the document listed above) and I want that update to be the perfect version of the mod. The diplomacy changes in the next update will allow me to finally make the Mind Stone act in a way I am happy with and hopefully there will be some changes to the Relic system in the update that allow the trading of the Stones diplomatically.
Finally, like I said previously, I want this update to be perfect but also the last feature update so if you have any suggestions for features for the mod, your last chance will be between now and the next DLC. Please check the link to make sure your feature isn't already in the works: {LINK REMOVED}
MaxTheCatfish Oct 12, 2019 @ 7:31am 
For anyone looking for faction ideas for your Infinity War playthrough, I made a bunch of them here:
Zer0  [author] Oct 11, 2019 @ 1:24pm 
So i've researched updating mods to 2.4 and the advise i've been given is don't. I've tested all the main features on 2.4 and they work and as not much code was changed it should all be alright any.
When 2.5 or the next DLC roles around I will do a formal update to 2.4 new mod system but until then there is zero need for me to do it.
Zer0  [author] Sep 29, 2019 @ 12:21pm 
Afternoon all, i've updated the mod. Nerfed the Soul Stone, made it so Fallen Empires don't hate you, fixed some bugs and added a Chinese translation thanks to INFINI7E
Zer0  [author] Sep 17, 2019 @ 1:43am 
In the document that shows the details of the mod, it outlines my future plans, which includes changing the malice from fallen empires and changing how the soul stone works.
IllCaesar Sep 17, 2019 @ 12:39am 
Oh also for the Soul Gem event I feel like you shouldn't be rewarded the soul gem unless you choose correctly, so to speak. One of the options for that event seems way better than the other and I feel like it defeats the point of the choice if you don't pick the one that sacrifices the most. Maybe soft lock you out of it if you don't choose correctly - I dunno, maybe randomly reward the gem to another empire so that the gem is still in play but so that you don't have it.
IllCaesar Sep 16, 2019 @ 10:58pm 
I'm not sure if it was intended but Fallen Empires get the diplomacy debuff as well, causing fallen empires to declare war. Even happened with a xenophilic fallen empire. It absolutely makes sense for awakened empires to respond in such a way but not necessarily an isolationist fallen empire.
Zer0  [author] Sep 12, 2019 @ 10:42am 
Yeah, the Time Stone is getting a similar buff in the next verison :steamhappy:
LMeire Sep 12, 2019 @ 8:20am 
Maybe you could buff the Time stone by making it give you a random repeatable tech "from the future"?
theozian1 Aug 30, 2019 @ 2:04pm 
I dont think theres ever been an official statement why, or if there was it wasnt memorable,

But that is why two versions exist
BeyondTilted Aug 29, 2019 @ 8:23pm 
oh shit why did they change the min the comics and movies... weird
Zer0  [author] Aug 29, 2019 @ 9:08am 
There's two versions of the mod, one with the movie colours, one with the comic ones. This is the comic one.
BeyondTilted Aug 29, 2019 @ 3:53am 
are you aware the colors for t he stones are wrong...
Zer0  [author] Aug 28, 2019 @ 9:06am 
They get randomly distributed to other empires if you're a puppet.
Towboat421 Aug 28, 2019 @ 8:37am 
More of a question than anything but are the stones supposed to transfer to a fallen empire if they demand you become subjugated. I collected two then the fallen empire demanded i yield and when i did the two stones and the gauntlet were gone from my inventory.
Aren117 Aug 25, 2019 @ 7:41pm 
@Zer0 From looking into it and I still don't know exactly what doing it. However I now Know 100% it only happens when a NPC gets more then one relic. What I think is happening is a modded relic is somehow conflicting with the stones. But that's hard to believe thanks to your custom relic code. So im still looking in to it. All I know is that when it happens they even vanish from the save files. which makes hunting down this bug not easy.
Zer0  [author] Aug 24, 2019 @ 10:45am 
That's bizarre, that mod must be doing some funky stuff in the background to make that happen.
Towboat421 Aug 24, 2019 @ 8:52am 
Hey zero i am having the same thing as Aren117 though i do have a point in the game in which i believe it happened. I was using the ascendancy mod and advanced to an ascended empire which seemed to wipe every artifact from existence once the special project was complete.
Aren117 Aug 16, 2019 @ 3:54pm 
@Zer0 Sorry, I didn't see your post. I can send you a save file, but at the moment the modder in me is having fun finding the bug myself. As of now my best bet is some sort of overlapping with another mod. Once I figure out if that's true in play testing. I will the try to find out what mod the conflict but that will take time. I'm doing this in game because looking at others code gives me a headache.
Nikolajgs Aug 15, 2019 @ 6:00am 
can i come with a suggestion regarding the infinity gauntlet? maybe make it so you have the option of destroying half of all life and then add a few other options. after all it is the infinity gauntlet. it's. well. infinite possibilities and all that.
Zer0  [author] Aug 14, 2019 @ 2:52pm 
That seems bizarre, could you send me that save game
Aren117 Aug 14, 2019 @ 10:32am 
has anyone else had the some of the stones just disappear for the galaxy during the late mid game or the end game? I've it always happens in every game I start that at some point they just go poof. No AI empire have them even when you know they have been discovered. At one point I used console commands to uncover eveything just to find out they no longer existed.
Zer0  [author] Aug 13, 2019 @ 11:18pm 
If you use the Casus Beli for the stones, it will always go to you. If you destroy the empire, it gets randomly distributed.
omnidragon001 Aug 13, 2019 @ 5:45pm 
im loving the mod so far as i have currently the space gem,power gem, soul gem and im at war now twice to get the mind was first belonging to a hive mind empire ,i went to war with them and i beat them and the mind gem went to another hive mind empire across the galaxy.i request that if u can make it to the victor goes the spoil.i feel kinda robbed that a another empire across the galaxy got it after all my hard work of conquering them.if u do make it that the stones(gems) go to the victor as spiols of war that all known empires at the times will get increased negative favor towards you that could create a casus beli that gives them a war option to end threat .it grows in chance as more stones that you obtain culminating in a whole galaxy wide casus beli against the player with all 6 gems and the infinity gauntlet
Aren117 Aug 11, 2019 @ 4:43pm 
@mayhemX8 I also just took down a FE who had the time and power stones... So maybe your just really bad at the game. The FE AI are incredibly predictable with there ship set ups. So setting up a fleet to perfectly counter them is super easy.
Aren117 Aug 11, 2019 @ 4:33pm 
I Just have to say that I dislike the rebalancing. They are the infinity stones they need to be OP that's there whole point! That's why NPC declare to stop you from using them. Because they a huge threat. Take the space stone for example. Yes, jumping anywhere is OP but it dose fit the stone perfectly. So maybe instead of getting rid of that completely. You could add additional road blocks to that power. Like new technologies or longer cool downs.
Zer0  [author] Aug 11, 2019 @ 1:43am 
I'd thought i'd make a video demo-ing the new infinity gauntlet so here you go:
theozian1 Aug 10, 2019 @ 11:29am 
@mayhemX8 considering the lore behind the stones themselves

it does make sense for the FEs to be very uber miffed at you for having them, they are FALLEN meaning theyve already experienced the basics of absolute power corrupts absolutely
Zer0  [author] Aug 10, 2019 @ 8:10am 
There's another Infinity Stones mod if you wanna play it, however, in that, most of the stones are locked behind Fallen Empires so it's up to you.
Zer0  [author] Aug 10, 2019 @ 8:07am 
I'm sorry that because I won't bow to your every whim that you don't want to play my mod, but like I said, it's my mod not yours, and whilst I welcome criticism, i'm not beholden to it. In fact, you suggested before that I should make it so other leaders other than the default should be able to become Thor, and I have implemented that for the next update, because I thought it was a good idea.
Zer0  [author] Aug 10, 2019 @ 8:07am 
I have played with Fallen Empires and I always accept any demands they send so they don't war me. I'm sorry if it upsets you that I wont change my mod to your liking, but it's my mod not yours. I do take criticism on board, i'm changing the empire infinity gauntlet as people complained about how it worked, and i've nerfed and buffed stones according to peoples suggestions.

In all of the test games I've played, i've never had a problem with fallen empires because I accepted there demands. And they should hate you anyway. The Infinity Stones in this mod change the balance of the universe completely so why would they not like you having them.

On the subject of the power stone, every test game i've played, i've never started with the power stone and have had to fight a war to take it. So yes, you can be stronger than an empire with the power stone.
Journeyman Prime Aug 10, 2019 @ 6:52am 
Unsubbed. Consider yourself blacklisted.
Journeyman Prime Aug 10, 2019 @ 6:33am 
Well that pretty much means that you can't play with FE's in-game with this mod, because they'll just beat you (and everyone else) up, take the stones away, and become utterly unstoppable.

I don't know what I expected honestly, you seem to be the type of modder that just doesn't care about anything reported and completely dismisses suggestions out of hand. Guess I'll just play w/out FE's whenever I use this and hope someone less narcassistic duplicates this mod.

@Acolyte Deleted that game immediately upon that war ending. And there's no such thing as being "stronger" than an empire with the Power Stone without using the dynamic difficulty mod to game the system and nerf all AI into the ground, which just feels cheap and counteracts the entire purpose for playing the game: To have fun. But its fine, I just won't allow FE's in games where I'm playing with this mod on. It's sad because FE's are my favourite end-game crisis, but whatever.
The Angry Cheese Aug 10, 2019 @ 4:54am 
Take the stones back when you're stronger, Mayhem.
Zer0  [author] Aug 10, 2019 @ 4:35am 
Why? Of course fallen empire's are going to hate you. You have 3 infinity stones.
Journeyman Prime Aug 9, 2019 @ 11:57pm 
Are the FE's supposed to care that you have the infinity stones? Just had a game where the FE hated me and joined a war against me purely because I had 3 stones. Even with the stones I'm never ready to take on an FE at 2280, and because they joined the war against me, the Power Stone went to my rivals...yeah. Not cool.

Would it be possible to maybe nerf the FE's opinion malus against you to maybe 10 per stone or 20 instead of 50?
Zer0  [author] Aug 6, 2019 @ 2:07pm 
stone colours
The Angry Cheese Aug 6, 2019 @ 1:06pm 
What's the difference between the MCU and Comic versions?
Journeyman Prime Jul 24, 2019 @ 11:55pm 
Also, I can understand gender-locking Captain Marvel, but I'd prefer it being random so that its more of an equal opportunity trait. As with the Thor trait, if you won't change the mod at least give me the trait ID so I can assign it to whoever I want.
Journeyman Prime Jul 24, 2019 @ 11:48pm 
What is the cheat name for the "Thor" trait? I want to be able to give my leaders the trait at will since Male and female Thors seem to have pre-determined races (skin colors) regardless of species. If you aren't going to make the leader that spawns random then at least let me decide who gets the trait so I can have a black human Thor or a purple space-squid Thor etc...
Zer0  [author] Jul 23, 2019 @ 11:50pm 
It's going to be changed in the next version
Karamethien Jul 23, 2019 @ 4:42pm 
Is it possible to make the Infinity Gauntlet an option you choose? Right now as soon as you gather all the stones the whole galaxy hates you.
CaptainKampfkeks Jul 21, 2019 @ 5:02am 
Gotta agree with GodKingDarky. Also, when an empire is destroyed or conquered, shouldn't the stone automatically get to the destroyer?

"Sir, we seized the throne room of this xeono scum and found this strange stone. It seems to glow with power. What should we do?"
"I don't want anything to do with this xeno filth, throw it out the airlock or something."

...Now that I wrote it like that, it isn't even that far-fetched...
But still!