Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

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Diplomacy 4.litdum
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21 sept. 2018 la 10:08
28 febr. 2023 la 10:41
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Diplomacy 4.litdum


This is a complete overhaul for Mount & Blade Warband, with the best possible graphics, artificial intelligence(AI), animations, sounds, battle mechanics, scenes, tons of features, millions of bug fixes and many other improvements that I can't list them all here. In addition to all these, it's been also aimed to get the highest performance from the game. Although diplomacy is just one of tons of improvements and features in the mod, the mod's name is Diplomacy 4.litdum because I had started modding a few years ago with the diplomacy, which was my favorite feature at that time. Also, I like the name Diplomacy.
  • Diplomacy
    I assume basic Diplomacy features are already known. Many of them are improved and fixed. Also many other features have been added. Some of them:
    • Diplomatic employees(chancellor, constable and chamberlain) differ based on the faction or culture you choose.
    • AutoSell, AutoBuy and AutoLoot have been fixed.
    • The options to rule kingdom when you're co-ruler(married to a pretender who has taken the throne) have been fixed and improved.
  • Formations & Field Battle AI
    This is new battle tactics, formations, orders and field battle AI, which I built on motomataru's Battle Tactics Kit. I had started to improve it to fix some bugs, but as a result, I have built a brand new artificial intelligence. Moreover, despite the AI that I've highly improved, it has now very little CPU usage and provides the maximum performance. I don't think this has been done any better for Warband so far!
  • Naval Battles, Sea Travel & Sea Trade
    This includes sea travel, sea battle, sea trade, sea quests etc.
    • If you have a ship in the town port, you can get some sea quests from the town's Guild Master.
    • You can loot trader ships or escort them for some money.
    • Highly improved sea battles:
      ►SHORT VIDEO: Naval Battle:
  • PreBattle Orders & Deployment
    This includes some new orders, AI additions, options such as having bodyguards and of course prebattle orders and deployment options.
    • Millions of bugs have been fixed.
    • Spearwall order and spear bracing for the player have been fixed and improved.(The new spearwall AI is already mentioned above.)
    • Weapon orders are persistent until the troops are ordered otherwise.
    • Real Deployment Phase has been added, which allows you to position your troops on the field before the battle:
      ►SHORT VIDEO: PreBattle Orders & Deployment:
  • New Sieges & Siege AI
    Sieges have been improved and a new siege AI has been created. The AI is basically that attacker(besieger) archers decide whether to stand on the ground and fire or attack the walls, based on the current strength and position of the defenders, instead of attacking the walls directly.
    • Defender archers are a bit more effective, so it's a little more difficult to conquer a castle/town.
    • A new siege tower has been added.
    • Defender archers use flaming arrows.
  • Freelancer
    This allows you to enlist in a lord's army as his soldier.
    • Millions of bugs have been fixed.
    • It's become much more enjoyable with the new battle tactics AI.
    • You will get payment for each enemy that you beat while in the army based on their levels.
    • If you don't give back all the equipments you've taken, while the promotion or leaving the army, you'll be fired from the army as a thief. So, be sure you haven't sold or thrown out these equipments.
  • New Castles
    Castles now have their own economy so castle incomes are much more reasonable and not depending on only it's bounded village.
    • All castles have farms, houses, animals etc. in their courtyards and people living in.
    • Some quests are available from the Town Elders in castles.
    • You can buy supplies from the castles as well.
  • Tournament Play Enhancement
    This is a brand new and detaily improved tournament gameplay, which changes the system for winning tournaments from "being the last man standing" to "earning the highest score".
    • Billions of bugs have been fixed.
    • Participants skills have been fixed to reasonable levels. Focused on competition in scoring rather than too strong participants. So tournaments have been made much more enjoyable.
    • Ranking display have real portraits of participants.
    • New, cultural and differentiate tournament equipments.
  • New Kingdom AI & Inheritance System
    Kingdom AI has improved so that kingdoms are more stable. At least until the player advance enough to get involved in the things.
    • If a fief is a lord's starting land, the lord or his family has advantage to be granted this fief after it's gained back by their kingdom.(Inheritance System)
    • Marshals are replaced a little less frequently.
    • Kingdoms attach more importance to their original territory.
  • Custom Banner
    You can create your banner with very detailed options.
  • Item Improvement
    Weapons, armors and horses can be improved by speaking with the town merchants.
  • New Feasts
    New animations, foods and drinks for the lords and ladies who joined the feast.
  • Auxiliary Player in Battle (Bodysliding)
    You can control another soldier in your party to continue the battle after you were knocked out.
  • Lords Changing Factions
    You can turn off changing factions/defection for vassals on "Diplomacy 4.litdum preferences".
  • Lords Changing Cultures
    This allows the lords to use their new kingdom's culture while recruiting for their army after defection. You can enable it on "Diplomacy 4.litdum preferences".
  • Maximum Battle Size has been increased to 450
  • All the scenes have been overhauled to be unique
  • Bridge Battles
  • Pausing at enemies on fast travel
  • Adding troops to garrison from parties accompanying player
  • New Combat Animations
  • Overhead spear thrust
  • Ethnic faces
  • New blood and sound effects
  • Balanced kingdom strenghs
  • Darkness proplem has been solved
  • and millions more features, improvements and fixes that I don't even remember...

For More Detailed Description:

➜Türkçe Forum:[]

➜English Forum:[]

➜OPTIONAL FILES: DirectX7, Unreadable Texts, Native Combat Animations, v0.3 Female Faces:

Discuții populare Vezi toate (47)
25 mai la 8:15
IMPORTANT: Bug Reports
29 mart. la 3:36
22 ian. 2023 la 21:34
IMPORTANT: Unreadable texts problem[Solution]
958 comentarii
comolokko4735er 10 iun. la 6:24 
En kaliteli Warband modu bu, başka yok
ChiefBeef 7 iun. la 0:35 
sieges lag really bad. any fix?
efe 4 iun. la 13:45 
Ginno the Seer 31 mai la 13:43 
I also want custom troop trees
Noob0 29 mai la 11:06 
This mod should be the basis of more mods, the features in this are brilliant!

3 requests (if anybody has the time)

custom troop trees : I have a mods that lets a player build their own custom troop tree for their kingdoms troops. Its so much fun!

Start as vessel or monarch: to skip some of early game

Improved faces: because pretty

the mod "Golden Age" has all three of these features, so maybe just talking to that dev will make doing all of this a quick copy paste job xD

extra: Would be awesome if you could add the 80 companions mod too
erensmz58 25 mai la 10:05 
kendi krallıgımı olusturduktan sonra sahıpsız köyleri ne kendime ne de derebeylerime verebiliyorum bakana gidiyorum o da yapmıyor yardım help
Polish 25 mai la 7:04 
best game enchantment mod but add better sieges :steamthumbsup:
terreance 23 mai la 7:24 
BezzyDoots 22 mai la 9:52 
Is it a bug or a feature that I can't become a mercenary as a female character?
Eversor Assassin #2456 14 mai la 2:05 
Shame there isn't an update for siege warfare here. It brings the game down being forced to go up one ladder or one siege tower absolute slog fest losing your own troops and allies