

377 ratings
[LEGACY] (PA - 2LW) Mountain Passage
Content Type: Maps, Maps - Mod Tools
File Size
15.328 MB
Jul 1, 2018 @ 1:42am
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[LEGACY] (PA - 2LW) Mountain Passage

In 2 collections by Vel
Vel's Collection of Dank Maps
20 items
Vel's Seal of Quality
43 items
Come on down to the Project Altirus Discord for updates, more info, to leave feedback, or join us in talking nonsense and making stuff up.

Map Type: Skirmish
Recommended bots: 60-80
Recommended weapons: Project Altirus: The Second Leersog War pack; vanilla medic/ammo bags, wrench, saber

Syrvania's invasion of Hetland was taking much longer than they expected. Having troops to spare, they opened a second front in the mountain region. This caught Hetland's small reserves off-guard and Syrvania's suprise attacked was pulled off as they wanted.There still was a proble, crossing the mountains and crossing Hettish territory to encircle their Army in the front.

This map is a medium sized map, it has medium to long range engagements and heavily based on vehicle combat.You won't last long on foot, so use vehicles in your advantage. The map is balanced in a way Syrvania wins (That's what they do lore-wise) but you can change the balance slider to Hetland and make it somewhat equal. Hetland is the only one with planes, they still have vehicles but they are worse than Syrvania's.

This project is still very much a WIP, so everything is subject to alteration, and additions are forthcoming.

Tags: Snow, Mountains, Altirus, River, Bridges, Syrvania, Hetland, Tanks, Aircraft
Eyalonsky Nov 8, 2022 @ 11:27am 
Vel  [author] Nov 8, 2022 @ 4:33am 
That is because Sofa cannot change the name of the workshop item and I never checked, fixed it.
Eyalonsky Nov 7, 2022 @ 6:01pm 
no legacy in the name
Bad Sergeant James Mar 5, 2022 @ 1:11am 
hmmm do I need these wapons or is it just for the theme
Papa_Melchett May 11, 2020 @ 11:33pm 
ah that sucks. nevermind if you cant remake it. but it would be greatly appreciated if you did!
Vel  [author] May 11, 2020 @ 1:17am 
I made everything for this map, thusly it was removed in the wipe. Sofa never had access to it because there was no need to. With Altirus cancelled and my files lost, I think this is lost to time.
Papa_Melchett May 10, 2020 @ 9:34pm 
if ya cant do anything thats fine.
Papa_Melchett May 10, 2020 @ 9:33pm 
ah that sucks. i really love the anti tank plane. wait if you could contact sofa and see if he still has the assets somewhere or could remake it? if not thats fine. this is probably the best mod franchise ever!
Vel  [author] May 10, 2020 @ 1:50am 
These vehicles were lost a year ago when I bought a new computer. I'm not the original mod creator, that'd be Sofa, but he can't do much about it.
Papa_Melchett May 10, 2020 @ 1:05am 
hey if you're still able to work on your amazing modding project could you put the hettic aircraft in the vehicle pack? and if possible the artillery truck and the anti aircraft gun. many thanks!