Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

183 人が評価
Moscow Map
3.982 MB
2018年1月10日 23時24分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Moscow Map

Made for The Ping's Kremlin series, this map is on a true to life scale to match his assets. See that amazing collection of Moscow assets here:

The map uses the excellent Generic Tree Pack by Lost_Gecko, and has two bridges made by The Ping with roads carefully placed. The shores of the river are very rough and sharp because it's assumed you will either use quays, a custom seawall, or canals to finish off the edge. The jagged shapes wil even out once you place a shoreline feature.

Because it is at true life scale, the entirety of Moscow was not able to fit , but all of central Moscow is included, with the Kremlin at the center of this map.

This map was supposed to have infrastructure to match the real life location, for example matching hand-made intersections, 16 rail connections and many more highway connections. It was 3/4 of the way done when the file became corrupted thanks to a mod. So, we have here the second map, and only has the default 4x highway, 4x rail. I randomly picked which ones to use. If you would like more connections, which might make sense, you can do so using Unlimited Outside Connections mod.


If you'd like to treat me to a hot cocoa or book of maps, you can do so here at Paypal :)

38 件のコメント
Katanacss 2023年6月18日 4時30分 
Сколько тут тайтлов?
Замполит 2023年6月4日 2時10分 
крутая карта бро)
спасибо тебе!
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2022年2月26日 12時48分 
@anony5mouse wow that is an amazing map! You put a lot of work into it! I'm glad you used The Ping's bridges, too. He made those especially for this map.
Very nice new generation map! :) :steamthumbsup:
Corz299 2022年2月25日 11時49分 
good now i can assasinate putin in gmod
Need A Dispenser Here 2021年4月18日 9時25分 
Thanks!! I already did it.
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2021年4月18日 4時57分 
Hi, sorry it's been lost. :steamsad: You can easily get your own using this guide of mine. Go to the section "Get your overlay at Bigmap". You'll have to use the Overlayer v2 Mod's resizing and repositioning features, but I guess that's why those buttons exist :D
Need A Dispenser Here 2021年4月17日 17時02分 
Sorry to trouble you, but the overlay link you posted a few pages back has been deleted. I was about to try make my own overlay, but I would prefer using the original. Do you still have it somewhere? Would appreciate the help, thanks.
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2020年5月30日 14時40分 
MrMiyagi  [作成者] 2020年5月25日 12時35分 
Hi Timur Khan, it's gone :( but you can still very quickly download an even better overlay from bigmap. Go to my guide here and ignore everything else - just go to the Bigmap2 section of this guide. Use GIMP or Photoshop to make the overlay semitransparent, and you're ready to go!
Timur 2020年5月23日 13時37分 
Hi @MrMiyagi, I was wondering if you could re-upload the 4k Dropbox map, the link doesn't seem to work anymore.