Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

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How to set up the time to play a level in ROH2 SDK?
Hello guys, I'm trying to find the option in ROH2 SDK where I can determin that a map is played for 30 minutes. Additionally I want to set the timing when lockdown sets in, plus the lockdown time itself. If anybody has an idea, hint or guide please feel free to post it as an answer to this discussion. Thanks for your assistance.
Ultima modifica da Mocco; 2 gen 2015, ore 23:07
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It is in WORLD INFO in top menus for the map time, and in objective actor properties for the lockdown settings.

EDIT: Menu VIEW => WORLD PROPERTIES => WORLD INFO > add a ROMapInfo in MyMapInfo => in ROMapInfo you have all parameters to change for any map.
Ultima modifica da ®omano; 3 gen 2015, ore 3:11
Thanks a lot for all that links and the explanation.
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