Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

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mod ideas i think a ton of people would like.
personally i think in the normal campaign for rome, there should be more options for the legion banner symbols, to go with that it would be cool if each legion had different colors and symbols that matched their corresponding political party. In addition it would be cool as well to be able to customize the family symbol, that way the players are feeling more immersive with the campaign. i also think that alot of players would enjoy a minor visual detail such as the banner men leading each cohort having the amount of discs on their banner as the commander of the legion has, for instance if your general is a one star then the banner will show one disc, showing the amount of combat that general has been through, or something to the same degree.

Modders i need someone to make something like this or point me to the direction of mods that do these things. Please and thank you.